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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Corruption.9.Thmb.jpg Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?

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Bikky Khosla | 18 Jan, 2011
Year 2010 will probably go into the annals of history as the Year of Corruption. Today, the world recognizes corruption in India as a billion dollar industry. Corruption in India is at its rampant best and although only a handful of the brazen acts of corruption by a select few have come out into the open, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Ask any SME and you will be told how many corrupt officials - both at the state and national level - have strangled the hopes and ideas of numerous entrepreneurs because they were unable to bribe them.

The Adarsh housing scandal, the corruption involving the preparations for the Commonwealth Games, and the mother of all scams - the 2G Scam - the magnitude of India's corruption story is mind-boggling. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report has said that the Indian exchequer has lost anywhere between $22 billion and $45 billion in the 2G Scam - an amount which could have fed every destitute Indian for the next 10 years or funded some of the employment programs for at least five years and could have reduced every citizen's tax rate by 15% for a year or so. And while we are concentrating on just a handful of incidents, there could be tens of thousands of incidents of bribery that go unnoticed - be it while giving an industrial licence or even while issuing a SME loan!

While small incidents of bribery are difficult to monitor and control, the fact that corruption goes unabated in government circles is a truth that the industry has to live with, unwillingly though. If we go by what Management Guru C.K.Prahalad has to say, then the cost of corruption to the country might well exceed Rs. 250,000 crore.

What the government is unable to see is the fact that the continuous acts of corruption by a few have not only damaged the brand image of India, but also stands to hamper the country's growth story. And while industry chambers like FICCI are calling for "summary punishment in a fast-track process for anybody found indulging in corrupt practices," we all perhaps know that it's a distant dream. The chamber "to preserve India's robust image and keep the growth story intact" has called "for transparency, accountability and probity in our system of governance. We urgently need rules and regulations that do not allow rent-seeking." The question however is: 'Who will take the task of weeding out the rotten apples from the good ones?' And most importantly (cynical though it may seem): 'How are we to trust him?'

While these gory facts of continuous corruption are for everyone to see, a possible solution to this massive problem seems to elude us all. If you have any suggestion on how this rampant corruption in the country can be arrested, do share with us. Also tell us if you have encountered with any corrupt official while doing business. 
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Rampant corruption In India
Arjun Daga | Thu Dec 29 14:50:54 2011
There cannot be any solution of corruption in India until and unless tax laws are simplified to understand by the general public easily.To start business, an honest and a small citizen with a small capital has to go through several legal procedures.To register with shop establishment, Professional Tax VAT, Income tax ,service Tax,and to open a bank account for which he need to give proof of his residence, if a rented shop he need give rent agreement and so many other documents to do all these formalities he need extra fund and time or otherwise he want these procedure fast he has to bribe. To avoid all these complications it is to start business with cash transaction with out going in to all these formalities. Once he find easy and start earning it comes in his nature to avoid laws of the land.As far as possible a single point tax system should be implemented and better it is deducted at source by an Agency of Govt. preferably bank which can be allocated to different Govt departments. I therefor suggest that the Unique Identification card should be issued at the earliest and it should be made mandatory to have only one bank account of every citizen.As far as possible money transaction should be done through bank it self.Currency notes should be withdrawn in a phased manner. some % as may be fixed by the Govt. should be deducted and be paid to the Govt Exchequer.The reason of large scale corruption in India is unlimited power with bureaucrats and Govt.servants.

Corruption in Bihar Agriculture Department
Shambhu Goel | Thu May 26 01:13:25 2011
I was running one industry in Forbesganj in the district of Araria in Bihar. One egoist in Agriculture Department of Bihar named as Sanjay Kumar Singh ,Deputy Director of Agriculture(Statistics ) but earned the post of In-charge (Fertilizer -cell,Government of Bihar)since last 4 years ,took a vow from the beginning of his tenure in Fertilizer Cell to annihilate us from the scene of a fertilizer manufacturer in Bihar. He got this post as a reward from Mr. B. Rajendra IAS ,sometime ago Director of Agriculture ,Bihar. Rewarded he is due to some unutterable reasons but the reasons are unholy . Inspite of our following all the established rules under Fertilizer Control Order 1985 of the government ,this person by misinterpreting the various section in this control order has got our industry closed from 18.12.2010. The climax of his antipathy may be calculated when in one similar case that he had invented against one same type of industry by again misinterpretation of the law , he had to beg for a pardon from patna High Court of unconditional and unqualified status. But he succeeded in harassing this industry owner for 13 months and after extracting a sum of Rs. 7.30 lac he allowed renewal of licenses of this industry ,but only after a thorough . lashing from the High Court. Highly placed persons in the department also colluded with him in his machinations against us including the minister ,whose blessings have emboldened him tread the path of temerity without fear .

Corruption & Moral Values!!
Anupma Sancha | Tue Apr 12 08:48:39 2011
Its Hard to believe but True that even unwantedly we become a part of corruption and we keep Quiet for the sake of our security .Time has come to wipeout the corrupt politicians who are destroying India. Lets Unite

Production of Space.
Siddhartha. | Sat Apr 2 17:07:09 2011
Most of the communities in India (such as Bengali), are succumbed in 'Culture of Poverty'(a theory introduced by an American anthropologist Oscar Lewis), irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous absorption of common space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold. Simply depriving their(the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society, fearless & dignified living. Do not ever look for any other positive alternative behaviour (values) to perform human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-parenting of those children those are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us are being driven only by the very animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of 'poverty') in their own life/attitude, involve themselves in 'Production of Space’(Henri Lefebvre), at least initiate a movement by heart, decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come up. - Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah-711101, India.

