MSME registration gets easier
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Bikky Khosla | 30 Jun, 2015
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) has come up with a new idea to make the registration process easier for the small business sector. According to media reports, it has sought - on social media network sites - suggestions from stakeholders on Udyog Aadhaar card, a new initiative to enable small business units get registered on the basis of self certification of their existence, bank account, business activity details, employment and ownership information and other basic information.
Registration has remained a major problem for the small business sector. India has around 36 million MSME units, but out of them only 1.56 million units are registered. Percentage-wise, around 96 percent of them are still unregistered. This means policy support is available only to a small portion of the sector. In the background of this, I think the Udyog Aadhaar initiative would give a big push in getting the unregistered MSME units officially registered.
The Udyog Aadhaar Form, based on recommendations of the Kamath Committee on Financial Structure of MSME Sector, is expected to promote single window clearance by cutting down the lengthy registration process. Under the system, even multiple enterprises under a single owner would be able to register themselves through the form by using Aadhaar Identity as enterprise 1, 2 and more. In other words, the system will pave the way for registration for thousands of small businesses, which have not registered themselves yet due to cumbersome procedures.
Meanwhile, amid a lot of talk about improvement in ease of doing business, a two member mission from the World Bank recently landed in India to collect data for the Doing Business Report 2016. It has been reported that some government officials briefed the mission about several reform measures of which the latter promised to take note of. The Make in India programme has generated huge interest among investors and I think the steps taken under it would help us earn a higher rank in the list, which is likely to be released in October.
But, it is equally true that we still have a lot to do in the direction. The country has traditionally inherited a business ecosystem crippled by a highly inefficient political and bureaucratic system. Our elected representatives can still make a mess of any progressive legislative proposals; our policy makers can still make panic-creating comments; our bureaucracy, particularly in the states, is still subject to inefficiency and corruption. We still have an infrastructure with poor road, rail, port and aviation connectivity. These challenges must be addressed if we want to make the country a really better place to do business.
I invite your opinions.
TPG | Wed Mar 6 04:18:28 2019
msme certificate verification
akshay | Thu Jun 8 03:07:07 2017
I have just done the registration of my business through online application form using the below link http://udyogaadhaar.gov.in/UA/Ud... I got a copy of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum to my email and also a Udyog Aadhaar acknowledgement. Am I done with my registration? Do I need to take a print of this and is this going to be a original copy or do I need to wait for original copy from DIC? Please Advise. -
MSME registration not easy without customer care.
Pawan Kumar | Thu Jun 1 11:28:49 2017
Please online or website depute a helpline no for customer guidance for registration of MSME. Some private companies are linked with this site and charged 1550/1750 rupee for registration of MSME.
A K SHRIVASTAVA | Wed Feb 17 03:59:47 2016
Govt. will have to a lot in this area. However once MSME participation increase whole scenario of industrialization will change.
MSME registration only for mfg or dealers also
galaxy industrial products | Wed Feb 3 00:50:59 2016
we want to register with MSME Kindly suggest actually we are a distributors for particular companies can we elgible to register
Regarding MSME Registration
Rajiv | Fri Jan 29 19:22:10 2016
I have just done the registration of my business through online application form using the below link
I got a copy of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum to my email and also a Udyog Aadhaar acknowledgement.
Am I done with my registration? Do I need to take a print of this and is this going to be a original copy or do I need to wait for original copy from DIC?
Please Advise.
MSME Registration
Manjusha | Tue Jan 5 14:39:51 2016
SSI registration as job work manufacturing
Re: MSME Registration
aniket shinde | Fri Dec 23 08:17:29 2016
what is this ssi registration?
MSME Registration
Candhuji Savaji | Sat Dec 19 05:06:06 2015
ssi registration as manufactuer
msme Ragestration
Anand Jaiswal | Fri Oct 30 06:03:11 2015
I Want to the msme Rag. Required
get loin
bapuso sadashiv vaddar | Thu Oct 22 16:28:35 2015
how to fill the udhog addar form online
MSME Registration
Sharmaji Galaxy Transmissions Pvt. Ltd Sangli. mail mahendra.s@galaxycorp.in mb 7276000951 | Wed Aug 5 06:00:57 2015
Dear sir
We are an existing SSI company at Sangli Maharashtra and wish to know that wether we have to get our selves rgistered as MSME Unit.If yes we do not find where we have to get it.
MSME Registration
B. Soni | Sun Jul 12 18:32:23 2015
Dear Sir,
can I have some information how to get MSME registration, benefits of registration in new business like Trading items, Small manufacturing items ?
Anticipating your valuable reply.
what next
r.r.kanade | Thu Jul 2 11:19:49 2015
the webpage provided for udyogaadhar is faulty it doesnot take the date of incorporation correctly DD/MM/YYYY becomes mm/dd/yyyy results in error .
however what next after obtaining the Udyog Aadhar number ?? is it to be mentioned elsewhere ?
udyog adhar card
Manoranjan Moharana | Thu Jul 2 10:36:52 2015
it is a good idea.Number of entrepreneur do not get into lengthy process of registration.DIC office demand number of Document ei,ownership of land,lease of land.sometime the used by entrepreneur is belong to his father and the DIC office reject his registration and say first register the land in your name ,then apply for registration.the poor unemployed person with limited fund can achieve their goal due to govt. formalities.it is the major obstacle for setting up a udyog
Lack of Business
U. Venugopalan | Thu Jul 2 07:32:10 2015
Any idea by the Govt. to improve the industrial growth is most welcome. But since last six months small scale industries are suffering a lot due to lack of business.
