DAKAR (Senegal): The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) has signed two grants to support economic development in Senegal. The grants will benefit GIE Kawral of Kanawal (Kawral), GIE Hafia Dalaba (Hafia), and GIE Pampy of Oudoucar (Pampy).
After signing the grants, USADF President Lloyd Pierson stated, "USADF serves the most marginalized populations in Africa. With these grants, USADF is funding economic development for those who otherwise would have limited access to higher incomes."
Kawral is a community based group located in Kanawal that helps its members improve their living standards by organizing the cultivation of vegetables and the processing of baobab fruit. There are currently 37 members, 34 of whom are women. The members of Kawral primarily earn their income by processing baobab fruit into powder, which it sells to a marketing intermediary. Currently, the production is done on an ad-hoc basis, and the members do not participate in the marketing. The grant will finance an irrigation system, equipment, training, and improvements marketing skills.
Hafia is a community organization engaged in fonio production and processing. Fonio is a type of grain used for cereals. While there is a growing demand for fonio in Kedougou, Tambacounda, and Dakar, the group is unable to meet production and distribution quotas. One of the main problems is that farmers use traditional tools and processing techniques which are not suitable for commercial production levels. The two year grant will fund new equipment, training, a loan fund, and development of a marketing strategy.
Pampy helps its members improve their living standards by organizing the agricultural processing of baobab fruit and by providing extension officers and marketing support for small scale rice farmers and vegetable horticulturalists. There are currently 40 members, fifteen of whom are women, all of whom live in Oudoucar Village. The members of Pampy engage in small scale agriculture, but struggle to rise above subsistence level incomes. Members use rudimentary tools and traditional growing techniques, which limits crop yield. The two year grant will fund an irrigation system, agricultural processing equipment, and training.
USADF established programming in Senegal in 1987. Senegal's current portfolio stands at fifteen investment projects totaling more than two million dollars.
The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) is a United States Government agency dedicated to expanding access to economic opportunities to the most marginalized populations in Africa. Currently USADF operates in 20 African countries. Over the past 25 years, USADF has funded in excess of $200 million in African initiated and led development projects.