IANS | 21 Jun, 2024
Scientists from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
(JNCASR) Bengaluru, an autonomous institution under the Department of Science
& Technology (DST), on Thursday provided groundbreaking insights into a new
class of materials for energy harvesting and power generation.
Their work unraveled the electronic mechanisms governing chemical
bonding of new class of materials called incipient metals with metavalent
bonding (MVB) within a single 2D layer of Group IV “chalcogenides” that can
boost energy harvesting and power generation.
Chalcogenides can transition reversibly between amorphous and
crystalline phases in response to changes in temperature, pressure or
electrical fields.
The study by Professor Umesh Waghmare from Theoretical Sciences Unit at
JNCASR, explored the possibility of introducing the metavalent bonding (MVB)
within a single 2D layer of Group IV chalcogenides, investigating its
mechanisms and the resulting consequences on material properties.
“These materials, termed incipient metals, possess a combination of
properties that defy conventional understanding. They exhibit electrical
conductivity akin to metals, high thermoelectric efficiency characteristic of
semiconductors, and unusually low thermal conductivity, creating a triad of
properties that cannot be explained by traditional chemical bonding concepts,”
explained Professor Waghmare.
The study, published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition and
supported by JC Bose National Fellowship of the Science and Engineering
Research Board-DST and JNCASR research fellowship, provides a first-principle
theoretical analysis focusing on the bonding nature within five different 2D
lattices of Group IV chalcogenides.
This category includes compounds which exhibit remarkable properties,
transitioning reversibly from a glassy amorphous structure to a crystalline
form in less than 100 nanoseconds when subjected to heating or cooling.
Driven by an idea presented by Professor CNR Rao, the study aimed to
unravel the electronic mechanisms governing the chemical bonding in these
The findings, which took nearly two years of theoretical and
computational work, have shed light on the unique properties of these
materials, challenging conventional chemical bonding ideas.