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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Politics.Economic.9.Thmb.jpg Politics vs economics

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Bikky Khosla | 10 Sep, 2013
Last month, the Lok Sabha passed an ambitious National Food Security Bill, which is estimated to take away more than Rs. 1 lakh crore of our tax payers' money per year. Just a day after the decision, our Finance Minister suggested a 10-point action plan to bring the economy back on track, with the very first point emphasising on arresting fiscal deficit by cutting down expenditure. While this discrepancy between talk and action is unfortunate, what is more threatening is that such decisions lack economic sense and could prove fatal for our already dwindling economy.

Election year politics is nothing new to us, but the extent to which the government has gone with the Food Security Bill at a time when the economy is battling with slowdown is quite shocking. Our current account deficit is approaching nearly $90 billion, trade deficit has kept widening, the rupee is sliding to new lows time and again, scaring foreign funds out of the country, resulting in less investment and slower growth which in turn is further weakening the rupee. At this moment, there is an urgent need to cut down expenditure, but the food bill has made all talks about fiscal consolidation sound ridiculous.  

The Land Acquisition Bill is another instance when we saw our political parties getting united once again last month for the sake of populism. This bill aims at replacing the century-old Land Acquisition Act enacted by the British in 1894, and this should have been a welcome development, but again it seems to be an untimely one. There is a widespread fear that time and cost of land acquisition for industry will jump sharply under the new act, and even the ongoing industry projects will be hit by this. At a time when domestic manufacturing is shrinking and foreign investors are fleeing out of the country, the bill may further pull down investor sentiment.

I am not against the holistic nature of the two bills, but the political trickery and more importantly the ongoing crisis in the economy dampens my enthusiasm. Why didn't they bring the food bill before? Instead of hurrying to the bill now, why didn't they first try to stop the massive leakage and pilferage under the present Targeted Public Distribution system? Such questions are a dime a dozen, and the most important question is -- how will they keep the lavish promises, unless they take care of the economy now. Rising above politics is desirable when creating legislation.

Meanwhile, our GDP growth retarded to 4.4 percent for the first quarter of this fiscal -- the lowest in four years, and I think this should be enough by now for our policy makers to stop meddling with the economy. In his 10-point prescription, our Finance Minister has made some motherhood statements which we all have already heard scores of times. Neither our Prime Minister's recent speech has succeeded to elaborate about any convincing solution to the current economic crisis. These things do not at all inspire confidence.

I invite readers' feedback.
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Politics Vs Economy
Venkatesha Murthy | Thu Sep 19 01:34:18 2013
I fully agree with your view. The government is not looking any long term development or vision for India. Its all unfortunately politics at the cost of country growth!! We need good leaders with strong leadership and sacrifice just like Independence leaders. Now most of the leaders are based on power & family politics. I don't think they understand the global market, growth, transformation, energy, economy which are basics of the leadership of 21st century. If govt wants to support poor people which mostly made by congress since holding the position after Independence; they must make everyone is the part of the economy by creating more job in all sectors like Upgrading of Agriculture - not subsidy Creating Jobs at rural area - not making them lazy Supporting Education - not making them drink and vote Supporting Health care Unfortunately we have group of old family business and they taken country as ride. They think Indians are fools and easy to fool them keeping the political cards at the poor vote bank. First of all why country is poor? We have all resources such as human capital, good education, natural resources, minerals, good English, good intellectuals etc., I am living in Singapore and travelled across most of the countries and feel ashamed to have such political system in our country. The only way is "Overall Transformation" rather than debating who is right or wrong and according to me all political system at present are short VISION" Transform India by INDIANS

Elect representatives who really represent us
Architect Ravi Sant | Sun Sep 15 10:15:50 2013
Politics and Economics are inseparable are two sides of one coin..whether we like it or not..fact remains SO LETS ACCEPT THAT POLITICIANS ARE NOT GOING TO IMPLEMENT THE ECONOMIC POLICIES AS ARE DESIRED BY MASSES. Instead lets intervene and strictly correct the content of the bills so as to suit to our pockets and desires. The ideal way of doing it is to elect people representatives who really represent us on all front..Ar. Ravi Sant

Politicians to fool innocent masses
Daljeet Singh Sethi | Fri Sep 13 07:46:20 2013
Politics is Poly Tactics exercised by so called talented politicians to fool innocent masses. It thrives purely on Economics & fluctuates either way. Economics breeds Economics ( the science which deals with the production, distribution,and consumption of the world's resources)whereas Politics (unhealthy one)deteriorates Politics as it grows in air through spoken words without actions. Guru Nanak Dev's quote, Labb Paap Doi Raja Mehta Kurr Hoa Sikdar Kaam Nebb Sadd Puchiye Bah Bah Karey Vichaar ..... means Greed & Sins are King & Minister and Lie is Inspector..... All of them organise meetings to evolve strategies to rob people. It reminds about a story of 2 Cats & Monkey fighting over a piece of breads.

politics n economy
p.v. manohar | Fri Sep 13 07:27:30 2013
this govt should be kicked out.they made other parties to get trapped in this hunters net.people are fed up and in gloom.soon moun mohan singh gets the job of scavenger in rahul sonias house as he desired indians are not saved.