Vijaya Durga | Wed Feb 16 08:26:05 2011
Corruption has become our way of life in India. Some do it purposefully out of greed and others do it as it is essential to make their living. It is very difficult to change the system entirely. I feel every individual should take an oath to themselves that they would not indulge in any corruption and they would stop bribing people. A forum like this have many people and all these people have oneness in this thought, a group of anti corruption would be formed and gradually this forum would expand in large and thereby corruption can be reduced or minimised to a great extent. I believe in the statement that "We should change ourselves before trying to change others" we should change and set an example to others and then if possible help others to change. Any change should start from the individual and expand globally like a ripple has the centre and expands. Even this corruption has started from one greedy person and became a practice for many.

Corruption in all government departments.
KISHORE LAUNGANI | Mon Jan 31 16:45:36 2011
Dear Sir, To remove coruption from this country India is possible. 1. Privatise all government departments and remove license raj which this congress government has revived since coming to power which they have done since last 50 years. The government's duty is to be a watchdog and not run business like railways, airlines, telecom etc. The government main duty is to only watchdog which people or industry are not paying taxes and excise duty and sales tax and tax each and every industry.But the taxes should not be more than 2% for any industry so everyone will pay taxes and if anybody found guilty of not paying taxes should be fined 1000% if found guilty and punishment for 3 years.

Legalize corruption
Al D'Costa, Baroda | Fri Jan 28 14:54:50 2011
The system is too rotten to weed corruption out. The malaise is deep rooted and no one has the will to rid the country of this maggot. Bribery facilitates work and must be legalized. Premium money for reservations in trains, premium money for admissions in schools, premium money for faster work. Just put a price tag for swifter work. It took me 14 days to renew my driving license,just because I refused to pay an "agent", a convenient arrangement for collecting bribe money, without appearing to do so. The clerks literally derived pleasure in pushing me from one table to another. An exercise, which in the private sector would have taken a couple of hours got accomplished without bribe (agent)in 14 days. Had I known, I would gladly have payed the additional money to the "agent" and saved myself an ordeal and valuable work hours. The Governmental work system is designed to harass and humiliate those that do not pay up. They have been empowered. And this leads them to extort. An industrialist or businessman standing in a long queue must be a thrilling experience for the small time "empowered" clerk. To illustrate : I was asked to get a copy of my smart card from the clerk printing it. When I located where the office was, I saw the door locked and the fan and lights on inside. When I reached there the next day, he asked me for a blank paper to get the print out. He had a stack of papers and wouldn't give me one. I asked him to charge me for it. But no. This space is too small

Corruption ( System )
Gopal K Ayyanga | Thu Jan 27 11:52:47 2011
Broadly I have few suggestions : 1. Voting system to be changed with minmm voting in each constituency should be 85-95% it should be man datory. 2. The financial scam prob should be in camera . Whose father's money they are playing and ruling govt protects them with lam excuse ? They got full sport of the govt. We should understand that with out knowledge of the High command , MLA is not selected for Ministerial birth , how could such a big sames take place and govt is silent.

Rampant corruption
Vasantraj | Wed Jan 26 07:43:09 2011
The pure reason for corruption is self interest. The self interest drives the individual for making quick money. If we try to introspect the reason for making quick money you may agree that increasing cost of education, social security, medical expenses, very low moral, absence of morality, lack of juducial accountability are the main reasons. The magnitude by which the prices are rising does not match with the magnitude of rise in the income of every individual. To eradicate corruption, every Indian has to firmly make up his mind - Neither to involve in any corruption and nor encourage the same. Every schools, colleges, government and private institutions in our country should have a subject of moral code of conduct. The reservation system in all sectors of government jobs must be stopped and performance based appraisal must be implemented in every sector. This will help in keeping every individual on the toes. There should be a price monitoring panel for educational fees, medical expenses, food, housing project which will be responsible for controlling and justifying the prices for these sectors. Above all, every Indian has to firmly make up his mind - Neither to involve in any corruption and nor encourage the same.

How to control Corruption?
VIPUL BHATIA | Tue Jan 25 12:42:53 2011
Maximum incidents of corruptions happens when we dont follow rules and then use BRIBE as a tool to face the situation. First Step towards controlling corruption is to start follow rules. small things like following traffic rules, reaching on time or early where ever we need to be in queues etc can atleast help to boost your Moral in raising voice agains Corruption.

  Re: How to control Corruption?
An Indian | Fri Jan 28 10:10:30 2011
Give india back to british it might hurt the sentiments of all the indians including me but the fact is always bitter na why? i said the first line is no budy is loyal in any govenament sector or even in private sector

rampant corruption
shivashila | Tue Jan 25 07:16:31 2011
Strict vigilance at the top level (highest level) because the root is embedded at the top

Corruption in India
Vinay V Kulkarni | Tue Jan 25 05:18:11 2011
In India; unlike other Countries, the Corrupt has no fear of law. There are so many loopholes that they can always get away. And because they have no fear or shame, we as common people are afraid of them and heed to their greed. If a law can be enacted to give harsh punishment to the corrupt, at least an element of fear will come into being and for the common man it will give a moral boost to nail these money-mongers. The law should take away the job of the corrupt for life; confiscate his property and demand physical punishment.

