Never forget growth, keep fuelling your entrepreneurial fire
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Bikky Khosla | 03 Jul, 2012
You started your small business with great enthusiasm. There was a big dream, a big idea, a big battle to fight against. And today you're the proud owner of a lucrative cynosure. So, now what! You're drawing handsome incomes, then why to bother about growth! This is where I think the difference lies between a business that grows from small to big, and one that manages to exist.
With most small and medium entrepreneurs, the enthusiasm with which they once started their ventures, dies away gradually -- motivation fades, and the mind becomes lethargic. Why should you double your strain to double the profit! And that's the trap we fall in. If a business stops growing, it can easily be destroyed by the avalanche of change, and that's why every entrepreneur should keep the growth ambition fueling up top -- always.
But what about the additional finance required to support your growth plan? Beyond doubt this could be a big hurdle for any SME, and most of our small enterprises share similar woes, but my point here is that small entrepreneurs need to treasure and constantly feed their emotional capital -- the passion and positive outlook that can keep them driven to grow and achieve more. And once you have this capital, half the battle is won. The key to growth is not putting more money, but placing higher dimensions of consciousness into your awareness.
Having said that my intention is definitely not to underestimate the intense dearth of finance faced by SME entrepreneurs in every step they take, but to stress on the "glass half full" approach. For small business success, you need to put your head in the right place, and avoid a lack-based thinking like: "I can't afford. . . ", or "it's not possible . . .". Such an approach can drag your positive energies down and act as a roadblock to your business growth. In contrast, a good psychology to practice disciplined optimism can help a lot.
So, it's wise to start with self. First and foremost, you need to believe that growth is good and non-growth is bad. No matter whether your business is running growth-less, at a loss, or breaking even, it's never too late. Money can ease your strain when you look for growth, but above and over that you, as small-scale entrepreneur, have to dig out opportunities for growth from everywhere. Just keep the entrepreneurial fire -- that spark, that passion -- which started you out on your journey, burning.
Never forget growth; I promise -- incredible things will happen.
Radhakrishna | Sun Aug 26 08:12:13 2012
It is true. One must maintain such spirit right!
Work on Future
Srikkanth | Sat Jul 28 13:54:53 2012
The article is motivating . Every business man should dream big, then scale down your objective and plan as per the available resources and implement.
Positive and motivating
Chona N. Rieta from Philippines | Wed Jul 11 13:22:17 2012
Hi! I'm from the Philippines and i want to say "thank you" for the this positive and motivating article...
Working on growth-plan
Obinna | Wed Jul 11 11:17:20 2012
Glory Sir, to the glory of GOD coming across this piece this day has fired me up towards realizing this my worthy purpose. Thnx a million.
Sunil Gupta | Wed Jul 11 10:32:02 2012
i am retailer.has a big entrepreneurial ambition.struggling since last 3 year.have lot of positive energy.family members are very much against.your tips are helpful to me.i energize myself by reading your notes whenever i am depressed.thanks a lot.
Never forget growth, keep fuelling your entrepreneurial fire
MR BIKASH SAHA | Wed Jul 11 06:25:26 2012
This is really a motivational write-up and applicable for all businessman as well as individual also
Re: Circular - Electrical & Plumbing Design/Drawing Comments
Manoj Bhavsar | Tue Jul 10 15:56:41 2012
S.P.KATHIRVEL | Mon Jul 9 08:55:21 2012
Sanjeev Dalal | Fri Jul 6 08:57:23 2012
I fully agree with the author that the fire dies at some point of time. However the major cause is a lack of vision. Also the challenges that a Entrepreneur faces today is much more. But with the glass full approach, today's scenario also provides a lot more opportunities too. I am of a firm opinion that if an entrepreneur keeps kindling the fire in him, he would definitely find newer methods to meet the challenges and newer opportunities.
After all there are a lot of financial options now available, and moreover, if the project is right he could even get a VC.
Any ways I would like to thank the author for such inspirational boost, which I think is required from time to time for the emotionally discharged entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Fire shall sustain always
C S Anil Babu | Fri Jul 6 04:53:36 2012
Inspirational message !!! Every Entrepreneur starts with positive thought to help them grow and realize their dream and contribute to C.S.R ( Citizen social responsibility). The Entrepreneur Fire shall sustain always; it should be supported by finance & Govt rules & regulations, etc, depending on dynamic change of market.
Entrepreneural Fire
Ashique Husain | Thu Jul 5 13:27:24 2012
An inspirational narrative with a very specific message. An SME can be defined also as "Short on Money Entrepreneur". However I totally agree with you that money is necessary but not the only precondition for growth. There are two approaches- 1) Looking for difficulty in every opportunity and 2) Looking for opportunity in every difficulty. Many big industries and conglomerates started as SMEs and rose to become industrial and commercial empires.
Form a good team of associates and work together
Shrinivas Moghe | Thu Jul 5 13:23:19 2012
Dear Sir, again a valuable article by you!
But here I would wish to add one more aspect to the subject of growth. Growth, all by oneself, has certain limitations, and even if achieved, has its toll on the small scale entrepreneurs. And sooner or later, this takes away the fire. The best and sure way to avoid this situation is to share the growth with others. Forming a good team of associates and working together, complementing each other, is the best way to obviate the otherwise inevitable situation of lost fire. But unfortunately, SSI entrepreneurs usually miss this aspect. Even I missed it. But its never too late, I trust.
Price & Quality Competition & lack of Funds...