Politics vs Economics
R.Sudhakar | Fri Sep 13 06:34:41 2013
This kind of discussion has been going on for quite some time. It is futile unless the voters realise the value of their vote and that they are responsible for the type of government they choose. It is not discussions that is needed now. Action by whoever wants to discuss this/these problems of governance. Go out ,ensure proper voters registration, do your best to create awareness for the value of the vote; and more importantly raise your voice for electoral reforms - mainly for proportional representation.

  Re: Politics vs Economics
KAUSHIK | Sat Sep 14 02:30:02 2013
Sir, I have been breaking my head with food ministry and FCI how best we can protect the food grains from rotting, with the details given to them. I don't see any politics in this and simple scientific implementation and will is required. In spite of PMO's and FOOD MINISTRY'S directives on my note almost an year back still FCI has keptit is kept in cold storage. Similarly the reasons given by PM,FM, PETROLEUM MINISTER ABOUT DOWN FALL OF INDIAN RUPEE,saying the major chunk of foreign exchange goes for paying crude oil import, my suggestion in this regard to the PMO and the OIL MINISTER, was for a long term and permanent measures were: Sir, I have few suggestions, WHICH I made from time to time to our wise professionals in the field and manufacturers. Yesterday, on one of the TV CHANNEL I saw the Honourable Minister in discussion with some members on a live chat and heard the Honourable Minister asking for public suggestion, that has inspired me to write to him. The OIL IMPORT HAS MADE THE ECONOMY IN CURRENT POSITION AND THE SEVERAL CAUSES OF RUPEES going down against USD. - okay we are importing CRUDE OIL for almost more that 60 years, with the development in Oil refining technology, There are certain vital chemicals like THE FCC CATALYSTS AND SOME ADDITIVES ARE ALSO IMPORTED . ITS IMPORT COST ALSO RUNS INTO SEVERAL MILLION OR BILLION DOLLARS. OUR GREAT SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OR CSIR LABORATORIES OR THE PIONEERING INDIA INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM HAVE NEVER FOCUSED TO DEVEL.

Wake up and Unite for our Future's sake.
Desh Premee | Wed Sep 11 13:55:34 2013
Now that we all know about our dirty politicians and their even more dirtier politics, why don't we all(People of India) wake up and get together and take matters of running our betrayed country from these few thousand ever cheating politicos before it is too late. Interested people please write back and lets unite together and fight back this menace called POLITICS which has paralyzed our life's in last 67 years, by bringing change in this corrupt system.

meet | Wed Sep 11 11:58:41 2013
Definitely what is written is 100% right. Also we have to see the corporate sectors all CEO,MD,Chairmanswhat are they doing during their best time. Only looking in their more investments. That is also very good, but what Very Less CSR activity in the country. Forget the CSR activity, These people never thinks about their employees even contracts labours and their families lifes,and earning money. They always wants only cost reduction with max. labourious work. They only see on safety sometimes because their head in count by government in the case of accident. They always see environment in managing condition in 10% expense through bribes or etc. efforts. They also search cost reduction in environment without more doing in environment. 98% CEO, MD,Chairman are talking puppets in the terms of money for him in max. way.

politics vs economics
Krishnamoorthy | Wed Sep 11 09:43:41 2013
Will wait for a real LEADER to do away with BRITIS RAJYA clutch. Am from SINGAPORE and an NRI , Country which were starving for one time meal during world WAR II are one best economies of the world, IT IS ONLY due to POLITICAL willing ness, , we hear all FALLS promise from especially FINANCE MINISTERS whoever it be except Mr MORARJI DESAI and same may HAPPEN when we will HAVE like that another RAMRAJYA in 2014 election, I as a INDIAN citizen longing for my GRAND CHILDREN life to be SMOOTH coming years and am one of the SUPPORTER of ALL the best to MY MOTHER LAND, NO CHIDAMBARAM under a ITALIAN head can be Sincere to our country except an INDIAN HEAD with IRON RULE like SIR SARDAR PATEL we need MINISTERS and PM, CHINA who stepped into industrializing R today's WORLD FACTORY and have close 3.5 trillion RESERVES, or atleast let these POLITICIANS allow Sir's OUR great PRESIDENT once MR SIMPLE DR ABDUL GHALAM.s dream come thru, We need INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK govt and not an ITALIAN head. Pls tell us what is her achievement- ONLY CORRUPT RAJYA, from 18 Rupees to rs66 a USD in 10 years span- REDICULUS, we are bcz of these great great rulers today looked down, and our earlier goodf thinking leaders effort all sent to DRAIN due to their SHEAR ARROGANCE. We are not a WORLD FACTORY, we are not a OIL producer then what we are with EMPTY VESSELS GOVERNMENT and throw POPULIST policies and fool the neediest everyday.

