Black money - expectations vs reality
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Bikky Khosla | 04 Nov, 2014
The black money issue has been in media headlines for some time now. During the election campaign, the BJP had promised to bring back all the black money stashed away from the country within 100 days. It spurred high emotions in public mind, which was further fueled later when the BJP-led new government made announcement about formation of a special team for the purpose in its very first decision after taking charge. In sharp contrast to this, the government's last week's hesitation to reveal all the names of foreign bank account holders may look like an "U-turn", but it definitely sounds more rational than a 'too-big-to-keep' promise that is, however, par for the course during election time in our country.
The task of bringing the black money back is far more difficult and it demands long-term commitment, not knee-jerk reactions. First, it is not fair to "name and shame" everyone who has a foreign bank account. It will infringe upon their privacy rights. Second, if we breach the confidentiality clauses of any double taxation avoidance treaty by disclosing the names of suspects without any evidence against them, no country will trust us again to sign such agreements, which in turn will cost our economy in a number of ways. So, we cannot help but be careful, though those who will be found guilty should not be spared at any cost. Credible action at home is a must, but international cooperation is equally required, and accordingly we should allow some more time to the government for the task, instead of creating a hullabaloo over the issue.
It is often cited that Indians have billions of dollars in foreign tax havens, this argument cannot be ignored, but I think the lion's share of this amount has already been converted by the hoarders to assets such as high-end property or shares of a blue-chip company. It is also highly plausible that a big part of the money has already come back to India as white money. In this scenario, I don't think it will be easy for the government to trace all the money embezzled in the past. It will be a long and slow process. The investigation must go on, quick steps should be taken whenever possible, but without being hysterical.
At the same time, we should not lose sight of the importance of waging a battle against black money at home. Besides real estate, sectors such as mining, bullion and jewellery are often pointed out as huge sources of black money and untaxed wealth in India. Ponzi schemes are no less evil. The list will also be incomplete without a mention of the government schemes like NREGA and the public distribution system with the latter, according to an estimate, generating black money worth Rs. 60,000 crore annually. Such examples are abundant, and fortunately no international obligations apply to them. The government should take urgent steps to address these issues in no time.
I invite your opinions.
(In an earlier version, it was mistakenly mentioned
that, according to an estimate, NREGA may be generating black money
worth Rs. 60,000 crore annually. The error has been corrected.
The estimate says that the PDS is
believed to be generating that amount of black money. We regret the
Black Money
Sunil Kumar | Fri Dec 5 09:52:18 2014
Whosoever claims whatsoever curbing black money is near impossible. Mode of generation of black money attributed to "privy purses" of 560 princely States, incorrect invoicing/declaration by Real Estates & manufacturing units, donations to various political parties, tax evasions, leniency for classified defaulters and delay in judiciary. The present trend is to bring stashed money back to India - not an easy task all know but still make hue & cry. Authorities should work on two pronged ways i.e. taxable money stashed abroad and taxable money being accumulated within country without paying taxes/duties which are DA cases. Investigations are influenced by suppression or by transfer and prosecutions are deliberately delayed. Under such a scenario I personally feel that controlling/capping black money is near impossible and political parties will rock the issue from time to time for political gains only. As our mindset is inclined to materialistic gains for self, for children, for relations morality is diminishing gradually. Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Baba Ramdev rocked the country on this issue in recent years but the momentum died. BJP made tall claims to bring back black money but how far they have succeeded is glaring examples seen in current session of Parliament. There must be lacunae in our various laws & systems and people are taking advantage of those lacunae. Authorities should work out to plug those holes first before making any move to alert defaulters.
black money
JAGMAL SINGH | Thu Dec 4 14:57:50 2014
I feel BJP will complete 5 years without doing any action on Black Money.I am expecting when 15 lacs will come in my account as announced by BJP leaders.Baba Ramdev is not commenting on this delay also.If BJP will act and bring back "Black Money" in 2 years then this Government will win the heart of every Indian.
Black Money
Ashok Shah | Sat Nov 15 12:58:56 2014
It is true that Government sponsored schemes are source to generate black money.In fact schemes are initiated by the Government, with a mindset, to fill the coffers of the politicians. The other is subsidies provided by the government basically fertilisers(urea).
Though the billing invoice is is at Government mentioned rates but than there is huge under the table payment involved. Fertiliser subsidy is one area where the Government has to coff up huge amount. Defence is another area where spurious equipments and spares are purchased at O.E. rates with the help of the officers concerned.