ARJUN | Thu Jul 5 08:12:24 2012
Dear Sir,
Gone through your today's Note. Here, i would like to know how a SSI unit manufacturing its own Product since last 25 years faces unhealthy price competition with the manufacturers of outside Maharashtra due to difference in VAT tax, labour,power, and above all commercial & graded castings rate difference which works out to approximately 20% to 35% shall think of Development & market growth?.
Secondly,putting additional funds for development than the working capital seems risky as because due to vast difference in the basic cost of production itself is scary.
Due to this reason the small scale sector like ours are under tremendous pressure to do any development and just try to maintain the present turnover. However, we are aware this will not last long.
Kindly guide what best we can do to come out of this situation. Our product has good demand we also have moderate infrastructure as what is required but still than we feel due to this price gap it is difficult to grow.
Your valuable advice will be highly appreciated.
Re: Price & Quality Competition & lack of Funds...
Shrinivas Moghe | Thu Jul 5 13:43:08 2012
Dear Arjun, coincidentally you share the name of my nephew. Any way, in your field of business, I do not sport much knowledge, but still I have three suggestions for you.01. Can you think of value addition to your products of manufacturing? This may help you fetch better price, 02.Go for mass production, but curtail your expenses, bring about perfection in quality, and share your business with others, who can contribute positively, to your growth, 03. lastly, shift to some other business within the available assets. Don't think that you have married to your existing products.
Re: Re: Price & Quality Competition & lack of Funds...
Radhakrishna | Sun Aug 26 08:15:12 2012
Rightly mentioned sir!
Sundar | Thu Jul 5 03:39:14 2012
This article is certainly thought provoking and a very good motivator. It reminds the entrepreneurs not to focus on wrong things and stay negative, and instead look at things that will improvise growth and help SMEs to swift gears upwards.
When is retired stage?
B.dinakaran | Thu Jul 5 03:16:12 2012
I came into my business when I was studying 8th standard. My aim in business is that we should not cheat and do business and feed my children and I have done that successfully. Now I am 52 years and want to simplify my business, put the savings in bank. My engineer children do not like to do business due to lake of labours in this printing field. They go for big company jobs. Micro and small business are vanishing.
Sundar, Coimbatore | Thu Jul 5 02:53:50 2012
It is certainly thought provoking and a good motivational article. It reminds entrepreneurs not to let the energy lose on focusing wrong things and instead look at things that fuels growth and moves up the level overall!
Anupam | Wed Jul 4 17:01:19 2012
I am in business for last 30 years but for last 3-4 yrs I have start losing interest and there is no increase in number of clients, no expansion
and I'm trying to satisfy with the present. A timely article has motivated me. It will not only make me busy, making more profit and above all creating more employment..Thanks
Words of inspiration
Dr. Stephen George | Wed Jul 4 16:48:08 2012
Thank you Bikky for these inspirational words
Words of inspiration when it's trying times
Dr. Stephen George | Wed Jul 4 16:30:34 2012
Growth mindset brings growth
Pramodkumar Jadhav - 9920251274 | Wed Jul 4 12:56:39 2012
Dear Sir, very sensible thought about growth and a good advice. I agree completely with the views expressed. Growth mindset brings growth in all senses and all respects.
Pramod jadhav
Krishnanirmal Enterprises
Money is the only factor for growth
Manohar Bhatia. | Wed Jul 4 12:11:53 2012
No matter how much passion you put into your business, money is the only factor for growth. For big business, you require bigger turn-over, which in turn can lead to big profits and high growth.
The Fire in Your Belly
Vasudevan Nair | Wed Jul 4 09:26:17 2012
Nothing is impossible, only difficult, to achieve. Perseverance is the mantra.
Your approach in the article is praiseworthy.
U turn after reading it - thanks
Shirke Sanjay | Wed Jul 4 07:56:33 2012
This article came to me at right time. I was on the verge to stop my business due to financial , capital investment crises. But now there is U turn & I have decided to keep growing.There was a problem of my own attitude of me looking at my own business with low esteem . Now I understood & shift in my thinking happened. Thinking to grow is the key....
Thank you very much
DEV RAJ SHARMA | Wed Jul 4 07:36:57 2012
Your are an inspiration to many all over the world
Paul Maina from Kenya | Wed Jul 4 06:45:18 2012
The most amazing thing is how similar the SMEs all over the world experience the same challenges and opportunities. I am in Kenya but I feel like you have been here and addressing the same issues. Your are an inspiration to many all over the world. Paul Ngugi, Kenya
Informative, timely, encouraging . . .
A. K. Sulaiman | Wed Jul 4 06:28:27 2012
Sir, Your Editorials are much informative, timely, encouraging and adding extra fuel to existing fire. Thank you.
Ankur Agarwal | Wed Jul 4 06:27:08 2012
Excellent. Very true ... Hits you like an eyeopener.
Gr8 work.
Keep posting these type of articles.
Maharshi Mehta | Wed Jul 4 04:11:33 2012
I learn more and more about business,You are "GURU" for me.
Dr Sanjay Agarwal. | Wed Jul 4 03:36:08 2012
Nice to read
you stop, you fall
VIJAY MADAN | Wed Jul 4 01:05:28 2012
The article is excellent. As it is said Business is like travelling on a bicycle. The moment you stop, YOU FALL. One must keep this in mind and keep running. This is what is LIFE and Business.
So many problems draining money
Ian | Wed Jul 4 00:43:12 2012
Its true.Being in business for less than 5 years now and its becoming a struggle to keep going. So many problems draining money out and not enough coming in. Got to keep focused and upbeat.
Small Construction firm in Kenya
Eng Cosmas Akeyo | Tue Jul 3 17:25:39 2012
We really appreciated your advice to small enterprises like us which are beginning. We believe that we will move forward and want to join the group.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Managing Director
Comacon limited.
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