Entrepreneurship and skill development: Where do we stand
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Bikky Khosla | 09 Dec, 2014
Can entrepreneurship be learnt? Many people believe that good entrepreneurs are born -- entrepreneurship qualities are wired into one's DNA. According to some others, it is a trainable skill -- the skill-sets required to become a good entrepreneur can be learnt over time. This is one of the topics on which debate never seem to be ending. I find the solution somewhere in between these two extremes. Both the innate component and the acquired skills matter; it is not simply about one or the other.
It is true that some people are naturally intelligent -- they have high IQ scores, but the number of such people is very small. In contrast, some individuals possess very low intelligence, but again the number is small. In other words, majority of us possess average intelligence. In addition, although intelligence is genetically determined, environment has tremendous influence on it. Passion, persistence, excitement and motivation may vary in intensity from person to person, but there are many key learnable skills, such as ability to set priorities, focus on goals, make sound judgment, think critically and communication and active listening skills, etc. that can make a big difference in determining entrepreneurial success.
When we look at the curriculum of some leading universities and colleges in the world, it seems they don't believe in the myth that entrepreneurship cannot be learnt, or they at least believe that information required to accumulate business intelligence can be taught. Adelaide University, California University, Cambridge Judge Business School, Babson College and many other educational institutions across the world offer different graduate and postgraduate degrees in entrepreneurship. In sharp contrast to this, we hardly see any such effort from their Indian counterparts. These days, an increasing number of young Indians are looking to start their own businesses, but unfortunately our colleges and universities have failed to rise to this challenge.
According to an estimate, India will have 64% of its population in the working age group by 2020, but I think we will not be able to make much of this demographic potential if we fail to skill the workforce properly. The support for entrepreneurial education has never been more important than it is now. Unfortunately, the current education system is in dire need of reforms and a lot of efforts have to be made to change it for the better. We need to create an ecosystem in the country that can foster research and innovation and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit of our young generation at an early stage. Entrepreneurship is the need of the hour.
I invite your opinions and suggestions.
Enterpronurship and skill development.
Bhanu Chauhan | Thu Jan 15 06:37:18 2015
In our country entrepreneurship is not really recognised.
People shun any new idea,it is termed as "crazy "
There is no encouragement for creativity!
There is an American saying " If people stop making
silly things,nothing useful will ever be made "
Modi govt has started a website 'McGovern.in ' but
there is no response .We believe they receive so
much mail that they can't manage. Even E Mail to Secretaries are not acknowledged !
Who is sitting idle to look at silly ideas! Even V Cs are looking out if they can pickup some money from
a new idea ! Only sometimes in future one should
hope that entrepreneurs with there own money will
success to bring some thing new as "INDIAN INNOVATION "
Bhupesh | Thu Dec 18 04:07:30 2014
it is a trainable skill -a big YES.Entrepreneurship is a basic human trait as every one at some point of time take risk , plan,and execute the things in his/ her life.Failure as entrepreneur has little more complex at business/ office is due to lack of knowledge, team work.. Most important is over safety /consciousness this trait can be easily identified in one person handwriting and can eliminated.
Shankar mallipatna | Thu Dec 18 03:11:03 2014
While it is true entrepreneurship can be trained, it is also true that most entrepreneurs, successful or otherwise were driven by an innate urge to seek the joy of doing something on their own. While training and motivating youngsters to embark upon enterpreneurship is to eliminate the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure. The naturals normally do not have have these constraints.
Entrepreneurship and skill development
Rajiv Panchal,Email :ultraaAlbums@gmail.com | Sun Dec 14 06:35:52 2014
I have one important suggestion: on practical ground,SME has very large no of complex problems which varies person to person.This is mainly due to very limited resources like finance and demanding tasks.
So i would like to suggest you that there should be some educating body to for SME owners.or counselling type of facility.
Entrepreneurship and skill development
Dr. Ram K. Iyengar | Thu Dec 11 15:50:26 2014
Social and Psychological theories do not help build great civilizations. I witnessed the rise and demise of the Soviet Union. Actions speak greater than words! Therefore through this forum I invite young Bharatiyas of all walks of life; who would like to own a business in manufacturing some metal products, to contact me at technominerva@gmail.com. I will guide you to prepare a Business Plan with identification of markets, products, manufacturing process input materials, and financial requirements. This service is totally free. I will guide you and train you how to go about implementing the Business Plan. I am not Chanakya. But you CAN be Chandragupta Maurya! Do not get discouraged that your genes are not from certain regions or castes in Bharat. If you are determined and are willing to work hard you CAN also be a successful Businessperson.
