DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania: Aquavolve, LLC is the U.S. based dealer, distributor, installer, and maintenance service provider of water generating condenser units invented by Marc Parent, Eole Water Founder & CEO of St. Tulle, France. Aquavolve's V.P. of International Relations, Chris Mancini, along with Founder & CEO, Dan Konstanty, have been campaigning in Tanzania to sell the Eole Water "Water Making Systems" or WMS. Mr. Parent has developed the WMS to be powered either by wind, solar, grid tie, or a combination of the three power sources to generate up to 1800 liters per day of World Health Organization quality, clean, safe drinking water.
The WMS 30kW unit with the solar panel option can be either powered exclusively by the sun, or can also be connected to a grid tie for maximum water production at night. Wind turbine WMS units are also available, but the solar units are the most economical and best option for Tanzania given the climate and sun exposure.
Humanities Reporter, Ed Qorro, met with Aquavolve VP Chris Mancini in Dar Es Salaam prior to the Skype interview with Aquavolve CEO Dan Konstanty, who was in France at the time hosting a plant tour for a group interested in developing a WMS solution for Senegal. Ed Qorro's article does a great job of humanizing the plight of Tanzanian citizens dealing with critically scarce safe water resources, the solution that Aquavolve and Eole Water can provide, and points to government funding that could solve the problem. Aquavolve hopes that the article will help to connect it with the Tanzanian Government to work on a solution together. Aquavolve also hopes that anyone who favors the solution that the WMS provides will "Like" the Aquavolve page on Facebook as a show of support among local residents of any community.
More information on Aquavolve can be found at www.aquavolve.com and is located in a suburb of Boston, MA, United States. For inquiries, please call +1-617-852-8223 or write to info@aquavolve.com