Bringing of black money home was a wrong policy
Peter Ken | Wed Nov 12 10:49:27 2014
The holders of unaccounted wealth abroad have brought it into the country through foreign institutional investors route at a very high conversion ratio (average of 65 rupee to a USD). Holders have benefited double. Their wealth was not taxed and was allowed to increase by high rupee to dollar ratio. Sudden pouring of it into the country has fueled the stock market and the real estate price, thus making it difficult for the house-less people to own house. Thanks to all those who raked this issue of foreign deposits. I personally feel that the whistle blowers have secretly benefited from this game? There should be an enquiry into this?
black money
R Boopathi | Tue Nov 11 01:11:44 2014
More rules more black money.
As commented by many experts, India has best rules made. But unfortunately All are made to extract money.
Take a case of a police taking say 50 or 100 rupees at traffic violation point. Has he accounted.
This is the way the black money originates.
pl make Rule simple to follow by all
make enforcing officers accountable.
Ask them to be accountable for every assets they acquire.
Bring services based on merit.
merit is not based on money but intelligence, knowledge and wisdom
Black Money- Generation
RAJIV BHAGAT | Mon Nov 10 02:21:47 2014
I feel that we need to plug the loopholes due to which BM is generated. I don't know why Govt. is not taking on Property Transfer reforms which i feel have a large share in generating black money
Non-Punishment to the Govt. Servants for will-full avoidance of their duties leads to corruption which also i feel a major factor in generation of black money
Black money
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:00:21 2014
There is lot of man hours spent by salaried sections in govt like chasing the wild goose or chasing a devil. It will be worth finding new ways so that generation of black money is reduced if not avoided..Abolish Income tax and introduce transaction tax..Increase digital mode transaction or create uni mode account. in that money in bank cannot be converted to cash form but it has equal purchasing power.No fake notes,No cash counting and all money in public domain. More money in public domain gove3 funds available for growth and decreased interest rate to borrowers and hence decreased financial cost of product and hence more competition .
High subsidies should be slashed and doctors should more audited.
Rashmi | Thu Nov 6 08:49:04 2014
High subsidies like subsidies in Kerosine and BPL rice should be reduced with alternate benefit like free health insurance or free delivery of baby or free cloth . Due to huge gap in margin it attracts for fraud. Government should introduce open market Kerosene.
Medical service should be more audited and scrutinized.
Doctors are earning huge paying less in taxes. Private Doctors should disclose no of patients visited. Everything in bill. Here people are taking % from path labs.
Re: High subsidies should be slashed and doctors should more audited.
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:03:08 2014
I endorse the above view point and all subsidies on LPG to reduced to zero for all affordable categories of people ie Doctors, chartered accountants, Corporate honochos, MPs/MLA all people having income more than 5,00,000 pre annum, All people owning a four wheeler,All parents of children studying in Non govt schools, etc.
Stop the black money
Vrindesh Kumar Singh 9752094045 | Thu Nov 6 05:34:13 2014
Rs1000 & 500 notes must be banned for the all transactions,within particular time frame. For all the transactions involving money more that Rs 1000 the payment must be done by only means
of checks, drafts, internet banking, debit & credit -card etc. ( To start the initiative we can start this
for a larger amount i.e. Rs 50000.00 above.). All the black-money must be brought back to India and should be allocated precisely to make a user-friendly
internet payment system. To make it a successful plan we will need to provide the swiping machines available for retail
business and also to make the transactions tax-free. This should be compulsory to have a bank account for every citizen.
Digitally auditing of all taxes , no chance to theft. Stop Illegal stocking ,adulterate. Clean Ganga Maa, Green Environment. Stop the misuse of natural resources. Proper economic growth , technical self dependency , educative development from root level and, speedly INDIA become a self-dependent super power etc..
face some real problems while implementing
this planning and even after implementation like, server-failure, hacking, awareness but we can avoid
these problems by using the black-money and other sources in the right direction.
Re: Stop the black money
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:07:01 2014
Fully endorse above suggestion and that is fine.
