Office politics: Is it creeping into your business?
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Bikky Khosla | 19 Feb, 2013
Office politics exists in every work environment. When a group of people work together for 40-50 hours a week there is bound to be some friction and difference of opinions. I see no harm in it. In fact, if channelled properly, this could prove to be useful, breeding healthy competition. But unfortunately, in many a workplace, office politics advances to its ugliest form, slowly and stealthily, tormenting employee morale, threatening workforce stability and eating away productivity bit by bit. It's why you need to step in early before office politics spins out of control.
So who are those office politicians? They can be from any level of management: a junior staff playing the blame game over a task gone wrong, a manager making another look bad and incompetent in front of the top management, or an insecure assistant offering fulsome flattery to the immediate boss in an attempt to hide his incompetency. And there are backstabbers, lobbyists, credit thieves, gossipers, double agents, and so on.
On the other hand, you also have the victims. The number of office politicians may not be large, but the effects could be widespread. In fact, even a single manager in your organization who is terribly hungry to expand his power and position is capable of doing a lot of harm. His presence can make everyone feel insecure, and his favourite prey - whom he competes with, who don't feed his ego, or whose faces he doesn't like - are likely to be the worst sufferers, even if they are doing their job and doing it well.
Most of the times, workplace politics comes in disguise, making it really tough for small business owners, particularly those who are not employee-turned entrepreneurs, to detect the political undercurrents that exist in the workplace.
You may believe that an embattled employee is innocently seeking your advice, but probably he is persuading you to take his side; a trickster may try to bamboozle you with show-off enthusiasm, intelligent-sounding technical jargon, or seemingly great ideas; an apple of your eye might have a hidden agenda to grow his career at the cost of others' professional image; someone may hire more only to feed his ego, or try to expand his authority in the name of cross-functional team activities; probably a few victims, back-stabbed and demoralized, have already bid adieu to your company - you're just unaware of the damage done.
As the owner, it's your job to prevent office politics from creeping into your small business. I would like to suggest a few things here.
First, give a positive direction to the factors that are responsible for the political undercurrents. Try to convert every conflict of opinions into a healthy debate, align personal ambitions of every employee with collective targets of your company, and guide everyone to value healthy conflict and cooperation. Easier said than done, but try this. Second, take preventive measures - keep your policies transparent, and ensure that a system is in place to clearly define authority and accountability of every employee. Third, be alert. You needn't worry about every water-cooler talk, but as soon as you sense that some people are out there playing a dirty game, act strongly against them regardless of their performance level or seniority.
I invite your feedback, and request you to pass this write-up on to all of your employees.
Quite impressive
Bhupat Meniya | Wed Mar 20 11:53:41 2013
The last line
is quite impressive: "You needn't worry about every water-cooler talk, but as soon as you sense that some people are out there playing a dirty game, act strongly against them regardless of their performance level or seniority"
Victim: Management aware, HRs changed to suit the need of Politicians
Sujata | Fri Mar 8 10:14:19 2013
I can't agree more. I was victimized and ultimately gave up. Higher Management was aware, but did nothing. Each and every employee in HR dept. was changed to suit the need of Politicians. Sad...very sad
Easier said than done !
Sandup R. Phuntsok | Wed Feb 27 10:41:17 2013
Very well written and the points discussed are pertinent and you conclusive opinions "maey dum hai"!
The boss who is proverbially "always right" wrong funda and is cause of frictions and fissures and fishy happenings. The boss should be impartial, above petty squabbling politics and should ensure one to one resolution of problems and group discussions for coming to a decision. "ithay-uthay" probing, fact finding stunts cause all the work place hungama and do no good to the individuals nor to the organisation. Be a man - both the boss and the employee and sort out one to one or one on one!
Collective work culture should be the sum of the goodness and ability of each member with fee exchange of ideas, mutual understanding and spirit of cooperation, goodwill and self esteem and respect for other members. Sharing positive vibes is a must and this will blot out chamcha giri of the sneaking types and dada giri of the blackmailing kind.
There is no place for politics when "all for one and one for all " spirit prevails - Hail Marx !
