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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Growth.9.Thmb.jpg What SMEs must not forget – growth

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Bikky Khosla | 18 Oct, 2011
Most SMEs start from scratch. And when they start, the last thing they want to focus is failure. But unfortunately, a huge number of them fail within a few years. And among those which survive, hardly a handful can later grow beyond their SME status. Why? I feel that one of the main reasons is that most SMEs fail to develop a growth-oriented edge. As a result, they remain SMEs during their entire life-cycle.

Why is growth a worthy goal? Your business has already turned out to be a real cash cow and why should you now double your strain to double the profit? The reason is simple - no success is permanent. If a small business stops growing, it can easily fall prey to the avalanche of change. So as a business owner, you must go for growth both in good times and bad.

For growth, I think, the first thing that matters most is the mindset. Most SMEs focus only on avoiding failures -- an approach that is definitely negative. With such a mindset, it is hard to believe that growth is good and non-growth is bad. Also, challenges that might lead to failure are avoided and in the process learning and development are hardly pursued. For a business, such a mindset can be dangerous.

Another horrible mistake SMEs often make by neglecting market research. At the initial stage of business, they go for it but later stop carrying out the research work. As a result, they lag behind the competitors. In today's dynamic market scenario where customer tastes undergo rapid changes, it is very important for a business to make periodic adjustments to its marketing strategies accordingly.

A similar tendency is witnessed among SMEs when it comes to advertising and promotional activities. During the early years of business, they put great efforts on this area but gradually the efforts fade away. After a few years in business, most SMEs fall into the temptation of cutting down the ad budget thinking that their brands are already established. This is absolutely a wrong idea, which often proves fatal for any business - both small and big.  

Besides, it is also crucial for SMEs to refresh their marketing strategies continuously. In today's fast changing market environment, strategical marketing adjustment is a key to success. A marketing strategy that once proved very successful may not be equally effective today due to changes in level and nature of competition, market demand, innovation or many other factors. Changes call for adjustments and it is why SMEs need to act smart here.

The bottom line: change is inevitable. Success is an ongoing process and it's why growth should be continuous. For a small business, planning for business growth is not merely a survival mantra -- it can also be the door to the next level of success.  
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SME growth
B. V. Suresh. | Wed Nov 2 10:50:18 2011

The policy at the outset looks very vague and does not screws issues and does not give solutions. As some one above says it is not only advt. You will please note that most of the SMEs are family owned and are in to 2nd generation. More than growth it is survival. When you talk about growth it has to be vertical and requires lot of finance due to the change in the scenario due globalization. Most of the fin. institutions do not find it feasible to fund the growth due to low asset base as more than 90% of the SMEs are either 2 tire or 3 tire units and specially auto industries are open to vagaries of market. Unless the policy has guidelines for financial help, the policy will be only on paper and it is seen that not even 2% of SMEs in manufacturing sector will survive.

SME growth
Prasad | Thu Oct 27 01:24:42 2011

Your article is mainly suggesting to continue advertising for future growth. It mainly applies to those they are making FMCG and apparels , it's agreed that they need to look at technology up-gradation , trends that are coming in near future etc. etc for their future survival. While advertising and PR is one important activity . But the real failure of SMEs are not due to the absence of the above mentioned two items. It's primarily the absence of bandwidth in all departments. Most of SME s are primarily promoter driven enterprise, some starts with passion , some starts with gained knowledge and experience in their own domain fields after having worked in larger companies , third category of SMEs are like - they have read or heard about certain field of growth , instead of an employment , they become employer by pooling their little money. The initial success is sure for most of them ,because it's only making and selling , the real business issues starts after two balance sheets , SMEs doesn't anticipate the following 1. Notices will start flying into his premises from all statutory department authorities like sales tax , incomeTax , PF, ESI , pollution contra boards , Electricity board , labour unions etc etc. ( all of these agencies hide their NO-ENTRY boards under the table hence SME didn't realize , when goes to his table to answer his notice , then he will remove and show his NO-ENTRY board,SME holds his head ,because it's a surprise) penalties and payouts will become routine 2.Due to absence of cost accountancy , they didn't take into costing all above expenses, 3. Senior trained Employee attrition While 20 different government agencies are hammering him , banker comes in and serve notice to him to pay back all dues in time , if not penalties combined with reduced DP for operations. If incase , his customers are happened to be another SME or mid size industry , his debtors will obviously will go beyond 90days , if he happened to supply to large scale units , their audits have held all supplier payments , therefore money supply has become very tight , cash flow is not matching to projections made , therefore he cuts his budget for advertising and PR activities , followed by less increments to employees , eventually senior trained employees will leave and go , in their absence promoter puts himself into the shoes of left employee for committed deliveries on hoping that his sincerity will be recognized by his customer and pay in time.( SME doesn't know that Ambani n Biyani are not going to see him in his life time, their employee is working for their company based on blue book given to him , he is only looking for his own recognition to jump to next company ) Now , he got into senior employee shoes , he has no time to manage other things and hands it over to a consultant to manage , finally consultant manages to make him pay half of notice served and charge 10% fee on it.