Suggestions How we can bring back black money
vkgryp@yahoo.co.in | Wed Nov 5 15:57:19 2014
1. Suggestions How we can Bring Money in India which is deposited in SWISS Bank 2. Black money in the system to future growth of Country As we heard through Media that around Rs. 71 lacs Crores are deposited in Swiss bank from Indians. As people/politicians saying that this money can be bring India by passing Bill in parliament and ask to send back money in India which is deposited by Indian politicians ,Business Man , Bureaucrats, any individual ,company ,firm , NRI etc. I think this is impossible thought /idea, think a country whose major portion of economy is run/govern by these fund why they will return the money to Indian Government. Think by returning money to Indian Government what is benefit to Swiss Govt. why this type of foolish decision SWISS Govt. will take. I suggest a concrete proposal /Suggestion how we can Bring Money in India which is deposited in Swiss Bank by above persons. (1)Allow to Make a Private Ltd/Public Ltd.. Company Registered in India ,with 100% holding of Indian Nationals or NRI. The prime motto of these companies to promote / invest these funds in Infra Structure Industrial Project, Roads, Dams, Public Transport System, Express highways, Metro Rail, Airports , Education sector etc. The funds brings by these company in the form of Swiss Currency/dollar from Swiss Bank ,Indian Government will have to give amnesty i.e. No source of fund/income will be asked if that person provide a certificate that these funds are transferred/Bring form the deposit of fund with Swiss Bank or other tax haven countries before 31/03/2014
The Fund received through above channel can be accounted as Reserve and Surplus head of the companies capital. Like present system of shear premium money is accounted.
(2)Govt./ Banks should issue Mega Infrastructure bonds (bearer Bonds like Kishan vikash patra)/ Deposits With capital gain Tax Exempted benefits On interest rates @ 6%with minimum locking period of 3 Years. And the people who take loans against these bearer bonds for period of 3 year on 3% higher than the rate of deposit no source of income will be asked i.e the same can be shown in current FY 2013-15 as income from other sources head and the investment against above bonds & deposits upto 31-03-2015 is exempted from income tax upto limit of 100 crors individually(Like NSC or Kishan Vikas Patra).. by doing this the people having surplus undisclosed money which is deposited in Swiss Bank will come out . I aspect around Rs 5 lac crors additional liquidity may be added in the market. Apart from this govt .will also get 9% INTEREST INCOME ON THESE DEPOSITS. in five year (3%x 3 Year=9%).
As this facility is available to for those who take loan against these bearer bonds a adequate funds will be available in the system for furture development / progress in the country
Re: Suggestions How we can bring back black money
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:05:02 2014
Bringing Black money is a futile exercise and it is better to act for forthcoming economic transaction.
Reality Check
Amar Seth | Wed Nov 5 14:11:31 2014
We know political parties spend astronomical sums on elections. With this in mind I have a few questions:
1. Why do people or parties spend such large sums ostensibly to gain positions for serving people?
2. Where do political parties get this kind of money and where and how is it parked?
On another plane, emotions and mental conditioning aside, what is wrong with corruption, bribery, lack of transparency etc.? I will really appreciate some clinical responses to this question.
Re: Reality Check
Leeladhar | Fri Nov 7 14:31:55 2014
No.1; Do we think they are serving people? It is more an intoxication of power than anything else. No.2; The scams that we heard for some time are real. Previously India was not open and information was not available. Post PV Narsimha Rao openness and reach of media has penetrated. It is parked with the help of the agencies involved in scams. These parties has many trusts etc. registered abroad.
There is nothing wrong with corruption if a society is happy with the way property dealers operate in India. Getting a flat allocated to one's name by paying money under the table is bribery. Lack of transparency may result in benefiting your own relatives in any selection process meant for the countrymen. These are some of the examples to answer the query.
Long term approach to curb black money
Leeladhar | Wed Nov 5 12:54:25 2014
The root cause of all the black money majorly is the electoral process. We keep on getting the figures in media that a general elections costs about one lakh crore of rupees. It is not entirely untrue and it is not entirely the cost to exchequer, to whom it may be about 500 crores. Rest all, a major part of it is black money, spent by candidates and parties. Only money permitted by election commission is white and rest all black. That's why there is no police FIR when 10 cr. of money is stolen in Maharashtra polls last time.
Unless therefore there is changes in our electoral system, we may not get rid of black money. Make political parties accountable for every money they get as donations. Ask them to publish their financial details yearly in newspapers as a business company is required to do.
You know their donations are a penny as compared to what they spend in elections.
