Last updated: 23 Nov, 2021 |
India's rise on the world horizon
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D.C. PATHAK | 23 Nov, 2021
In the narrow narrative of domestic politics - marked by minority versus
majority controversy whipped up in the name of 'secularism', a
distorted projection of the strong governance of Prime Minister Modi as a
symbol of 'authoritarianism' and a deliberate attempt to misinterpret
nationalism as the promotion of 'Hindutva', what stands out in bold
relief is the rapid advance India has made internationally to get an
unprecedented recognition from the world community as a major power
influencing the issues of war and peace. This is a major development.
can recall the regime -- preceding the arrival of Modi on the national
scene -- when corruption was at its peak, policy making was at its
weakest and development was subordinated to communal politics. In the
area of foreign policy there was no independent evaluation of threat to
India's security from hostile neighbours and a kind of towing of the
American line of that time was in evidence. A telling illustration of
this was the Indian response to 26/11 when the government of the day
meekly accepted the US stand that the horrendous attack on Mumbai was
the doing of 'non state actors' in Pakistan and that the Pak army could
not be blamed for it -- this all was meant to ensure continuance of the
Indo-Pak dialogue in which the US was interested for its own strategic
Prime Minister Modi's quick rise as a popular leader was
attributable to his personal integrity, firm control on the
administrative machinery and political will to take bold decisions.
Indians were looking for such a head of the national government. People
of India have always favoured strong policies to safeguard national
security and while looking for economic development, not hesitated to
sacrifice personal comfort for the cause of the nation -- it is relevant
to recall how they positively responded to Prime Minister Shastri's
call for skipping one meal in a week, in the difficult environ created
by the 1965 Indo-Pak war.
Ever since Union Home Minister Amit
Shah has taken charge of internal security, externally instigated
terrorist violence has been contained, communal conflicts have been
controlled and political voices against symbols of nationalism seem to
have subsided. He has sent down a message to the states to take firm
action against political violence in keeping with their prime
responsibility for maintenance of law and order. The threat to India's
security today is not so much from an external attack as from the 'new
proxy war' in which hostile lobbies at home and abroad instigated by the
adversary took to subverting the belief of the citizens in one nation,
undivided people and strong national security. These covert attempts
should be countered with the help of public education on the role of the
citizen in safeguarding a democratic state and by invoking action
against any serious breach of the country's laws relatable to
maintenance of internal security.
Prime Minister Modi embarked on
a number of people-related projects as a part of his 'development for
all' mission and launched a massive infrastructure development programme
-- some of it catering to the dual civil-military use -- but his image
soared when he invoked India's sovereign right to deal a blow to the
external adversaries, suspended talks with Pakistan on the grounds of
cross border terrorism and sent a clear message to the US that the
American policy of hyphenating India and Pakistan and making a
distinction between 'good terrorists' and 'bad terrorists' would not do.
He has stuck to the line 'terror and talks do not go together' amidst
pressure at home and abroad built by vested interests, mobilised world
opinion against the threat from terrorists harboured by Pakistan and
what is remarkable, built a strong relationship with the US under
President Donald Trump and later in the Biden Presidency on the plank of
mutuality of interests in the spheres of economy and security. The
presence of an extremely competent National Security Advisor by his side
has greatly contributed to the success of Prime Minister Modi's
Current developments in the Pak-Afghan belt revolving
round the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan -- the
battleground of the longest 'war on terror' launched by the US in the
wake of 9/11 -- following negotiations with the Taliban and return of
the Kabul Emirate with the total support of Pakistan, have created a
major security threat for India.
In an extremely fruitful
initiative Ajit Doval, our NSA, hosted the Regional Security Dialogue on
Afghanistan -- a conference of the countries in the Afghan
neighbourhood at the level of National Security Advisors, at Delhi on
November 10 -- to discuss the Afghan scenario in its totality. There was
no question of the unrecognised Taliban government being invited to
this round table. The meet effectively created a broad convergence
amongst countries with security stakes in Afghanistan, on the threat of
terrorism emanating from the return of Taliban Emirate at Kabul marking
the spread of 'radicalisation' in the region. The conference
specifically called upon the Taliban government to ensure that Afghan
territory was not used for terror activity. India invited Russia which
has been with the Central Asian Republics - all of whom including
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazhakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan also
positively responded to India's invitation. Both Pakistan and China
though invited stayed away - the former questioning India's credentials
for holding the meet and the latter falling in line with Pakistan in
pursuance of its larger geopolitical strategy. Their absence only helped
to draw the attention of the meet on the collusive role of the Sino-Pak
axis in promoting the Taliban in Afghanistan.
