Acceleration: A Macro And Bond Update
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Suyash Choudhary | 02 Mar, 2021
Bond markets around the world are not liking 2021 so far. As an
illustration, magnitude of rise in many major markets at the 10 year
point is of the order of 35 - 75 bps just in the last couple of months.
The latest spike has now finally even registered with growth oriented
assets which is, hopefully, the first clear sign that a market driven
adjustment phase for bonds may finally be in its last leg. India's bond
market rumble first started with the relatively innocuous introduction
of the variable reverse repo by the RBI and strengthened further with
the excess bond supply thrown in by the budget. However, dwarfing these
relatively manageable local developments has been this massive global
reflation trade. Looked at in context, the size of India's yield
adjustment doesn't look particularly outlier at all. It is therefore
this that requires the most analysis and will hence consume most of the
ink below:
The Reflation Trade
Let us start with stating
the obvious: 2021 was supposed to be the year of reopening, when
activity started returning to normal as we finally conquered the virus.
While the pent up demand was already visible in goods consumption,
services would open fully and global trade would come back roaring
again. With all of this would come some return of inflation as well and
hence market rates would need to start adjusting. This adjustment would
have likely been gradual as most developed market central banks,
including most importantly the US Federal Reserve, were assuring a long
period of ultra-accommodative policy that would allow labor markets to
heal and inflation to not only climb but also compensate for some of the
shortfalls of the past few years. However, a new element to this
expectation came in early 2021 when political changes in the US allowed
for the possibility of a near USD 2 trillion additional fiscal package
seeing the light of the day. This has allowed for the reflation trade to
find new wings with certain quarters now arguing that US is in the
midst of excessive fiscal pump-priming and endangering the return of
more inflation than the Fed may desire. Apart from this, yields will
also price in some aspect of the higher bond supply although this effect
is presumably of lesser relevance in an open international market like
the US.
In doing the above, however, the market is largely
breaking from the Fed. The Fed leadership continues to focus on the
large gaps in employment that still exist and their expectation that
inflation, while it will rise on base effects and on services re-opening
around the mid of this year, doesn't pose a medium term worry at all.
Put another way, and referring to these concepts as they are understood
in a day-to-day sense, the Fed is saying that while there will be an
acceleration this year, the speed will likely fall back to its previous
pace over the medium term. This is against what the market seems to be
expecting; that the speed has now changed and will settle at a
relatively higher level as compared with the recent few years pre-Covid.
This is visible in even long term traded inflation expectations now
jumping to comfortably above 2% and around the highest they have been
over the past 6- 7 years. All other things constant and after the near
term bout of inflation is seen through, it isn't immediately obvious why
this should be the case given that the US is now saddled with a very
different debt dynamic and an associated presumed further decline in
capital productivity. A similar argument can be made with respect to
longer term yields: to the extent their rise reflects higher bond supply
and near term inflation concerns, that is understandable. However, if
the market is now pricing in a higher level of neutral Fed funds rate
than before then this notion may be subject to challenges as well in the
time ahead.
India's Case
We must state here two somewhat obvious points:
It is a given that effective policy rates are too low and have to rise
over the next couple of years. Thus to say that RBI will have to start
normalizing is stating the obvious and doesn't really contribute much to
the debate. The issue rather is the pace and form of this
normalization. Our view, as expressed before, is that of a relatively
slow process to start with that "will involve more discretionary
adjustments to the price of liquidity (for instance by starting to
narrow the repo-reverse repo corridor at some point, most likely in the
second half of the calendar) rather than the quantity of it. Any
substantial policy steps taken to reduce the excess liquidity (automatic
lapsing of CRR relaxations, minor MSS issuances, etc are par for the
course, in the realm of current expectations, and don't count as
substantial policy steps in the current description) will risk
disrupting markets and send adverse intent signals"
(https://idfcmf.com/article/3568). We have also noted recently that "we
fully expect unwind / absorption measures ahead around liquidity (CRR
unwinds, term reverse repos, MSS (Market Stabilization Scheme) issuances
at some point) to co-exist with twist and outright OMOs (Open Market
Operations) to ensure that the effect higher up the curve is blunted"
(https://idfcmf.com/article/3766). Both these expectations have been
recently affirmed by the RBI governor. The point then when formulating
an investment strategy is to fully expect a normalization process ahead
that will largely focus on the overnight rate but will also transmit to a
somewhat more limited extent to yields up the curve. However given the
exceptional steepness in the curve especially at intermediate duration
points (5 - 6 years), one can have a scenario of yields rising and still
make enough returns over an investment horizon that justifies holding a
position (that is, under reasonable assumptions of yield rise, the
holding period return may exceed that available on shorter maturity
assets that actually match in maturity to that holding horizon). However
this thinking fails and cash becomes queen or king, if the pace of
change in yields is disruptive over shorter periods as has been the case
over the past 2 months. Once this adjustment runs through and the pace
of rise in yields normalizes, carry adjusted for duration starts to beat
holding cash again. It is also a given that market repricing moves will
not happen linearly. Therefore one should almost expect bouts of
disruption (although we admit to not having anticipated this severe a
bout over the past couple of months). However, what matters is the
underlying trend in pace of rise in yields over the medium term isn't so
disruptive that carry adjusted for duration and roll down effects stop
yielding much. Basis our expectations as outlined above, we continue to
believe that this isn't likely to be the case.