Make NOTA, none of the above functional, i.e. if NOTA gets highest votes, reject all the candidates and they cannot stand candidates again for that constituency. This will instill fear in the mind of politicians. It is better than having new elections than electing a Raja or a Kalmadi, who are the channels to siphon off money worth say of the order of 75 thousand crores. Country can afford elections 1000 times for that money.
Political parties and current electoral funding are the main causes for creation and nurturing of black money.
Why all parties unite on transparency? Here lies the hint!!!
Black Money is it Black in Colour
Vikram | Wed Nov 5 11:33:46 2014
Primarily across the fence greenery
When reached their across the fence...
But land is excellent soil is very fertile that need proper management
Instead of going abroad primarily declare a way out that any one bring the fund abroad are allowed to invest in the Infra projects after deducting some fees is the best option starting from Swiss Bank instead of French which is meagre or tiny in caparison.
Further many are having too much fund in their custody that implement our RBI Governers' opinion that before 2005 year all 500 and above notes may revoke with immediate effect. Then see the difference of development in India.
Further declare that all the politicians are not business people and they must declare their asset and evaluate their current fund and the time they entered into politics that ED could perform very easily that 90% of Elected representatives are crorepathis that they must confirm how they made these much of funds.
Further abolish current taxation system including service tax that even no government could explain what is service.
Intercourse also may consider in the future as service if allowed tax department allowed to tax in such a movement through service then what about baby breast feeding, sharing love & it is un-ending.
The ED must discuss with the PM & FM and declare they are into scrutinise all the politicians in power first then party level second and then active politicians confirming how they made such huge funds
Atleast one of these implement&see
Re: Black Money is it Black in Colour
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:06:22 2014
Income tax is the bane of generation of black money. Have transaction tax and Zero income tax.
Ramesh | Wed Nov 5 11:15:12 2014
When a SME files TDS RETURN, late by one day, the next day he receives a demand notice of Rs.200/day. And a prompt speed post couriered hard copy of the same notice(courier costs the govt. Rs.50!!!!!)
When a SME is raided on frivolous grounds, it is said that the onus of proving yourself innocent lies with the assessees. Compare this with the "LEGAL RIGHTS" of the 627 persons named in the BLACK MONEY LIST! Govt.is worried to even serve them a notice! What message does it send to the common man?
On the other hand the PM has started a good initiative of MAKE IN INDIA.
What about the SMEs already MAKING IN INDIA? For last 40 years?
Why is the SME manufacturer needed to have a service tax number? India is the only country where the service tax receiver pays service tax challans and returns. Most of SMEs service tax liability is less than Rs.5000/YEAR.
Now, FORM 16 downloads : why is there a penalty on NOT downloading the FORM 16 withing 15 days, even though the TDS PAYMENTS AND RETURNS have been filed?
Now, CENTRAL EXCISE : Adjudication powers now given to the EXCISE superintendents(earlier only with the commissioner). Also, the superintendents have been given a draconian tool namely "SCRUTINY OF RETURNS". Where the scrutiny manual says, he can call all records, visit factories, question the valuation and classification(which were the highest cause of litigation before 1991)? Also when in doubt he can go to the transporter to check whether your goods have been dispatched!
R.Srivathsan | Sat Nov 8 03:09:14 2014
All the payments to SME must be mandated to Sakal just like govtg insists that their payments like TDS return, advance tax, central excise so that Money circulation is fast.Electricity must be paid in time, Sales tax must be paid in time Interest must be paid in time Tax must be paid in advance, EMI must be paid on time .. why not receipt to SME on time.
Black money - expectations vs reality
Narendra | Wed Nov 5 11:03:09 2014
A succinct and an erudite commentary on the above subject.......surely Congress was given 64 years since independence to pillage, plunder and amass its loot in tax heavens banks afar by the apathetic voters, surely you can allow BJP its first term to consolidate and clean up the mess tolerated for so long by so many. You had the government that you deserved. Have patience and do not be influenced by media mania. BJP has no magic wand to MODIfy the entrenched corrupt system overnight. For Modi to tread on a very slippery slope, caution should be his shadow to enlightenment. Jai Hind
Name and shame should start with politicians and top officials
J Ramanathan | Wed Nov 5 10:57:30 2014
Dear sir
The war against black money in India is worrying because as everyone knows it happens "big time" in the top end of town and amongst some of our politicians.
The small time civil servants follow their esteem leaders . The name and shame should start with politicians and top officials for an explanation of how they have amassed such wealth.