These expenses have not been taken into costing, they happened to pop out after two years, therefore all his profits that were shown on balance sheet got eroded, but he paid income tax promptly ( if has not paid banker would not allow him to touch his money at all ). Now it's BIG gamble, current year if he shows losses, banker will withdraw his support, if shown profits (over and above losses) he will have to pay income tax just on time. To pay this he will borrow from NBFCs without collateral. The point that I am trying to drive here is SME fails not because of advertising, it's because of erring agencies and lack of industrial policy support. In my opinion, SME s must have single window for replying all government authorities related quires and notices. SME s can never afford to have a bandwidth of managing so many agencies. If MSMEs are doing fine and are able to service the loans that were taken by them, it's best thing for the country. My suggestion of single window for SMEs will benefit everyone involved at macro level .


Ndindile | Fri Oct 21 09:12:48 2011
How can TradeIndia assist my small enterprise to grow? I agree with your article 100%. It has made me realize the mistakes I have made so far, and would like to make amends before it is too late.

SMEs and growth | Fri Oct 21 02:00:27 2011
Very timely

SME growth
KR Ganapathy | Thu Oct 20 05:28:21 2011
Your contention is absolutely true but the vagaries of the government is the main cause for all sufferings of SMEs. Every govt. department contributes its share to pull down growth although they talk all big things in paper. I can cite hundreds of examples as to how govt. pulls down the growth of SMEs. I find, to become successful it takes time and a lot of money. Which association in India for SMEs takes up cases for action? None. Each SME owner has to fight it alone and all sufferings will have to be faced by him alone. Put all govt. departments in order and that is the only way SMEs can grow otherwise we can only talk, write and give lectures.

Growth is purely money dependent
Sudhanshu Shrikhande | Thu Oct 20 05:08:17 2011
I do agree with your thoughts. When a single person starts its own business, he is alone and having very less overheads. Earnings and overheads grow hand in hand. Any organization ( small or very large ) has to depend on variety of products. I do not call it a development of products , I call it a variety of saleable products. This variety helps an entrepreneur to go well. And that is a growth , in terms of money, for an organization. And if he has sufficient money, before he starts his business, it is well and good ! It grows faster. Some businesses are mainly quantity dependent (food /clothes, etc. domestic requirements ) whereas some are mainly quality dependent ( industrial requirements ). One can plan his goals, but can not guarantee that he will succeed ! One should be steady and honest in his work. Only money does not work, some luck factor also works. We can refer to TATA-NANO Singoor ( West Bengal ) project, that unfortunately failed ! Despite TATA group planned so well, it did not work !

Roadblocks to growth for SMEs
Dharmvir Khunger of JDS Electroniks Co. (India), Faridabad | Thu Oct 20 04:23:31 2011
Surely, for growth you need to change & venture out of your comfort zone to combat competition. But For SMEs, being adventurous is a costly affair. Additional requirement of funds and costs attached to them mostly prove fatal, due to lack of professional help & hence, lack of proper planning. In today's intense competitive market, it's imperative to use professional help, which comes at a cost & where SMEs feel helpless. Any solutions?

Some other factors which hinder growth of SMEs
Sohan Singh | Thu Oct 20 03:31:12 2011
I will be adding some technical part to this discussion. New unique, innovative product or service development, maintaining required quality standards also need some investment; but SMEs don't invest because of lack of funds. But in the long term these are very critical points for sustainable growth and development and coming out from SME category.

Excellent Note
Omkar | Thu Oct 20 01:14:53 2011
Note is very true and good but doesn't mention the ways of marketing strategies - today how the effective marketing can be done for a specific product.

All SME dream but can't acheive
H. AiyedS | Wed Oct 19 16:40:06 2011
A person when chooses to start small business he is taking risk, a journey towards unknown future , full of challenges and insecure life. It takes lot of courage to do so.For what ? He is inspired by success stories of large business empires. His dream is to build an empire of his own. He puts his life to it. Money, hard work and what not. But then after few years why he forgets it ? Because he is frustrated. He realizes in those struggling years that it is not hard work, risk taking capacity, intelligence, planning, professionalism, etc, that pay. In present world it is corrupt practice, ability to exploit people and situation which can build empires. One thinks why I had chosen this path for honest decent life. This success at what cost ? Even if he wants to play trick large business are in much better position then him and all is theirs not his. He loses hope and courage. But then SME has to for all time remember there is no way to fulfill his dream but to focus on growth how much he may be disappointed by what he has experienced and hopeless it seems.

Bask in the glory of achievement and forget about growth
SANJAY GUPTA | Wed Oct 19 09:33:45 2011
Whatever you have said is absolutely correct, but it must not be forgotten that at an SME it is a one man/ one family show. The same person is in charge of advertising, sales, dispatch, production decisions. Secondly, once they reach a comfort zone, they bask in the glory of achievement and forget about growth. During the stage of establishment, a lot is invested in advt. & promo.(I would call it survival). Later the entrepreneur starts thinking of saving for bad times/ giving his children what he deprived them of/ fulfilling Maslow's hierarchy of needs etc. But very few of them do take further risks-some survive and some of them are not that fortunate.

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