What SMEs can learn from big boys
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Bikky Khosla | 26 Aug, 2014
Big businesses can learn a lot of things from small businesses. Fund scarcity, lack of manpower, branding challenges, tough competition from big guys . . . small entrepreneurs face a number of Herculean tasks, but they bypass these hurdles by means of agility, innovation and customer centric approaches -- I covered this topic here a few years ago. But there is another side of the coin -- there is plenty also for small businesses to learn from large companies. Learning from what big brands do right, small entrepreneurs can reap tremendous rewards.
It is often said that large businesses have complex organizational structure that makes their decision making very time-consuming while small businesses have a simple organizational structure and this enables them to take quick decisions. This is true, but we should not overlook the fact that decision making of a large business, for the most part, is also slowed by its emphasis on thorough analysis of each and every situation they face. Small businesses should try to make the best of their small size to quicken their decision making, but they should not take this as an excuse to make every decision on a 'go with the gut' basis, without doing any situation analysis.
Small businesses are also characterized by their unwillingness to think ahead. Large businesses, due to the importance they place on thoroughness, tend to plan into the future. In contrast, a small entrepreneur is usually forced to wear many hats -- he may become the marketing team, the accounting department and human resources director of his enterprise -- and as a result he finds himself too busy to think and plan ahead. This is a wrong approach. Small businesses, instead of letting their future go to fate, should plan for future trends in the marketplace, future challenges, new approaches, and so on. Planning ahead should be the core to all what they do.
I also find it surprising why majority of small businesses don't dare to think big. After achieving some level of success they become complacent. Their motivation fades, and the mind becomes lethargic. They don't want to double their strain to double the profit. Large businesses, on the other hand, are characterized by their ability to think big and take the logical steps required to materialize the plan. It is true that large corporations remain in an advantageous position over SMEs in terms of financial strength and manpower, but I think small entrepreneurs should never cease to have ambitions. They should come up with a logical plan and can take small steps, one at a time, towards the goal.
A small businesses should spare no effort in taking advantage of everything that its size has to offer, but at the same time it should also try to learn from the experiences of big businesses -- how they work, grow and succeed.
Follow Big Businesses Strategy
Admin | Fri Sep 5 07:45:41 2014
There is always big boys who struggled, tried and succeed in their own business. So every SMEs should follow their mind, their attitude to succeed. Also initially they should hire consulting firm for supporting areas of business like accounting, finance and HR. It will help to save their time and concentrate on business growth.
Admin | Sat Aug 30 02:07:53 2014
your article has been inspiring. I'd put them on my blog and translate them into Chinese to share with friends. Will keep your link for sure. Keep good job.
H.S.Randhawa | Thu Aug 28 04:52:12 2014
I extend my heart felt congratulations to you for writing a didactic article on above sited subject. A lots of thanks for happy writing
Disadvantages of being SME
Ajit Kshirsagar | Wed Aug 27 10:34:00 2014
Two areas in which SMEs fail are highlighted
Both are genuine. Quick decisions are not right decisions always. Secondly SMEs are generally poor planners. They are so much engrossed in routine that they are hardly left with any time and energy to plan for long term.
True and strange state of affairs with SMEs
Suneel Mundra | Wed Aug 27 07:22:32 2014
What you narrated is a true and strange state of affairs with SME's. Internally they aim to become big, but at the same time they do not take any steps towards that and think comfortable with their own limited vision and analysis. They even do not want to hire the practicing manager cum adviser to advise them with clear cut knowledge of what the large organizations do for their survival and growth and the same time they are not run of the mill kind of stuff who will use their business knowledge to their personal gains.
If these SME's really want to see them at the next level, they need to spend on real advisers to show them the big story.
Don't run after huge dreams
Karuppusamy | Wed Aug 27 06:28:40 2014
I am a business man. Ii do business upto2.5 crore per year. I am happy with this. I am happy with family and spend very good time for my children.
Kindly note. -- My age is 40 .I dont like to run behind money.
I guide my childrens the same.
After 45 years I had planned to spend 30 percent of life to society..
thats my plan .
Rest of the life as god decide.
please don't ask all to run after huge dreams.
Totally agree
K B JAYATHEERTHA | Wed Aug 27 04:36:08 2014
I totally agree that SMEs should always think big and never underestimate themselves . After all most big business started as a SME some time back.
Lack of support from Banks, Government
K S VENKATESAN | Wed Aug 27 04:03:58 2014
I fully endorse with your views. But there are a few points which might be interesting to note.
Most of the SME entrepreneurs are first time, raw belong to middle class community. The sacrifices their family members make are to be commended.
A live case where the bankers fail to submit the documents for claiming subsidies which put a unit in great misery and difficulties. For fear of not getting support in future, the entrepreneurs keep silent and undergo the torture of their lives.
Big boys (many of them are bad) bully the small entrepreneurs both in terms of providing orders, counselling them at the time of need and finally delay the payments thereby kill the unit slowly.
Finally the undue delay in providing the subsidies/concessions and reliefs by government agencies are the major cause for failures of SMEs.
Any entrepreneur would love to grow as Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas or Mittals. But the lack of support from Banks, Government and other agencies counter produce the cause.
Re: Lack of support from Banks, Government
John Mendonca | Wed Oct 1 06:48:03 2014
This is absolutely true. Very often SME is a one man show and the poor chap goes from one crisis to the next. Government not only does not make it easy but views him with such suspicion as if he is out to loot the country. The fact is that laws are used in our country to harass, intimidate and eventually extort money from the vulnerable section who really are on their own.
Understanding small business
Lakshmi Narasimha | Wed Aug 27 02:50:57 2014
Your thought process and understanding is really appreciable and as an entrepreneur I agree because I m sailing in the same boat ... and would like to add the vision guides the organisation and the leader and leadership decides the future of it. All organisations start in small way but they grow big with people who has e the leadership to carry on their shoulder, Mostly small organisations work day to day or three year plan because it first aims to survive and stay in competition ! The right decision at right times forms the basis for further growth that's why we have Apple as an example.To overcome the hurdles of while change is the strength of Leadership ... thank you very much
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