2. It is a myth
that RBI can draw any credible "line in the sand" with respect to the
level of the 10 year bond yield. This is yield curve control (YCC) which
is strictly the domain of developed market central banks, and only a
handful there as well. YCC implies setting a firm price which then means
that the central bank may potentially have to buy unlimited quantities
of bonds (and suffer unlimited bloating of its balance sheet) in order
to defend this price. This is simply not tenable in an emerging market
context. Hence RBI's efforts, including the governor's appeal for an
orderly evolution of the yield curve, should be interpreted as the
central bank intervening to address the pace of change rather than
control the direction of yields. This sits well with our investment
thesis as reiterated above and allows for exploiting of yield curve
steepness at points where duration versus carry versus roll down effects
are most optimal. Thus yields can continue to rise as long as the pace
of the rise is broadly modulated by the central bank. Put another way,
our investment thesis is comfortable with an assumed speed of rising
yields. It is acceleration that becomes a problem, but only if it lasts.
We don't believe that it will.
The global
reflation trade is completely logical in its direction of pricing. Some
acceleration in the trend may also have been justifiable as the size of
US fiscal response picked up. However, it is still likely that bulk of
this adjustment may have run its course for now and the repricing now
falls back to a more sustainable pace. There may even be givebacks from
time to time as market adjusts to a most likely pace of change. There is
also an element of longer term repricing here as for example to US
inflation expectations and hence the neutral Fed funds rate. This will
unlikely be called into question while we are in the current bout of
reflation. The key test to these will come when the pent up phase is
done and we have a "cleaner" set of data and drivers to work with. As
for our local bond markets while our ongoing cyclical recovery and
eventual improvement in perceived credit profile may argue for a gradual
reduction in yield spreads over developed markets over time (as what
happened in the pre-2008 period) which may reduce the impact of say US
yield changes into ours, the near term correlations may nevertheless be
strong enough. However, as explained above, it is really the pace of
change in bond yields that matters. When yield curves are this steep,
one can no longer think only in terms of being "long or not".
Additionally the traditional way of thinking about risk reduction
through moving to short duration money market assets may not work in an
environment where it is actually the overnight rate that needs to
shoulder the bulk of the readjustment ahead and hence assets most
closely priced off the overnight rate may be at the most risk of
readjusting. It is for this reason that some amount of "bar-belling"
alongside exposure to quality roll down products may make sense
Our recent underperformance in some of our non-positional medium term and active duration mandates is attributable to 3 factors:
have been reluctant to run cash given the steep carry loss involved.
This has hurt as the rapid pace of change in yield has negated the carry
adjusted for duration principle we have been following. Put another
way, the duration loss even in moderate maturity bonds has been so
severe over this short time frame that it has more than negated the
excess carry earned over cash. However, as the pace of change stabilizes
(even as yields can still go up) this will likely restart thereby
restoring the outperformance of this strategy over cash.
has largely tried to hold up the 10 year point which has led to extreme
underperformance of shorter maturity bonds versus the 10 year. This is
somewhat ironical since the overnight rate as well as near term money
market instruments have remained very well anchored. This has now lead
to approximately 6 year government bonds (our preferred overweight
currently) to almost within 10 bps of the old 10 year bond.
of the duration in these funds is coming from government bonds that have
repriced the fastest over the past few weeks, as they often do. This
has led to further shrinking of corporate bond spreads in the 5 - 6 year
segment over government bonds, and of illiquid lower rated asset
spreads over quality corporate bonds. As always, however, these are
temporary factors and will adjust overtime and the unit of interest rate
risk remains the duration that a fund carries.
(Suyash Choudhary is Head of Fixed Income, IDFC AMC. The views expressed are personal)
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