It is win win policy
Dharna | Tue Jan 25 04:40:08 2011
It is not corruption. it is win win this world many believe that money is the god. everybody wants money. to earn money they do whatever they can.

How to control corruption
amit rastogi | Mon Jan 24 08:58:37 2011
Computererise , Lower the tax slab and increse tax net. Build infracture that makes us globally competative .

View on corruption
Mohd. Ibrahim | Mon Jan 24 07:59:07 2011
I think in is a various type of community, if we independent the law & order which is equal all other without any favour of.

Anando | Mon Jan 24 01:02:25 2011
As long as we have a spineless leadership who run the country on caste and religion based politics in the guise of secularism there can be no end to this rampant disease. I for one do not accept the argument that corruption is inherent in our system. We will be doomed as a nation if corruption is not dealt with urgently. More than economic growth and GDP rates tackling corruption is the need of the hour. The people have to reject corruption or else all will be lost. Politicians have allowed corruption to go unpunished for too long as they are the main guilty party. If the leadership at the top comes clean with the political will this can be easily dealt with. Accountability in politics, taxing political parties for income and making it easy for officials to be prosecuted instead of these draconian measures that encourage corruption need to be addressed. It is so sad to see even our village panchayats have been diseased by corruption and the rule of law has been replaced by this adharmic method. JAI HIND

Rampant Corruption ......
Vathan Shettigar. | Sun Jan 23 19:28:33 2011
* If this had happened in CHINA ? * Change the laws/ policies IMMEDIATELY. * CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Let it start from someplace, faster and crisp judgements. * There's lot at stake, just for the sake of few people, lets not allow our great country go to the dogs. Am sure there are still lot more honest, straight forward men and women in this blessed land of ours. * We have an obligation for the next generation. JAI HIND.

The laws are the main cause of corruption.
M.P. Singh. | Sat Jan 22 11:16:56 2011
Today Corruption is present from head to tail in India. But it would not not had gained this volume without the participation of the common man. The politicians and babus knew this very well, so they devised such laws of the land that the common man was forced to get involved in corruption. There are countless examples to support this statement. Secondly, Indians have always misinteprated the concept of Dharma. Real Dharma means to always accept the presence of God within and around oneself and evaluate our actions if they are acceptable to our Soul, the God within us. Does the common man or the politician or the businessman has the courage to face his Soul and Justify his actions. It makes me angry to realise that I am living in a country where the majority of people are meek, hide from the calls of their own soul. A big majority has been KEPT illiterate since 1947 so that they never have the capacity to think on any disturbing issues, except earning their daily bread. But the final question is - even if a person collects billions by corrupt practices, where and how will he spend this money. What better can he do except stashing away this money in some distant Bank. It is my distant dream to put this question before every politician of my country, even if in a hypothetical form, and know the response of each one of them, written after some self-exploration. If anyone in a position of power could make this happen practically, the results would be surprising, I promise it.

Corruption in India
Ramesh Chavan | Sat Jan 22 09:18:57 2011
Its wrong to state that select few are corrupt its other way around .Only select few are honest in any state or central govt. organisation in our Country.

Greed leads to corruption to poverty
FVF | Fri Jan 21 18:38:20 2011
Forget the global image. 1.We need to cut the population 2.No loans, no credit card, money lending made illegal, only debit card transactions 3.Improve fallen education standards 4.Confiscate unused land and flats 5. All personal gold surrender to the bank 6. No schemes such as PF LIC instead have a top class health system - no private doctors or hospitals 7. Demolish all structures in forest and agri land 8. Pay teachers and scientists and farmers well 9.Remove all licences but test every product 10.Members of the lok sabha selected from the state assemblies 11.One world currency 12. India is not a destination for trade because of its billion consumers - ignorant leadership 13.Why do big companies capture and bankrupt others? 14. Why do banks destroy the economy? 15. Why are the worst persons in politics?

Single Soul-with a spine
WELINDIAN | Fri Jan 21 15:21:16 2011
Worlds one of the oldest civilisation, Thousands of years of heritage, birth place of Avatars,Mahans, Rishis..., World's largest democracy, produced Nobel Laurette s,multi-cultural, multi-religious,multi-lingual,64 years of independence, 28 states, so many policy makers,but CORRUPTION rules above all, when will India produce that -"Single Soul with a spine" to end Corruption. Corrupt officials, politicians must be booked for waging war against the Nation, Are they not terrorists of different kind, armed terrorists attack physically, but these terrorists hit 100 CRORE people under the belt every day.

Official Corruption
Janu C. | Fri Jan 21 14:41:21 2011
While talking to Excise officers, I understand that India has directly adopted Canadian system, which is brilliant and has very low chances of tax evasion BUT the officers during audit find stupid faults to extract money. Its unfair that you bring systems where you cannot evade tax but have to pay the officer. I think that the best way would be to get books of accounts audited as we have in VAT audit, the power to scutunise the cases should be drastically curtailed because every officer scutinises the case to fill his pocket and the poor assesse has to generate cash for him. If you donot comply than the harrasement to the tax payer starts and the assesse has to give in because the cost of lirigation is too high and the higher officers tag price is much higher. The country was better ruled by Britishers because a foreigner was looting the nation and its people but its sad that the country is being looted by its own people. Mahatma Gandhiji must be regreting for having initiated the independence movement for India, we were better off under the Britishers.

