Obama's big plans for India: What to expect?
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Saroj Mohanty | 28 Jan, 2013
As US President Barack Obama heads into his legacy-shaping second term
in office, assumptions, expectations and suggestions abound about what
his administration could mean for India with which he professes to have
enduring ties.
Given the bipartisan support and evolving
"strategic partnership" between the two democracies, India barely
figured during the election campaign. Outsourcing and visas were
mentioned but as a glancing reference as part of the poll rhetoric.
has said India figures "big" in his plans, but it is not clear how and
in what way he would direct US policy towards India in the next four
years. A host of experts and US-based think tanks have suggested a
"to-do" list as he prepares to announce his policy priorities in the
inauguration address Monday and the State of the Union address next
Some observers believe "pragmatic" Obama's second term
would not differ radically from the first and US-India relations would
be deepened with some new initiatives.
Others say factors like
the discovery of shale oil and gas providing the US with a strategic
boost will influence its global relations and there could be a
redefining of the notions of engagement. Outgoing Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton has already spoken about the new means of diplomacy,
what she called "smart power" that includes trade, technology and
private investment, to advance US interests.
And change has been a
recurring motif with Obama as evidenced in the slogans of "the change
we believe in" in 2008 and "forward" in 2012. It is believed that the
president would be thinking of his legacy as previous re-elected
presidents had pursued international initiatives. It is therefore
natural to expect some new issues and priorities that will shape US
relations with the world and India.
One such issue is global
trade. The year 2013 is going to be quite an important year since 2001,
when the Doha Round was launched and China joined the World Trade
Organisation. By the end of this year, new WTO negotiations would begin
on liberalising trade in services such as consulting, banking and
insurance, and on expanding the 1996 Information Technology Agreement
that eliminated tariffs on trade in devices like memory chips. These
talks are likely to produce the biggest negotiated liberalisation of
trade since the Uruguay Round of early 1990s.
At the same time,
negotiations could be completed on the first trans-Pacific free trade
agreement and started on a trans-Atlantic deal between the US and the
India had a glimpse of US trade agenda earlier this month
when Mike Froman, an Obama administration adviser and possibly the new
US Trade Representative (USTR), said the world has "turned the page" on
Doha and indicated that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be
pushed as an alternative.
According to Froman, major emerging
countries like India and Brazil want to maintain their developing
country status and do not want to open their markets. Froman has also
charged India with blocking a trade facilitation agreement on
infrastructure at ports and custom stations.
The US and other
developed countries have also begun pushing for "early harvest"
agreements - the plurilateral or select group agreements on goods and
services - ahead of the next WTO ministerial meet at Bali in December as
the Doha Round is stalled.
The Obama administration has also
signalled it would be push forward the New Silk Road concept mooted by
Clinton -- an international infrastructure network that would remove
barriers to flow of goods and people among countries of South Asia.
D. Hormats, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and
Environment, has spoken of an Indo-Pacific Corridor that would reach out
to Southeast Asia, making the region a hub of global trade.
is a strategic angle to this. Following the pullout from Iraq, and
planned drawdown of troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and
China's growing assertiveness in East and South China sea, Obama has
been reorienting US policy towards Asia-Pacific.
Some believe the
US interest in making India an anchor country for regional economic
cooperation is aimed at gaining New Delhi's support for facilitating its
exit from Afghanistan. Hormat has indicated that success of Afghanistan
would depend on the level of regional cooperation.
The US has
made a "bet" on India and would perhaps shape the context in which India
would take its decisions. In Obama's first term, joint initiatives in
areas like energy and healthcare were launched. In the second, both
countries could collaborate on maritime and cyber security.
it is felt that the Obama administration has failed to develop a
sustained policy helping India achieve its economic and security goals.
Obama has belied Indian hopes of US pushing reforms at the IMF and World
Bank that would give its voice greater weightage on international fora.
And a renewed move for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) would
only create more strain.
(Saroj Mohanty is a senior journalist with IANS. The views expressed are his own. He can be contacted at saroj.m@ians.in)
Devidas Pasalkar | Fri Feb 1 06:52:52 2013
I like His thoughts & idea.But Can he Help us to hike down petrol or crud oil prizes down.Or he has any better plan to increasing our economy growth.
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