India did well to
invite Iran as well - the Shiite country might be having problems with
the US and Israel but the fact that Islamic radicals harboured extreme
hatred towards Shias puts Iran and India on the same side so far as the
Taliban was concerned - and this is of strategic significance for India.
India may not have involved the US with the regional dialogue
considering the fact that the Biden Presidency was still handling the
American pullout from Afghanistan carried out in an embarrassingly messy
environ marked by the hostility of the Taliban - despite the Doha
agreement. The US would in any case welcome India's initiatives on
The Delhi meet has given a vital lead to India on
Afghanistan. It is good that this regional conference was hosted by the
NSA because Afghanistan under the Taliban Emirate is more of a global
security problem than a diplomatic issue - the democratic world was
still pondering over the question of giving recognition to this regime
in the first place. It has to be noted that the NSAs of the Central
Asian Republics around Afghanistan who were present in strength at the
Delhi Dialogue, all represented predominantly Muslim states which
favoured moderate Islam and clearly saw the risk of being overtaken by
radicalisation if the Taliban were to have a free run in Afghanistan.
conference adopted the 'Delhi Declaration' that reaffirmed the
commitment of the participating countries to combat terrorism in all its
forms and manifestations including its financing, work for dismantling
of terrorist infrastructure and counter 'radicalisation' to ensure that
Afghanistan would never become a safe haven for global terrorism. It
expressed 'deep concern' over the deteriorating socio-economic and
humanitarian situation and underlined the need for providing urgent
assistance to the troubled country. The Declaration pointed to the
critical need for establishing 'an open and truly inclusive government'
in Afghanistan that would have representation from all sections of the
Afghan society and uphold the fundamental rights of women, children and
minority communities.
What is important is that the statement
was as comprehensive and complete as the democratic world would have
wished it to be and goes a long way in securing international
disapproval of the rise of Islamic extremism and radicalism that the
return of the Kabul Emirate signified.
The event has brought a
great strategic gain for India in as much as it helps the two largest
democracies of the world to lead the global combat against the danger of
radicalisation and the threat of a new global terror arising from it.
Biden administration is currently focused on dealing with the Communist
dictatorship of China in the Indo-Pacific and elsewhere in the face of
the express intent of President Xi Jinping to make his country the
second superpower - in the process it seems to be overlooking the
Sino-Pak strategic partnership that had become a notch deeper since the
emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The US needs to have a closer
look at the significance of a Communist regime and a country standing by
Islamic radicals, coming on the same side politically in the emerging
'Cold War' between the US and China. The conference of the NSAs hosted
by Ajit Doval has precisely drawn attention to this. Pakistan has
predictably responded to India's regional initiative on Afghanistan by
calling a meeting of the big three - US, Russia and China - at Islamabad
close on the heels of the Delhi summit, and inviting the foreign
minister of the Afghanistan Emirate to it - Pakistan is the only country
that has recognised the Taliban government. Pakistan knows that because
of its role in Afghanistan it is on a discount in the eyes of the
countries of this region. It has however, sensed that the Biden
Presidency still valued its friendship for its mediatory role in the
Doha negotiations and its importance for the Saudi-led block in the
Muslim world that was pro-US. Policy makers in the US however, do seem
to be taking cognisance of the duplicitous play of Pakistan in the 'war
on terror' and also analysing the implications of the Sino-Pak
collaboration for the emerging geopolitics. India is playing its cards
well in dealing with the Pak-Afghanistan belt on the one hand and
countering China's aggressiveness both on the border and on the marine
front, on the other.
It goes to the credit of Prime Minister Modi
that he has in a short span of time elevated India to the position of a
major power that had a say in global issues of economic cooperation and
security. This has largely been made possible by a combination of
policies that drew upon bilateral relations resting on mutual economic
and security interests free of any ideological baggage of the past,
assertion of India's sovereign strength in handling any adversary and
demonstration of political will in taking hard decisions. This has
enabled the Modi government to respond to Chinese aggressiveness on the
LAC with a matching defence build up, actively associate with Quad to
show its solidarity with the democratic world's geopolitical moves
against a hostile Communist dictatorship and send a message to Pakistan -
through the surgical strike at Balakot - that any act of mischief
against India will be severely punished. Prime Minister Modi has done
remarkably well in establishing India's credentials as a believer in
world peace, international cooperation for economic development and
human welfare, at various forums addressed by him including the UN
General Assembly, G20, SCO and even Quad.
India's call for a
joint fight against terrorism has been combined with the initiative on
vaccination against Covid - this has already been acknowledged by the
world - and cooperation in the field of technology for economic
advancement. Modi's leadership has taken India's image forward
internationally in spite of the disruptive politics that its opponents
have taken to, at home.
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