Legalise corruption
Vaibhav Kapoor | Fri Jan 21 13:15:28 2011
Corruption is the fastest growing industry in india and by far it is the most trust worthy and reliable business as well... you pay you get your job done. I feel corruption should be legalised, by doing that atleast our money will stay in our country. The way govt has legalised railway ticket commission by introducing tatkal scheme and thus increased revenue. For eg if a person wants income tax refund he must quote the commision he is willing to pay for a timely refund, thus increase in govt revenue and control over black money.

Tackling the Corruption
Shashi | Fri Jan 21 08:29:54 2011
Need to uncover the corrupt ministers and officials and take them to the streets, social by-cot of corrupt and make them feel ashamed towards their anti national action of robbing & draining national wealth out of country. They should have some national spirit. Throw the current CONGRESS government out of power by anti corruption revolution as done by VINOBA BHAVE. Educate people not to vote small regional parties who contest elections just for personal gain by supporting collision governments and take the government to ransom asking participation in ministries and political blackmail. President should bring a 3 party ordinance and put a stop to small regional parties. Those identified and responsible must be unmasked in public and made to repay for their anti national act. If nothing work lat the president rule the nation and punish the culprits.

Jayant | Fri Jan 21 07:48:25 2011
Corruption is one of the very many maladies that our nation suffers from. This is arising because lawlessness is sperading like an epidemic. It cannot either be arrested or contained by merely preaching philosophy. Bringing it under control can possibly be done by a system i.e. Judiciary. With @ 8,50,000 practicing lawyers, a common man is fully justified if he considers India to be a power house of legal talent. However, he finds himself at a loss to understand why the legal health of the society is not being maintained. Reason is simple, the responsibility to maintain "legal health" of more than 1 billion people is expected to be shouldered by only @ 13,500 Law professionals who are Judges and who constitute just 1.5 % of the availale legal talent and while conspicuously sparing 98.5 % to the whims and fancies of those who are corrupt although both Judges as well as Advocates are both equally qualified. If to maintain medical health is a responsibility of a profession of Doctors, irrespective of whether a doctor practices medicine privatley or he is engaged by a Government. The future therefore is bleak to expect legal health of 1 billion people to be maintained by a battalion of law experts. If net of meaningful accountabiity is extended to lawyers, we shall have an army.

Kanwarjit Singh Saluja | Fri Jan 21 07:38:04 2011
Corruption can more aptly be defined as 'core eruption'. It has become the Visa to achieve early and easy success, both for the giver and the beneficiary. If Heads of department are corrupt, how can one expect those at lower levels to embrace honestly? When the entire system including politicians, bureaucrats, judges, police, private and government contractors etc. etc. etc. are corrupt, the task becomes extremely difficult. It is true all are not corrupt, but how does one identify the honest? Perhaps, these are the pitfalls of living in a democracy. Introduction of capital punishment or life imprisonment for the Heads could show the way to others and help eradicate this ‘disease’. We need just a few exemplary punishments to bring the house in order. If ‘Rajas’ and ‘Kalmadis’ are put behind bars and the keys are thrown away, people would sit up and take notice. Countries like China are known to impart capital punishment to the corrupt, why can't we do the same as well.

Corruption In Bussiness
Ashwani | Fri Jan 21 07:13:56 2011
Yes,since myself in bussiness for 21 years,i could not done any of my work without paying bribe,.Corruption runs from house of President of india to munshi of a grampanchyat.Recent news of wealth of IAS officer In MP (350 Crores) is nothing . There are IAS officers who have accumulated morethan 1000 crores.It is important to mention that,generally a inspector has more income than a enterprier who has invested one crore in bussiness .A SDO/JE/EXN has income in 7 figures,yearly.A tehsildar /nab tehsildar have 2-5 crore per year dependig upon the potential of area where they are posted. They donot have money to fit a gate at railway crossings which take thousand lives every year, instaed they can buy Honda CRVs, Helicpoters from Public funds.Now indians will fight Indians for freedom.Be prepare.

Check Corruption
S.Suryaprakasa Rao | Thu Jan 20 16:52:27 2011
Promote publicity of Right to Information; Strict vigil over Election expenditure; Maximum Transparency in public administration and public spending; Fast track courts to inquire corruption cases; Empowerment and sufficient funding of Gram sabhas/panchayats- entrust them with duties concerned with basic civic needs;make gram sabha reports fully public in monthly open-house meetings where every citizen is entitled to participate; speed up judicicial processes and make justice available at bearable costs; Strictly implement Citizen charts in all public offices; Put IT into public tendering processes; Strengthen vigilance raids; Let every citizen irrespective of their public status be covered by LOK Pal/Ayukta; visit how one MLA who is a strong advocate of corruption eradication has succeeded in bringing speedy development of his constituency;

Corruption in India
S.Mohana | Thu Jan 20 10:59:46 2011
Gangotri hi shuddh nahi to Ganga kaise shuddh banegi?...lamented Vajpayee once. That is the fact. Unless people at the top remain clean and also appear clean, the system cannot be cleansed. The saddest part is everybody has taken corruption for granted, as a way of life!

