SMEs need to adopt new technologies
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Bikky Khosla | 17 May, 2011
When I look at the current scenario, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India are still lurking in the technological backwaters compared to advances made in the field of science and technology. They suffer from problems of operational know-how and technological obsolescence.
India has more than 3 million registered and 10 million unregistered SMEs, producing about 7,500 items. They need to wake up to the technological changes that the past decade has witnessed. Technology today plays a vital role in helping SMEs to constantly move up the value chain and in providing a multi-prolonged strategy for maximizing business opportunities for SMEs.
However, what saddens me today is the fact that there has been only a limited adoption of the various new technologies by SMEs. Above that, compared to the rate of change in technology, the pace of usage of new technologies in business operations of SMEs is far from being enough.
Without doubt or prejudice, each SME has to understand that with increasing competition and globalization, their prime focus today should be to continuously innovate. I believe that SMEs need to integrate such technologies that can fuel innovation, enhance business agility, communication and information management, and merge harmoniously with existing systems and processes.
Having said that several Indian SMEs have indeed started implementing various technologies aimed at improving efficiency and productivity of operations. These companies have understood the fact that technology upgradation was the only way to improve their quality and cost competitiveness. They have also understood that to survive, grow and win, they will have to continuously infuse the latest technology tools in their production processes and marketing and management functions to cut cost, gain efficiency and consistency.
There is no doubt that in the coming years and considering the changing market dynamics, only those SMEs who have a strong technological base and willingness to restructure themselves will be able to thrive successfully. So are you prepared?
Govt. subsidy for e-Procurement
Dr, P.Subramanian | Wed Jun 15 04:48:43 2011
MSMEs' to be given Rs 5.00 lakhs one time grant by GoI for implementing e-Procurement/e-Auctions. This will save them avg 5-15% in their Purchase spending & increase their productivity by more than 40%. Consequently, their prices shall be competitive & business profitability will increase. Undersigned can help them implement such systems & they can get the ROI within first year of implementation. Govt. support in this initiative shall result in transparent & effecting Purchasing for MSMEs.
United we stand
Ginjee | Wed May 25 18:17:18 2011
What about getting several SMEs to share one website each getting one page for their products while they learn about new technology and the benefit of online marketing?
Re: United we stand
Dr. P.Subramanian | Wed Jun 15 04:52:55 2011
This is a good idea and cost wise it will entail only Rs 2000 per annum per SME. Typically, a group of 50 SMEs can have the online marketing through the web site. We are a small enterprise and we can host a website for SMEs to have membership of the site and benefit from online marketing of their products.
New Technology adoption
NAGARAJAN.H.N | Sat May 21 13:23:05 2011
I agree to your view point that we SMEs have to adopt new technologies for survival. If SMEs deviate from traditional methods, cost implication comes into picture. Since their operations are in small quantities or in batch quantity, adequate finance support if not available, will force them to follow old techniques. Banks do not come to their help. OEMs, though they are big, they are only transferring their inefficiencies to SMEs and make them to suffer. Government in no way they are helping the SMEs. Govt wants it's pound of flesh and will never see what problems are being faced by SMEs. Whether SMEs get their payment or not, government wants all taxes, duties and what not by e-transfer to it's kitty on dot. When such is the scenario, please tell us what encourages SMEs to adopt New technologies! Those who are financially strong and technically strong, any way are adopting innovative techniques to propel further.
SMEs need to adopt new technologies
Sumit Roy | Thu May 19 05:34:51 2011
Two things must be done for successfully technology adoption by SME in India:
1) The SME must be prepared for technology adoption
2) Find a Partner for technology provider.
I am seeing very much deficit in both side.
Useally this is job for Chamber of commerce, are there right person to do this Job?