In W.I.E.Thane(Maharashtra)more than 50% micro units has been closed down. What to do?. If the Govt.move on without looking MSME's problems, small scale industries people may go for the extreme step of suicide which is already there in agricultural sector. In my business life this is the first time I am facing this sever problem of lack of business.
S Agrawal | Thu Jul 2 06:30:08 2015
What is the use of registering SME when no kind of benefit is given by the banks for rate of interest / security relaxation . Its only on Paper ... incentive for SME .The Large scale units enjoy much better rates of interest for the working capital as well as term loans and have easier rating norms by banks .SME are benefited till they are at 25 lacs for any kind of facility thereafter when they reach a more economic size they are at a disadvantage.
Opening of Security Agency
Ex Sub Major (Capt) Narendra Singh Parihar | Thu Jul 2 06:25:33 2015
The idea is excellent. I am retired Army person (served 32 years in the army) want to open a security agency so that I can provide trained and excellent security guards to the company. To whom I have to contact and what are the paper formalities for opening this agency. Regards
MR P CHOPRA | Thu Jul 2 06:18:17 2015
MSME Registration
P.S.Biradar | Thu Jul 2 04:24:37 2015
It is good that the registration made on Udhog Adhar Form. One thing I would like to mention here that unless we improve basic amenities like Electricity,Roads,Water facility, we cannot implement the systems. There is lot of corruption is still going on. To remove this, it will take another 50 years. Unless, we become educated, financially stable, we cannot do any progress. We have been appointing so many committees but nothing is implemented so far. Mainly our politicians are illiterate and they don't understand all this. They are main motto is to earn money as much as possible. This has to be removed first. Unless we improve all these things, no scheme will be 100% implemented.
MSME Registration
Avinash Murkute Pune | Wed Jul 1 07:54:28 2015
DIC offices presume certain things and are not open to new ideas and new businesses. According to them - There can not be any business which is beyond the codes stipulated by the ministry. Secondly, the offices are flooded with middlemen agents who charge thousands of rupees for EM-1 and EM-2 when the fees is near ZERO. Many states have made online application feasible but many states do not provide forms for registration and they are charging PHOTOCOPY fees. In Maharashtra MSME registration without the help of software was free in 2008 and same day certification was possible. Now with the aid of Software the registration takes more than 3 days and fees was Rs. 100 without any receipt. Higher officials are not sensitive to the issue - that business owners, entrepreneurs should not be taught to pay bribe at the incorporation level itself. This provides seeds of corruption culture which leads to tax evasion and so on. And there are businesses who get subsidy of crores with the connivance of highly informed connections. I hope to see Transparency and Welcome culture in DIC and all offices. We are habitual to place a photo frame of our Gandhiji with a slogan - Customer is God, you can see this in Rly stations, reservation counters. I appeal to ministry to place a welcome board in DIC offices - Entrepreneur is OUR BEST FRIEND. Hope this might bring some change.
for start new business
Anand T. chauhan | Wed Jul 1 07:49:05 2015
Yes, this is a Good step, but when its come to local level then here local officer change its meaning and not to give any information to sme owner.
And also sme fail to get new loans to start new business, if they want loans then they need to hire agents and they takes 3 to 12 % of loan amount.
i face that all problems, please DO fast any thing otherwise Indian market is going to crash in few year
Udyog adhar card .
R. V . Subramanian | Wed Jul 1 05:58:02 2015
The idea is very good . But how it will ease the way the business is done . All the idea's are in the PM level . Unless it reaches the clerk & peon level nothing is going to change in India . Another hurdle is our own elected reps . See the fate of GST .!!!
opening of new company
Mustafa A Attari | Wed Jul 1 05:43:46 2015
We rented a shop space of 200 sqft to start new business in january 2015 in Chennai but
faced a lot of problems as the sale tax office was asking for a fixed deposit amount of Rs 3,00,000/- which was absurd and we kept trying till may 2015 but all channels failed and finally had to do away with the idea with 5 months rent spent for nothing. There may issues and problems by
traders, but for this you cannot punish all.The government should implement a uniform pattern for allotting Tin numbers as the problem we faced was with one particular division only, whereas shop coming under other sale tax jurisdiction were even able to get Tin numbers in a weeks time.
ease of doing business
S Mathew | Wed Jul 1 04:44:06 2015
I am in the food processing business and have a plant in Tamil Nadu. We have been trying to get the necessary approvals from the state government for setting up another export oriented unit and the paper work is going on for one year and still reached nowhere. It is almost impossible to get regulatory approvals from state government authorities for MSME units unless we go through compromising parallel political set up, which is not an acceptable way. There are no accountability or performance levels at the state government authorities neither there exists a window of interaction. E-filing systems with time bound response levels can vastly improve efficiency and ease of doing business.
make in india
Gope_Earthling | Wed Jul 1 02:57:06 2015
yes many things have to change,
but if We Indians change the attitude,
a. stop blaming others or govt.
b. think of planet instead of community or area ( our true culture).
c. stop worrying / expecting, but focus on quality, development, learning, Sharing.
we can do wonders, i have seen wonders done by Koreans after 1997, Chinese with help of their govt, groups in Indonesia with help of Japanese guidance,
**Not to forget, current trend/demand/shift is to include care of other sentient beings too.
Udyog Aadhaar card,
venugopal suvarna | Tue Jun 30 15:24:15 2015
How to get or how to apply for Udyog Aadhaar card, Kindly guide us/
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