Rampant Corruption
Philip Mathew | Thu Jan 20 07:00:09 2011

1. Introduce e governance in all govt. departments not by choice but by an act of parliament. This should include
     (i) TRANSFER POSTING: (even of state govts.) When an officer pays money (either to the minister or concerned IAS officer)for a particular job/ seat, he is not expected to be honest.
     (ii) FILE MOVEMENT: Any applications put in any govt. deptt. should have transparent file movement system, so that the applicant can know the status sitting in his home. (Let no one say such a software cannot be made)
      (iii) GOODS MOVEMENT: System should generate a unique code, to be quoted, for every invoice raised by any dealer in entire India. Physical monitoring of movement by computerized tracking with no human interference is a must for it's success. (In my opinion Govt revenues will go up by 25% just by implementing this) iv) Fast track UID project and deliver all subsidies (PDS/ Fertilizer/ LPG, etc.) ONLY to targeted audience with ZERO human interference.

2. Make three officers from three different locations responsible for any audits/ scrutiny. (I.T. or excise or VAT) First sitting in a different location will go through the papers and point out the mistakes. Based on the points raised the second officer will issue query and obtain answers. Based on the queries and answers obtained the third will give judgement. The present system is a fracas. What the officers assess is how much can be demanded for themselves.


Philip Mathew, MD, Mangalam Lubricants (P) Ltd. 

  Re: Rampant Corruption
Ravi | Thu Jan 20 14:22:45 2011
Good suggestion

  Re: Rampant Corruption
SpeakMyMind | Sun Jan 30 16:52:47 2011
I agree with Philip. e-Gov and transparency is the first step towards eradicating corruption..

Irradicate corruption
Vilas Patil | Thu Jan 20 06:26:10 2011
To get rid of corruption, first and foremost we have to centralize our Police department and it should directly come under the administration of the supreme court with strict laws, with no local influence of MLAs and MPs.

  Re: Irradicate corruption
anil kumar | Thu Jan 20 14:24:16 2011
will our politicians allow that?

  Re: Irradicate corruption
Sameer Jain | Sat Jan 22 07:45:46 2011
yes true ! I cannot get my complaint register in any police station for petty theft, stolen mobiles, snatching easily and only determined efforts can make them register it which means making enemy out of them and hence we are afraid to go to police station . In my factory bulgary took place on 5th January where 4 locks and window was broken and still unable to get FIR copy despite emailing to Commissioner of police Mr. B.K.Gupta too. So its not wise to waste our time and rather think it it was our bad luck that burglar chose our house for breaking out of thousand choices they have as police is neither vigil nor supportive to even report such crimes.

RSC | Thu Jan 20 06:15:25 2011
Sir Poet Iqbal has said 50 years ago. Barbaad gulistaan kar ko shrif ek hee Owuloo kafi hai, har shkakh per Owuloo beta hai Enjameya gulistaan keya hoga Sir. This cancer has spread too fast and too wide need total surgery not medications. Let some dictator of character who loves the nation more than himself rule this nation. Only then there will be some hope.

Satish R Bansal | Thu Jan 20 05:33:35 2011
Thanx for your article. I agree with you but this problem can be tackled by following methods
1. Withdraw currency notes of Rs. 500 & 1000 from market. Biggest bill should be of only Rs. 100/- & that too in limited quantity.

2. Minimise cash transactions. Make people to use cards for daily spending exceeding Rs. 2000/- on one sale point.

3. Cap a limit on cash withdraw from banks to Rs. 10000 in a day. Excess withdrawal should be allowed on valid proof of need. These methods will certainly help to control corruption to a great extent. I hate corruption and corrupt politicians.

Only solution
Sheetal | Thu Jan 20 02:39:02 2011
Eradict all the currency notes beyond Rs 100/- and see the corruption coming to NIL. How the hell people will manage truckload of money in name of corruption if there is no currency available beyond Rs 100 denominations. 

  Re: Only solution
Rohit | Sun Mar 6 17:54:26 2011
Dear Sheetal. The multicrore scandals are not done in currency notes. So changing the currency may not root out corruption. Don't you think so ?

Calling in the Armed forces can be a solution
Deep | Thu Jan 20 01:16:42 2011
Our armed forces barring a few (0.001%) are least corrupt negligible figure. But they have failed the country for the last 60 is high time they took their responsibility more seriously of saving the country from internal threats. We have lost the outside battle at least win the internal battle for the Indian masses. Armed forces must take on and implement army rule rising above petty politics of becoming the general. Armed forces is the only single largest cohesive group that has capability and discipline to implement law and order in this unruly democratic corrupt India.

Manifold (Lalita Park) Disaster in waiting
Surender | Wed Jan 19 19:58:13 2011
Connivance of field formations of the Building deptt of MCD / DSIIDC is continuously endangering life of thousands workers at so called DSIIDC (mis)managed Industrial Estates at Narela / Bawana etc. for blatant disregard of the sanctioned / approved building plans as the actual unauthorised constructions are much in excess of the sanctioned FAR and the vibrating machines continue 24x7 to await much bigger disaster to happen any day / night - would that be then another APPOINTMENT of the vote-greedy politicians to pay vist to the disaster sites and hospitals for getting photographed with hundreds of injured and scores of dead Bihari / UP labourers' families ? Any body for SPOT inspection of all such so-called approved Industrial Complexes ??