I think i am a victim
Neo | Wed Feb 27 04:25:21 2013
This story is very true.Its happening in our place.I am mostly sad because HR is helping those Bad Politicins.
Top management shouldn't turn a blind eye
Paritosh Pandya | Thu Feb 21 10:33:28 2013
In today's working environment, this nuisance has spread widely and it is difficult to handle such issues. Only innocent people lose their jobs because of office politics as all as because the higher management has no time to step in. I have seen many people becoming victims of such dirty politics and when they get frustrated from all such thing either they offer their resignation or they get termination letter from the management.
One bad fish makes whole pond dirty
Sohail Ahmad, Pakistan | Thu Feb 21 06:30:22 2013
This topic is very common to find in almost every size & kind of organization. Author has elaborated it beautifully. One bad fish make whole pond dirty. Bad politics cause stress and unrest which leads to insecurity. Things go worst when top man avoid to play his fatherly role to lead it to happy ending.
Good suggestions
K J Desai | Wed Feb 20 12:53:22 2013
Thanks for your suggestions. It useful in our current problem facing.
Bull's eye - management experts shy away from such practical point of view
Abdul Rahman Mastan | Wed Feb 20 12:00:32 2013
Dear Sir, you have hit the bull's eye with this article and it is one of pragmatic subjects you have touched which many management experts shy away from writing.
Abdul Rahman, Bahrain
Helpful information
Arohi Diwakar | Wed Feb 20 10:11:47 2013
Nice newsletter. It will help to handle people in good way.
Useful, good for all
Kartic Guha | Wed Feb 20 08:41:01 2013
Good Idea. Very useful for Every Organisation.
Better performer but dirty politician - should we act against
Rishabh Sharma | Wed Feb 20 07:57:02 2013
Better performing employees always want to make an impact on their bosses and thus they give birth to dirty politics behind the employers back. Worst part is that the small entrepreneurs wouldnt act strongly against those better performing employees and they would want to go with the flow, atleast for a particular time period. You just cant act strongly against employees regardless of their performance level specially in a small concern.
Discipline should be maintained
Mr.Tanak | Wed Feb 20 07:35:48 2013
STRICT "Work while you work" should be the policy and Discipline should be maintained as " Refraining from punishment is like putting premium on insubordination."
How to align personal ambitions with collective targets
Arfin Ahmad | Wed Feb 20 07:27:15 2013
Very Good article written. Please give your valuable advice on how to align personal ambitions of every employee with collective targets of any company. Writer of this article as well as experienced entrepreneurs are requested for advice.
Simple, dedicated workers suffer under loud speaking 'Modern Managers'
N.B.LALL | Wed Feb 20 07:10:24 2013
Well, if you study and understand the modern management system, it speaks of manipulating the normal functioning of a healthy business and to create imaginary solutions, defying logic. Under this loud speaking 'Modern Managers', simple and dedicated workers of any enterprise suffer. The acknowledgments for these modern marshals is given by mushrooming management institutes which are stoutly supported by the western culture, specially the American who are enjoying the hard work done by the ancient and remotely settled agricultural population. We all need to look forward to management systems like 6 SIGMA and likes.
Reciprocal attitude
Naresh Thakur | Wed Feb 20 06:42:29 2013
I am of the view that reciprocal attitude in essential to maintain congenial atmosphere. It takes two hands to clap. Negative approach takes a birth such as exploitation, dishonesty from the side of employer, shattering of commitment and ultimately employees wish to lead a life that earn money and image as well. System failure of the office lead any kind of negativism.
Problem bigger when politics spans outside the company
Pravin | Wed Feb 20 05:30:29 2013
The topic is well written but the problem has been narrowed. Problem is even bigger when the politics started spanning outside the company. I have a small software company and provide accounting software. I need to give a lot of support service to my clients. My business suffers when some influential person in that company starts bad-mouthing my service because he wants me out of there so that his brother/ friend/ uncle can sell there software to the company. It's a lose lose situation. I lose a client, company loses a good vendor and other employees lose stability they gained by consistent use of same software.
Re: Problem bigger when politics spans outside the company
Narayan Behari Lall | Tue Feb 26 10:50:39 2013
Nothing succeeds like success. You need to believe yourself instead of self assessing.