The insurance industry is so rife with corruption - again black money.
It is not an overnight reform but please plant the seed to our tomorrows' citizens and politicians t lead a virtuous life. It is sad that the land of Mahatma Gandhi -black money and corruption have a strong hold.
Black money
Balasubramanian | Wed Nov 5 08:06:24 2014
Your point is valid and justified. But emotional people should understand and should take in right sense to correct all the mistakes happened so for. We should not let our Indians head down in front of other countries. In fact history knows how other countries looted from us. So they do not have rights pointing on us.
Bring political culprits to limelight first
Harinath Mekala | Wed Nov 5 07:55:37 2014
Though the task is Very tough and delicate,in my opinion sparing business people at the moment, government can very well bring political culprits to limelight as a first step against black money...
Now or never
Giresh Bhagwandas | Wed Nov 5 07:50:08 2014
You are probably right by stating that Black money will not be traceable since everyone knew about this and all the account holders have moved their funds in different pockets or parking lots worldwide.
The fact remains that what is gone is gone.Try to Trace , but the most important thing is to stop it where is happens at the ROOTs in India.
So the correct way to move ahead and make India a clean country would be start at Home in India to stop the money to go out of India. There needs to be a policy showing no mercy on the tax evaders or the money manipulators in India and strict laws will only ensure that India will and has the will to emerge as a Developed Republic country in the World.
Not only toping the charts on population,but in religion and education and Industries like petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Black money
Dharanidharan | Wed Nov 5 06:25:49 2014
While British people ruled us they take away the money to their home while to which countries these Indians are taking the money is not known.The black money how much is legitimate and how much is crime money and how many people suffer due to this crime money -- these all shows the inefficiency and corrupt governance of decade.
Just to bring back the black and reduce crime every nation deny direct investment of money of citizens other than their country but they can attract investment by keeping an office in the country from where they collect money to prevent black money and crime money
over all the cause of taking away the money to the foreign country and the means by which they take away the foreign money are found and solved to prevent further take away of money from our country
The Government itself have an agency to regulate and forward investment in foreign country can avoid black money generation and correct corrupt money.
Reality Check Article
Rakesh, Delhi | Wed Nov 5 04:19:39 2014
It is almost unbiased effort by the author. It is no surprise to guess that major portion of the black money may have been diverted in safer accounts or converted into white. At the same time action is very much required at home also.
Ravi Prakash Gupta | Wed Nov 5 03:08:12 2014
Atleast one thing is clear that there is no account related to Gandhi family for which Congress was doubted nor there is any name of any big politician. All hype had been created by illiterate Ram Dev like dream of Baba Sobharan who dreamed about gold worth thousands cf crores lying beneath in Unnao led Archaeological Department to dig for several days. Pl.stop believing these mischief mongers doubting others.
support to bring back money to india
AJAY KUMAR GUPTA | Wed Nov 5 01:04:31 2014
your suggestion is quiet good that the india government required some more time to bring back the black money to india,it can't be complete within 100 days,Since the legislator & the judicial is playing a greater role by their formation of SIT & instruction given by the Supreme court in this B.Money.
Falling rupee high taxes higher bribery rates
Frank | Tue Nov 4 20:51:53 2014
India's government would do better to cut taxes and get rid of all the regulations involved in starting and running a business. When delays to setting up a business are added to the bribes needed to be paid, to the ongoing regulations and bribes needed to run a business, the climate of dishonesty is telling anyone, lie, cheat and steal, it is the basis of our Indian culture and our government policies.
Do not think this is actually the government's job. It is like asking the Mafia to run the FBI.
Make a site where people can list government employees who demand bribes (yes I know they don't need to even ask) and a section that rewards the honest employee. I would bet a site like this, which would likely have to be offshore and blocked by the Indian government, would get more traffic than Facebook and YouTube combined.
20 years ago, China and India were running neck and neck. India is sliding to a place behind Bangladesh. The Chinese eased foreign ownership rules, foreign investment repatriotization and are even helping people who fled China to invest or help with exports (my daughter's boyfriend's parents just went to an Export Trade Show in Canton China and were treated like VIPs, 28 years ago both parents had warrants out for their arrest)
Cut the size if government by 25% every 4 years. Make everything transparent, including how Coca Cola can get water, but locals are blocked from the same water. As long as the government is stealing, money will flow out. Simple.
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