Anil | Wed Jan 19 18:50:26 2011
We have listen tapes and we know how our businessmen and media are corrupt. Every body talks about money and favours in private but in public talk about corruption.

rampant corruption
Ajay Mehta | Wed Jan 19 18:39:14 2011
There was a person caught by police while removing the nut bolts of railway track, and was produced before judge.during interrogation he said that, " i was feeling hungry, i was removing nut & bolts for fishing net so that i can catch some fish & eat". Judge:Do u know by removing the nut bolts of railway track, a train can derail and hundreds of people may die? accused:no sir, i don't know? i am innocent. Judge: punishes the accused even he was proved innocent stating-"IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NO EXCUSE" Why blame only politicians? how many of us dare to tell to our neighbour,if he spits on the floor? probably no one.We talk about Prime minister of India because we are sure that he will not come to question us. Easiest way to stop corruption is stop bribing, spend some time to understand the law.Govt has empowered us with RTI,any individual can correct himself, not others. Every politician has started his career doing a considerable amount of social work, otherwise he would not have been there.It is the Govt. officials who are more corrupt and encourage corruption.if we really wish to rampant corruption, plan & initiate actions against these officials.according to one of the survey, there r 16500 people in India,who control 70% of national revenue, even if we think, only 50% r corrupt, only 8250 people to be corrected for betterment of 100 crore people.i am concluding due to space constraint, i will b starting an NGO soon, to support them who wish to fight for their rights.

Rampant Corruption
Joginder Bring | Wed Jan 19 17:14:32 2011
Long term solution is to start electing only those individuals that have unwavering ethics and integrity and a strong social consciousness.

Pandya | Wed Jan 19 15:37:11 2011
Really its horrible. May the soul of our freedom fighters was really feel sad to take note of the same. may be congress and corruption are cousin. As per news channels Suresh Kalmadi issue payment without even awarded order to vendor. It is ridiculous.and CBI not files chargesheet against Kalmadi and company it is shameful. Sometime we have questioned what happened to people to India why the people are not protesting or revolutionary movement against corruption and rate of inflation. But other side poor and lower middle class doing hard work and try to survive. They spent their whole time to earn costly bread and onion there is question mark against participation of government that in spite of all such horrible event and truth nobody was taking action. I want to ask questioned to Mr. Gandhi and Sardar Patel that for these current situation you people fight for freedom.

Rampant Corruption In India!
Ankit Rawat | Wed Jan 19 15:12:13 2011
No One can do nything regarding this!! Ask yourself a simple question ... How many times u offered a bribe ?

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
Vinod Gulati | Wed Jan 19 14:38:02 2011
Yes. Corruption is hurting India's brand image.We should launch another struggle for freedom from this illness by having investigating agencies to be independent from executive because at present the governments launch investigation in the matters suitable to their interests only and take action if they are suitable, and judiciary to be cleaned of the corrupt practices because a clerk takes bribe to get date or move an application over the case file and the litigants get cheated in terms of time and expenses involved. If we screw up our judiciary and investigating agencies to become non-partial and corruption free, we can dream proper India's brand image. Our corrupt leaders and bureaucrats will improve themselves once their immunity (from legal proceedings in certain cases) is shelved off and are subjected to sincere investigation and punishment (above their links and sources).

Sunilkumarvarma | Wed Jan 19 14:33:13 2011
Not one there are scandals everywhere, in Andhra pradesh lacs of Acres were given for illegal mining, Tenders for various Irrigation Projects with inflated tenders,after allotment also they were revised to benfit the corrupt.274 Acres of Botanical garden is being turned into concrete jungle in the name of eco tourism.Shameless people hopless country.Lets try to change if we could by exposing to the world. Net is the medium from where we can communicate reach the world

Corrupt Indians
Vj | Wed Jan 19 14:25:29 2011
Every day thesis are written on corruption and its aftermath. The intelligentsia knows well as is stark from your article and comments shared by all. It is a favorite past time for media and India. Everyone cries but no wants solution be it NDA/ CPM/ UPA. All get funds from clandestine sources. All take care of their kith and kins through these illicit funds. Facts are known to all but no one dare to strip the evil doers lest he suffers. We are married to corrupt system and leaders. We do not want to divorce and enjoy from this chaos which helps all - one who gives and one who receives.

Rampant Corruption
Vasant Desai | Wed Jan 19 14:14:20 2011
The corruption scams in India are like an auto assembly- never stopping. This has not only humbled but also humiliated India's image. What we need is harsh punishment- life imprisonment and confiscation of all their assets including their loved ones. We Indians do not understand any other language. Here it should be punish and then ask questions.The mere allegation of corruption for any one should result in automatic disqualification for any post or job and the name be inserted in the list of " the Wanted "These people are worse then murderers as they destroy the country's natural fabric and bring shame. The so called leaders like Raja and Kalmadi should immediately be put in custody, deprived of all their assets till the investigation by an independent source is done.