Adopting Technological Changes
ksverma | Thu May 19 02:45:28 2011
Dear Sir,
I have seen in 35 years of my business experience that our user takes one generation in adopting the technology of 20 years back.At the age of 55 I predict that if the same rate of adoption of new technology is there, we will become nothing jobbers for other world, that too on their mercy.
Basically it is a failure of our education system which is not teaching us day to day technological use of current methods,measures,events.
Innovaters and innovation are killed till they don't come back with thappa (mark)from out side our country.
We have been taught to us , is never been used in our practical day to day life.
Allan Dsouza | Thu May 19 00:57:01 2011
we do do need to improvise mordenise n market research.
Employee engagement - the next big thing
Sam Alexander, PhD | Wed May 18 22:24:03 2011
Great article Bikky. One critical area for using technology to boost sales and efficiency in Indian SMEs is the field of worker potentiation.
A happy employee is a productive employee, and that means a huge increase in profitability for any SME.
Keep up the good work!
SMEs need to adopt new technologies ??
Hitesh Kumar L | Wed May 18 14:39:10 2011
Hello Sir,
What Kind of Technology you mean, that will help for the small industrial success?
Technology you mean in which form?
Ali hazrati | Wed May 18 08:43:20 2011
10 Million SMEs? :o ... Thats something first to be taken care of.
smes and technology update
S.Mohana | Wed May 18 04:48:14 2011
I fully agree with you. Recently w purchased solar lanterns from a medium entrepreneur from Bangalore. Though the company claimed about state of the art technology, most of the assembly techniques used were out dated ones with substandard quality materials .Are we planning to welcome , say, Chinese with folded hands to take over such technologies which typically fit into SMEs scope?
China which was no where 20 years back and India was one of the solar energy promoter , we have remained where we are . In the name of cost cutting, we have compromised with quality and technology adoption, ultimately planning a harakiri!
Need for Technomanagers
KETAN SHAH | Wed May 18 04:21:27 2011
i completely agree to your forum ideas,what i think is there is a need for persons who knows both technolog and had an engineering backgroundm a new coirse has been started known as Technology management which fills up the above mentioned gap.What they do is by aquiring the knowledge of which technology to be adopted for which purpose and upto what level can beeasi;y known to the organization.So the need is there for such technomanagers in the today's world.who has a technical skills as well as managerial knowledge a combo of both.
SMEs need to adopt new technologies
B N Murthy | Wed May 18 04:15:06 2011
In the present Globalised Internet Driven marketplace the demand for internationally acceptable products can come from any corner of the Globe.Our SME products lack the Finish Design and Technology suitable for such an advanced market.The need of the hour for Indian SME's to become competitive is that any enquiry thrown at them should have a very short turnaruond time and the customer sitting anywhere in the world need not wait endlessly to get an answer from us.It has been my experience that many orders are lost in the initial contact stage because we as Indian businesses do not have the courtesy to inform the prospective customeras to the status of the query and if we do get the order execution go ahead we are very poor in sticking to delivery schedules.All these are roadblocks to growth of our SME markets.
SMEs need to adopt new technologies
JN Rampal | Wed May 18 03:56:15 2011
An important 'Call to arms' for the SMEs, who have continued too far in the conventional mode. However there are many other facets of SME evolution which are even more important. Just to recall, the US supremacy is built on SME enterpreneurship and innovation. In India, SMEs are conspicuous by their absence in this role. SMEs are seen as third level component suppliers rather than new concept originators. That is why garage companies become Microsoft, Google, Facebook ...usw in US but remain 'garage to shed' SMEs in India.
The first and foremost reason is our obsession with big. Government deals with big organizations with many years of revenue figures and many references. That effectively rules out innovations to ever become a part of our public systems. Secondly, this discourages venture capitalists to invest in SMEs even if they can see promise but can see no market for the SME's products. The result is that SMEs stick to component supply and we remain mired in technology backwaters.
We are on the threshold of a great promise for our country's economy. What comes of this opportunity will be determined by how these lacs of SMEs flower.
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