Differentiation - the purple cow
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Bikky Khosla | 03 Oct, 2012
Have you ever seen a purple cow! I bet you haven't. But what if you see one ... it will surely grab your attention -- very quickly. It's so different ... it stands out from the hundreds of black, brown and white cows. Differentiation means exactly that -- avoiding the trap of convention and creating a unique competitive advantage that helps a business stand out from its competitors and in the minds of its customers.
The 'purple cow' analogy was coined by American entrepreneur and author Seth Godin who emphasized on the idea of gaining customers' attention by placing a remarkable product in the market -- a product that nobody can get elsewhere. In today's market, which is pretty much open, this idea has lost some relevance, but I think the underlying message -- differentiation can make a big difference -- still makes a lot of sense.
Having said that I don't intend to view that inventing a 'new-to-the-world' product or doing something very innovative with an existing product is something impossible to do for a small firm, but my view is that SMEs should learn to look beyond product-based (as well as price-based) differentiation on which, more often than not, they may find very difficult to compete with larger firms sitting on large pile of cash.
First of all, I think there's a market for great customer service forever. Always answer customer calls, make promises that you can keep, listen to them to solve their problems, give their complaint your attention, train your staff to be helpful and courteous, and do that extra to bring the oomph factor. Offering promotions and slashing prices may bring in new customers, but with the power of customer service, you can get them to come back once and again.
Similarly, customized service is a powerful niche. As a small business, you should treat every single customer like they are your only customer. Unlike large firms, you have that time and opportunity. So, make the best of this flexibility. Product variety should be another focus area. People usually like to visit those shops where they can get everything they need in one stop. So, instead of offering just one, offer a range of related products. Never hesitate to go a little out of your way for your loyal customers. And finally, make it easier for your customers to buy the product. It can make a big difference.
A small business should always focus on enhancing the value of its offers by every possible means -- be it customer service, product variety, user-friendliness, or personal attention. To stand out in a crowded marketplace, you need to portray yourself as unique, and to do that staying within your limited budget, you need to act smart. As a small business, the more you rely on things that cost nothing but mean so much, the better it is.
Differentiation-The Purple Cow.
Phani Kumari.Y. | Mon Oct 8 08:44:25 2012
Indeed, a very useful article for any business to survive in this era of competition.
Suits to any business
S. Maheshwari | Mon Oct 8 06:37:03 2012
Article is, of course , suits to any business, specially those who want to make space for new product. It is very good article.
Re: Suits to any business
Ketan N. Mehta | Mon Oct 8 06:37:45 2012
Dear Sir, The purple cow is a very good state of example. Really it will be useful to many business models. I liked it in many ways. Secondly we want to start something new to import from China and if possible would like to set up some kind of JV there, request you to kindly share your views on the same with us. We will require your assistance in the matter please. Await for your news. Regards. Janak Dehydration Pvt. Ltd. Ketan N. Mehta - Mobile : 09821234124 Tel : 022-28074436 (office) 022-28061113 (home) Fax : 022-28612735 E-mail : info@janakdehydration.com Website : www.janakdehydration.com " We do not work for our customers..... we work with them "
On Target
Wally Stryk | Sat Oct 6 17:51:02 2012
Offering a good greeting and following through with customer's requests go a long way in today’s subpar customer service environment.
Gearing-up motivation !!
Bharat Thakkar | Sat Oct 6 10:56:14 2012
A wonderful article that is must to follow by not SMEs alone, but also established organized sectors !
I wonder if you can add more words to this ! The truth as ever. Uniqueness of product/s and Customer Service is as precise as nursing a new born, always.
All topics so meaningful
Netashwa Dixit | Sat Oct 6 08:32:57 2012
Thanks for the tips. All the topics that you discuss and advices on are so meaningful.
I eagerly look forward to your emails.
I like your comments on the Purple Cow. I too am a small businessman.
Would like to keep in touch with you further. Email me at
netashwadixit@gmail.com if you would like to.
Differentiation - the purple cow
Shankar GANESH | Sat Oct 6 00:43:03 2012
Wow . . . one of the best articles I've read in recent times.
Keep up the motivating work Mr. Khosla.
Very Nice !
Glaucio Amaral | Fri Oct 5 18:12:23 2012
The purple cow is also our good attitudes with all around us. I could not imagined but I was in a very nice press dinner and suddenly decided to serve the bottle of water to all 5 people around table. A lady took a picture of me doing that ! It was unexpected . . . I was wearing a purple sweter and shirt ! Glaucio Amaral - Gessulli Agribusiness
Keep up
MS. Mondro | Thu Oct 4 12:33:53 2012
Amazing we need to be reminded that the smallest details are important to a efficient body of activities. Such a brilliant and effective article. Keep up your good editorials
Importance of Customer Service !
Bawa Grover | Thu Oct 4 04:34:14 2012
Completely endorse your points on the importance of customer service for any business. While being very obvious, the questions businesses often struggle with is how to institutionalize customer service culture and ensure that all employees live and breath customer service practices - across the organisation. Yes, easier said then done ?
Hexagon Consulting has accordingly launched India's first Customer Service standard: The International Standard for Service Excellence, TISSE 2012 !
Developed and governed by The International Customer Service Institute, (TICSI) UK, TISSE 2012 is based on the 5P’s model (Policies, Premises, Products/Services, Processes, People) of customer service excellence, an academically accredited model developed by Philip Forest (co-founder of TICSI) at the Brunel University, London.
TISSE 2012 aims to enable organizations to focus their attention on delivery of excellence in customer service quality, while at the same time providing recognition by a BSI certified Internationally accredited customer service standard.
Following this framework can help mid sized and larger organisations implement the right policies, procedures, practices and organisational framework, to create a customer centric organisation.
Thought provoking
Eardley Perera | Thu Oct 4 04:10:45 2012
I have found most of your editorials very thought provoking, though some may border on in-informed information/data. Nevertheless, the value of your editorials is immense to the reader. I have a suggestion. Why not consider publishing every hundred editorials, from the inception, into small booklets under a title WRITTEN TO PROVOKE YOUR THINKING! I will personally order hundred copies of each issue to distribute among employees. Well done, keep it up. Best regards
Eardley Perera
V Praveen Raj | Thu Oct 4 03:46:16 2012
As a small businessman I endorse the views of this article in letter and spirit. I have seen and experienced that many customers feel more comfortable to do business with small entrepreneurs rather than well established branded suppliers. The bigger you grow more layers are added (thicker skin)and communication becomes shallow and the connection is lost. However, the growth is essential for any business to flourish in long run but the fabric of sincerity of small entrepreneur should be maintained.
Jayesh Rambhia | Thu Oct 4 02:15:59 2012
As part of great customer service , communicate with your customers regularly.
Fast & accurate communication is great service & does not cost much.
Their emails should be answered within hours.
Once they place order inform them of progress of that order at each stage.
When goods are dispatched , let them know.
If delay is happening , inform them honestly.
Don't hide , don't evade , don't take short cuts.
Communicate to create trust & win business
Always give true information
Harjot Singh | Thu Oct 4 06:20:35 2012
I really appreciate your views. I want to add that sellers should always give true information to the customer, which they usually don't do. If acutually this happens the customer will have faith in the organization and business will grow simultaniously with reputation. Thank you
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