Rampant corruption
ONE SIMPLE INDIAN | Wed Jan 19 14:13:21 2011
As long as the Government and the people of India have "Chitta Shuddhi" in dealing with this issue - Nothing can be done. If the recent disclosure by "Wikileaks" on the amount of money stashed in the Swiss banks by about 2000 Individuals is censused: We can be sure that India would be competing for a medal- no prizes for guessing. Despite these revelations, everybody in the high places do not seem to panic, at least on the camera. Only the sincerity of a few committed people would bring the curtains down for these wrong doers. Are the people of India ready for it? Will they stand their ground and ask that justice should work with a strong hand? Or is it going to be a foolish Indian's Pipe Dream? OH ! GOD; SAVE INDIA FROM THE CLUTCHES OF THE ROUGES WHO ARE DESPOILING MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHERLAND

Viswajit Gupta | Wed Jan 19 14:13:14 2011
Evasion of taxes by mutual co operation of tax payer and the officers, bribes asked for doing the legal works of the citizen (as non harassment fees),corruption in issuing various government tenders and making undue favors - from central minister level to babu of the P.W.D., digesting the various development and public well-fare projects, making laws by high level leaders and bureaucrats with a view to earn money are some of the images of corruption.Application of Information technology at the grass root of every government and private offices and institutions should be must. Cases of corruption must be solved within specified time frame. Time frame for completing any work must be well defined and if some one voids this frame of time he must be highly penalized. If someone assures to pay a tax increase of 10%(or GDP of that year) than previous year that businessman should be scrutinized only after special case and attention has to be paid for non tax payers. By this way we will get a continuous increase in revenue with less bureaucratic corruption.

Harjeet Singh Makhija | Wed Jan 19 13:26:47 2011
why corruption? bcaus we dnt hv darring to oppose and we r having lack of knowledge. some time we need result quickly so we offer bribe. but even after giving bribe, the work is done as usual suggession for reducing bribe is to educate people process of offical work in diff.department.if some one is hving knowledge how his work will be done in any department, he will be hlped. another thing is when top official will be controled, lower staff will automatically controlled.

Our beloved corrupt country !!
Vijay | Wed Jan 19 12:01:25 2011

Even at the risk of being dubbed as a pessimist,let me say that we as a nation have gone to a point of no return w.r.t. corruption. How can you explain glorification of Rs 4,000 crores worth of house owned by a leading industrialist, by the media? Can anybody make us believe that the scamsters of 2G spectrum, Adarsh society and CWG will ultimately be punished? In my opinion, there are two factors that lead to corruption or any other deviations from the set norms of society:

1. A terribly weak leadership

2. A totally uncalled for conspicuous consumption by a few ones, in the society.

Since there seems to be no respite from both 1 and 2 above,let us forget making India a corruption free country. This dinasour is threatening the very survival of the country but the people responsible for running the affairs of the country are not only trying to protect the guilty but are nevertheless denigrading the institutions such as CAG by telling shamelessly that the CAG report is wrong. Like many others, I too am led to believe that if God exists anywhere it is surely India only because it is still surviving!!

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
Y K Sharma | Wed Jan 19 11:55:47 2011
It is highly shameful that men holding the responsibility of building the nation is seriously indulge in corruption. I am writing this article when oath taking ceremony is going on in the Ahok Hall of Rastrapati Bhawan. It means that oath taking is just a formality to them. It is poor people money of the country who contribute is for the development of the nation. I appeal to the youth of India to come forward not to give an easy way to corrupt people.

Rampant Corruption in India
PRIYADARSHAN | Wed Jan 19 11:53:30 2011
I frankly do not think that corruption is hurting our brand image since we have already branded ourselves as the most corrupt people in the world. We cannot expect the government to solve this problems since the government itself is made of corrupt people and hence they are against taking any harsh measures against the corrupt. As a common man, I (along with all my friends) think that the only solution left is killing the corrupt person on the spot. A handful of such incidences will put the things on the right track. What I mean is that the fear is the only key. Corruption is in our blood( the British and the Moghuls have proved it when they were the rulers) and Indian have been known to sell their near-ones and dear-ones for money. It is time the common man takes some quick actions. It is futile to try to talk the corrupt people out of corrupt practices. However a common man in India is the most law abiding person and he/ she can never be bold enough to take such a most needed action. As the money can do anything here, it will attract many foreign investments and they can buy the whole country by just bribing some babus or politicians who have been entrusted with the welfare and governance of our country.We need not worry about commercial aspect of the brand image.

Corruption Hurts
Bipin Patel | Wed Jan 19 11:46:47 2011
As an Indian living in the UK for the last 40 years, born in Africa and now wanting to do business in India as a Business development consultant. Recently i brought a group of European Businessman to India who wanted to explore joint ventures and the first thing we encountered is corruption at the highest levels. This was the first fall out leaving me and the group just to have a expensive holiday which none of us wanted. Result no business done.

JAGADISH | Wed Jan 19 11:44:20 2011
Yes, corruption is at its brim. One suggestion - make corruption legal. Do not pay salaries to the govt/ semi govt employees and give them the post only and they will work on legalised bribe. Any way a rate chart of bribe has to be displayed. For each post there should be more than 5 people so that they develop a competition and rate of bribe is not monopolised. Or otherwise make every dept privatisation. Ask the bidder to retain the present staff (so that employment is not effected) and increase the budget by 10% to 20%. So that the state/ govt gets more revenue. I am quite sure that govt will not implement both the above systems as this simply sieges the personal income of the politicians. A third option - give instant capital punishment to the corrupt once charged. Announce instant rewards to the informers. Teach fighting corruption from primary school levels. Empower unemployed youth for fighting corruption. Get black money back to India. Any corruption charge must be finalised within 30 days. Create a sense of fear in the minds of corrupt, so that he/ she think 100 times before accepting any bribe. Why only MPs/ MLAs declare the assets, all govt employees should declare the assets. All the assets in the name of the family members and relations are to be taken into one account. Confiscate the assets distribute in the local poors instantly. Children of the corrupt are to be thrown away from the schools/ college however there are many other ways to stop the corruption, but intentions are needed.