You are in a service industry where with the time circumstances keep changing, specially when your soft solutions start working. In an expansion mode you need to be ready with subsidiary solution requirements which are a result of your own suggested plan. However in absence of your follow up, vacuum is created which is taken up by a follow up advise.You need to work in tandem and understand the importance of follow up. Review your work regularly and sincerely.
Look up and around only to learn and follow the wise and not to feel chased.
Too much idle time gives rise to dirty politics
Shekhar Deshkar | Wed Feb 20 04:50:28 2013
It happens almost every where. For dirty politics, management through HR should keep close watch & study the undercurrents. There ought to be good reasons for dirty politics. Earlier the better & act. Too much idle time gives rise to this type of business. Engage the people in constructive activities, set the goals & target dates, evaluate & appreciate them. Award team performance / spirit,cross functional team can be exercised
Resource is lost in politics
Ramesh | Wed Feb 20 03:56:16 2013
The author is correct. In SMEs politics and the employees attitude is a cause of concern and they snub others not to develop in the professional manner. The cause of concern is the resource which is lost in the politics and the organization suffers in the bargain to balance the politics. People are short-sighted and they don't have focus on work. Good professionals don't want to work in SME sector. This is the irony of this sector. The solution as the author suggests needs to be followed. We request the author to give examples so that we can adopt certain methodology to handle them.
Real good topic for discussion
Dr. Raj Mohan | Wed Feb 20 01:49:44 2013
It is real good topic for discussion and practice. Certainly, grapevine will be an effective tool to overcome office politics problems. Keeping the office team in good knowledge of the systems and policies is the prime factor in growth oriented organization. Second, make them to understand the point of view of the management and managers in the right perspective is significant. Finally, sensing the problem areas and identify the problem makers through grapevine. Let the office team know the goal and enjoy with achieving it without politics.
Polluted my genuine employees
Ajay Kumar | Tue Feb 19 16:39:41 2013
I introduce myself a innocent entrepreneur , still 3 months left to finish my B.Tech , going to take over my father's business of selling Pneumatics tools , I have a thread of loosing my 15 Year old business to my relation who was employed from the beginning , he slowly captures the customer, steels some good, pollute my genuine employees added to him his brother too acts in much better way to capture. Now he left my org. And started his own unauthorized service . . . having this idea in mind all the staffs are tend to start their own, but I am a authorized dealer of a imported brand. How can I sustain my business . . . .
Re: Polluted my genuine employees
Venkatesh Anantharamu | Wed Feb 27 05:08:25 2013
You are getting induced into the Real world with Real problems & challenges any small & medium enterprises face, get ready to take the challenge Head ON. This is a typical problem many in the industry face, what is a crucial differentiation is your commitment to your customers & being customer centric. Don't lose sleep over the customers that you have lost, there are many more lying to be tapped & even the customers whom you have lost today is only a temporary phase. You are the Authorized Dealer while the others are not a simple strategy is firstly visiting the customers whom you are aware are lost along with the Company Representative & reaffirm to them that you are the right company as they would have problems from buying with Unauthorized agencies on Service & Spares. Let the representative from the OEM for whom you are Authorized do this talking rather than you, coming from the horses mouth will always add scare. Importantly, remember this is a temporary phase of loss, you have enough to recover back lost ground provided you work diligently & with plan. There are many more thoughts to share but this is enough to start...
Nicely written
Partha | Tue Feb 19 16:22:44 2013
Wonderful article and nice write-up. There are these power hungry mediocre talent people and also money hungry people in organisation who literally spoil the work environment and ultimately the enterprise takes a beating which the enterprise should recogonise and throw them out else it will take a beating and also get a bad image.
A little politics helpful
Erlinda | Tue Feb 19 12:43:30 2013
I think it is right to have a little politics to keep the pressure on the working environment. This definitely bring better output and keep employees on their toes. I see lots of sleeping jargon. This people keep on
sleeping most of the time and wake up suddenly when he feels there is some threat to his/her position. I feel to make a small business successful, day to day operations has to be right and 100 percent. Let us not doubt the credibility of our employees but focus on to work as a team for future growth.
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