Re: Entrepreneurship and skill development
bhupesh | Thu Dec 18 04:12:58 2014
U r what y write , Your nature lies in your signature..
hope you get the right light on the issue raised by you that psychological theories are in place has its effect.
Thanks a lot
S. Baneerjee | Thu Dec 11 07:36:24 2014
India needs entrepreneurs like you who, despite being so much successful in your own entrepreneurial journey, leaving no stone unturned to create new entrepreneurs, spreading awareness among existing entrepreneurs about all possible aspects of business - branding, marketing, finance, strategy, employee management, govt schemes, exports, macroeconomic matters, and guiding them. After following you for years, I'm really impressed. You are a one man army, a silent worker and a true servant of the nation. Continue your great works.
Entrepreneurial flame in each and every one of us
Mark van As | Thu Dec 11 06:09:19 2014
Entrepreneurship is indeed the need of the hour for economic development in most of the world.
As much as some of the tertiary institutions offer courses in this arena, the biggest impact should be aimed at those less fortunate, who haven't had the means to gain a tertiary education but have the intellect to be entrepreneurs. There is a bit of truth in both ideas that entrepreneurs are born vs entrepreneurship can be taught, and I personally believe there is an entrepreneurial flame in each and every one of us, however; the flames burns brighter for some of us.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
your story
Bill Blair | Wed Dec 10 17:44:42 2014
I suggest you read my book "execution of dreams" you will then see my answer. I was entrepreneur of the year in 1992 in West Virginia
Any Degree Course For Entrepreneurship !
Sagar Ashok Ghoderao | Wed Dec 10 11:36:07 2014
I Want To Know About Any Degree Course For Entrepreneurship.If It Is There Then Whether It Is Possible By Doing Job.?
If You Will Having Some Information Brochure.Please DO Send It To Me.
For partnership
9479330704 | Wed Dec 10 11:29:25 2014
How can I get partnership to open skill development center in my city ..address is Distt . Rewa , Madhya Pradesh or call me 09479330704.
Entrepreneurship and Skill Development in - BASIC START UP EDUCATION SYSTEM.
Amit Kumar Mehtani | Wed Dec 10 09:39:55 2014
“Entrepreneurship and Skill Development“is the most important factor for economic performance of a country.
At present most Important thing is:-How much educative initiative have been taken since yet to take it forward?If these have been taken,then whether it have been taken at root level population successfully?And Whats the motivation available to groom it up?
I think answer of all 3 may be 'YES'. But preferably not a 'SUCCESSFUL YES'. It can be pertained only if we include it in our BASIC START UP EDUCATION SYSTEM.
We all are going for available program like:-Arts,Commerce ,Medicine,Engineering,Computers & Business Administrations.No doubt all available program are playing role in entrepreneurship development.But time needs more in our basic education system i.e. Initiative to include such Bachelor/Master/Phd program in Entrepreneurship.And the most important need is that these could be opted up after very basic education.
These degrees could be compiled with various educative programs i.e.-Knowledge of various industry entrepreneurship.Education of learn able things like:-Available motivations in various industry entrepreneurship.Funds & fund raising for various industry entrepreneurship.Basic procurement needs[Machinery,Men power & Technology etc]at start up level.Start-up necessities for various industry entrepreneurship.Support available from various bodies.Precaution/Grievance addressable bodies etc.
Such initiative will remove unemployment at a greater extent too.
Entrepreneurship & Education
Himanshu Sharma | Wed Dec 10 07:20:57 2014
I personally believe in learning by doing rather then from books. Books can surely provide us with facts and figures, but they can not make us good Entrepreneurs. We in India, should develop an environment where Institute and Industry come together on same level and take the next generation of workforce into real world. After one gets his/her first real exposure, then they can be asked to provide a comprehensive work combining Industrial and bookish knowledge.
Also, there is a need to revise all the courses to meet the latest industrial practices. I will be a blessing for both industry and students, if students are provide with SAP, TALLY, CAD/CAM/CAE, and other such job oriented courses in the college itself. Just with these simple training programs, we can raise the students from FRESHERS to professional level. And that's what I believe is the demand of INDIA - THE WORLD LEADER.