The other side of the food sec bill.
Jan | Wed Sep 11 09:34:10 2013
The most important messages of the Food Security Bill are: 1) India wants to boost the population; 2) India paves the road for GM crop, imported from the US / EU agribusiness emporium; 3) India uses access to food to make people accept biometric registration and centralized automated control, as stated in this FSB Chapter VII. GM crops need an awful lot of fertilizer, therefore the energy/chemicals lobbies did their job well. In the Americas, fields of GM crop living on fertilizer result in poor farmers on vast territories of land with only one type of plant, no insects, no other plants. People eating the substances develop food allergies. This will leave the Indian population poor, enslaved and ill. Pity for India.

Good Comparison
Murthy KVVKSN | Wed Sep 11 07:02:39 2013
The comparison looks like came from the hearts of a common man and which is absolutely correct. Really appreciate the way it is presented and I feel that this needs to be realized by each and every citizen of the country and do justice of what they need to do. Thanks.

Poitics vs ECONOMICS
Kaushik | Wed Sep 11 06:14:54 2013
Sir, Further to my feed back on your editorial, there are some more to be added. DEVELOPED THESE FCC CATALYSTS, CERTAIN SPECIALTY ADDITIVES IN OUR COUNTRY. NEITHER THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY or the PLANNING COMMISSION, OR THE PRIME MINISTERS HAVE EVER FOCUSED ON THIS, INDIGINIZATION OF SUCH COSTLIEST CHEMICALS CAN SAVE LOT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND THE SAME CATALYST OR CHEMICALS CAN BE EXPORTED TO OTHER WORLD MARKET OF OIL SECTOR IN OIL REFINING. THIS will also save the foreign exchange as well as cuts down the cost of oil refining to a great extent. As you know today without the FCC catalyst or certain oil drilling chemicals are still imported in the country,It is my suggestion that the Oil Ministry and the Ministry of Fertilizers and Chemicals/ Dept of Science and technology must have a separate dept and it must be given as a key task to all CSIR laboratories, NCL and IIP. I don't know what is their contribution in all these years in this direction or their work reports are never put for Public or Ministries review. They might be coming to light only when they have to ask for Govt. Budget allocation every year or during the annual award function in the SCIENCE CONGRESS.IN PRAISE OF EACH OTHERS. There is no system of their TECHNICAL AUDIT that we have created in all this years. Though these are long term measures and the above mentioned CSIR laboratories PERHAPS are busy in Publishing papers and foreign was learn that in one of the India refinery

How can we protect food grains from rotting
Kaushik Vyas | Wed Sep 11 04:25:23 2013
Sir, I have been breaking my head with food ministry and FCI how best we can protect the food grains from rotting, with the details given to them. I don't see any politics in this and simple scientific implementation and will is required. In spite of PMO's and FOOD MINISTRY'S directives on my note almost an year back still FCI has keptit is kept in cold storage. Similarly the reasons given by PM,FM, PETROLEUM MINISTER ABOUT DOWN FALL OF INDIAN RUPEE,saying the major chunk of foreign exchange goes for paying crude oil import, my suggestion in this regard to the PMO and the OIL MINISTER, was for a long term and permanent measures were: Sir, I have few suggestions, WHICH I made from time to time to our wise professionals in the field and manufacturers. Yesterday, on one of the TV CHANNEL I saw the Honourable Minister in discussion with some members on a live chat and heard the Honourable Minister asking for public suggestion, that has inspired me to write to him. The OIL IMPORT HAS MADE THE ECONOMY IN CURRENT POSITION AND THE SEVERAL CAUSES OF RUPEES going down against USD. - okay we are importing CRUDE OIL for almost more that 60 years, with the development in Oil refining technology, There are certain vital chemicals like THE FCC CATALYSTS AND SOME ADDITIVES ARE ALSO IMPORTED . ITS IMPORT COST ALSO RUNS INTO SEVERAL MILLION OR BILLION DOLLARS. OUR GREAT SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OR CSIR LABORATORIES OR THE PIONEERING INDIA INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM HAVE NEVER FOCUSED TO DEVELOPED THESE

Well thought out and presented
Shiv Prasad Saxena | Wed Sep 11 02:25:31 2013
I read all your editorials with great interest, since they are very well thought out and presented. Its is impossible to find any fault. Like the one under reference. This note is just to compliment you and I do hope to read more interesting write-ups in future. Keep it up !!!!

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