Self employment can be taught
BRP Bhat | Wed Dec 10 06:03:01 2014
As per my opinion : self employment can be taught. It's making money by business for self. Entrepreneurship is a state of mind, its an unquenched thirsty, its a personality, self esteem, its acquiring wealth. business schools can polish entrepreneurs.
Let's come forward
Balasubramaniam Tiruppur | Wed Dec 10 05:45:45 2014
We always believe that some one has to come from heaven to wake up. Why we should not take initiative to start such a entrepreneurial education? We have lot of business association in our like CII etc., why they should not start such a Institute to motivate young entrepreneurship.
We stand nowhere
Kaushikk | Wed Dec 10 04:27:30 2014
We stand nowhere, because unless and until we improve our education and professional courses as per the needs of the industries and also the right faculties to teach it and also need simulators for hands on training, we cannot have entrepreneurs coming from heaven.
The need based education of the industries and the TECHNOLOGY that is used and brought in by INDUSTRIES is the key are to be focused first.
About Enterpreneurship
Mahesh Dawari | Wed Dec 10 04:19:19 2014
Thanks for your coverage on entrepreneurship , as I am a young entrepreneur on food sector want to share my views to government department for to take successful steps to increase entrepreneurship . First and foremost step is that the government should monitor for the first two years of starting any business because of lack of knowledge and idea any young business men can not be successful.
Girish Aradhya | Wed Dec 10 02:01:10 2014
Entrepreneurship not money it's new thinking way. Modi ji's vision for India.
We have to think in high standard of idea using present resource in e commerce along with cutting edge new technology for advanced methods.
Girish Aradhya
Shri Shirdi Infra Management Services Pvt Ltd,
Managing Director
IQ vs Learn Skills
Frank McCann | Wed Dec 10 00:21:06 2014
I am a brain scientist. I work in the coordination of the motor cortex and reintegration of subconscious mind belief sets.
In my work over forty years, we have learned babies that move develop better coordination and with that greater confidence. But traumatic events in a coordinated individuals can result in a dramatic decrease in confidence, with it a measure able decrease in physical coordination.
We developed simple ways to improve these abilities and teach them to average and below average people.
India's school system is an example of a failed system. It is not in need of reform. Scrap it and start from the beginning. Most young children age 5 test a genius levels and this genius level percentage decreases the longer they stay in school. India's schools teach children to be stupid.
I have mentored over 200 young women in the skills and art of being an entrepreneur. Breaking each part into components and allowing them to master what they can.
Where DNA comes in is innate abilities. Our education focuses on our weaknesses, hoping to make them stronger, but only make us feel Weaker and less competent.
I focus on strengths and in finding people with strengths where you are weak. Teams are built which then are stronger than the sum of their parts.
Your weakness is an opportunity to bond and work with someone strong where you are weak. In places where average skills are found the collective group is strong, just like an ant colony.
MyBodyzBetter.com we transform mind & body.
About entrepreneurship
Ved Prakash | Tue Dec 9 22:53:53 2014
Absolutely it is true nobody is master in all fields but the conditions are take into account in this perspective.
All schemes launched are useless
Ashok | Tue Dec 9 18:42:31 2014
All schemes launched are useless. They are not making any difference to the lives of any young or old entrepreneurs. If you try contact nos of NSIC / MSME 50 % of the times there will be no reply, 25 % chances of disconnection / voice not clear, 20% no proper guidance / information provided. Assuming 5 % get through with the information required. I am my self struggling to get through entrepreneurship program since 3 years but have only been struggling to do so on my own.
A few courses are offered by Indian institutions
Rupesh | Tue Dec 9 16:23:02 2014
Hi, I read your editorial and I would like to say that there are a lot of institutes and angel/VC funding that is available now in India, which is not highlighted.
Institutes like EDII, Ahmedabad is dedicated to building entrepreneurship and has been at the forefront of it. (I am a graduate of this institute). Most Indian post graduation MBA program have Entrep. as an elective. IIM-A also has CIIE , which is dedicated to fostering this culture.
The institutes you mentioned i.e Babson, Judge are very good but are also very expensive and out of reach of most Indian students especially with no job security at the end.
Indian courses/colleges , despite lacking the sophisticated start-up environment , do still pull more than their weight and do reasonably well.
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