Ajay | Wed Jan 19 11:33:48 2011
Sir we can't move an inch without of corruption. I feel our Supreme Court should take the management of central government and high court should take the management of state government.

Rampant Corruption
Kanai Chakraberti | Wed Jan 19 11:10:05 2011
The steps taken and proposed so far are all "Eye-Washes" to divert the public minds from inflation & price-rise. BUT, unfortunately, the patriotic NDA & camouflaged communists, will also not support the bill, if tabled, in the Parliament for "RE-WRITING THE CONSTITUTION" & "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR ECONOMIC OFFENCES"

  Re: Rampant Corruption
Manoj Dwivedi | Wed Jan 19 14:21:49 2011
Sir, You know 70% people of India are not able to understand these. Every department, every policy and each scheme which are going to come these all have this problem ultimately we have education and we can read English so we can discuss these things with a cup of tea but any body does not have strong remedy and how we can involve our self to stop this.

Indian Corruption
Muralidhar | Wed Jan 19 11:01:04 2011
When was India free from corruption and greed starting with Mahmud of Ghazni being invited to kill Prithiviraj Chauhan. It's coming back in different colours again and again in the new avatars of Sonia Gandhi, and every political party leader.

  Re: Indian Corruption
Manoj Dwivedi | Wed Jan 19 14:23:15 2011
They are only very small part of it please try to see the grass-root level.

Rampant corruption
HimaSagar | Wed Jan 19 10:44:12 2011
We should stop Paying Taxes Unless we get (transperancy & Hospitality To Public)in gov depatments & By (Politiciands & Beaurocrats)

Suresh Maidargi | Wed Jan 19 10:32:12 2011
The corruption involves both the giver and taker. The only way we can eradicate this menace is by self education and realization and spread the awareness. It may be a distant dream. But, no dream, no action gives no result !

Court judges are sleeping
santosh | Wed Jan 19 10:19:20 2011
They are using same road to reach their office. But they never raised the voice against the condition of roads. How one can expect to raise the voice against corruption.

Good Adarsha in front of Students
Santosh | Wed Jan 19 10:16:54 2011
1. Judiciary 2. Media 3. Film Industry. 4. Not making the individual Responsible for daily activity of administration . These are main categories lacking for development of corruption. Pay the penalites and do the corruption or erection of buildings going since 1950 at least in mumbai. Middle management (agents ) are availbe before the crime and corruption this include media. Builders, mhada got together in development . Films industry spreading a fear factors among the students. No leader can go against corporates and illegal activities like constructions, hutments . Our supreme court does not take a social interest like conditions of roads, street problems . how comman man can take actions. This scams are because of C.A. and corporate nexus and diwala mentality of business traders.

  Corruption Hurts
Manoj Dwivedi | Wed Jan 19 14:26:06 2011
Corruption in the country is at its rampant best and perhaps not a single section of the industry has been spared from it. Bribery, the most common form of corruption that most SMEs face every single day is more difficult to monitor and control

Corruption and its remedy
Jacob Matthan | Wed Jan 19 09:55:31 2011
Arrest the Prime Minister and all Ministers and then Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members first, on non-bailable warrants! The buck has to stop somewhere. If one thinks Manmohan Singh is not corrupt, then it shows how little one knows about India. The form of corruption is subtle, but corruption is corruption. The reason for corruption is ithat t is endemic in the system. To root out corruption you have to start at the top - not at the bottom.

  Re: Corruption and its remedy
Mohammad Iqbal | Thu Jan 20 14:10:43 2011
Hi,I agree with your opinion, It's true that start at the top not bottom, what a brilliant comment that you had made.

Simpson Liu | Wed Jan 19 09:19:08 2011
As a Chinese I was so surprised how it can be such a situation in a democratic country.

  Re: democratic?
Manoj Dwivedi | Wed Jan 19 14:29:21 2011
This is only because we are democratic country...because everybody loves and wants Chadrashekhar Azad Saab and Bhagat Singh Saab, but padosi ke ghar me apne ghar me nahi.

Rampant corruption
B.Narayanan | Wed Jan 19 09:07:14 2011
You can enact any law, but no law will be implemented effectively.For every thing and anything, one has to go to the court for justice.Ministers like Sibal, openly support the corrupt politicians by not only disregarding the CAG report but passing harsh criticisms against it in public. All laws are flouted, or ways found to circumvent them. Politics is the single largest business in India, where thousands of ten thousands of crores are made by the politicians, much much more than the Ambanis and the Tatas. Even if the people are empowered to recall their corrupt reps., they will find a way to stop this. So? What will work? Simple! The country should be under dictatorship, for at least another twenty years.The evils of dictatorship are much more harmless than today's corrupted governance. Corruption in India has reached the level of a terminal disease, for which there is no cure.

Corruption in Govt.
Sanjiv R | Wed Jan 19 09:06:44 2011
It's time the politicians are punished, not just the bureaucrats and the CEOs in the private sector... because if the politicians weren't corrupt, the bureaucrats would not dare to ask for bribes and the private citizens wouldn't have to pay the bribes. If politicians are nailed for their misdeeds, only then will justice appear to be served, by pardoning the root cause (the receiver) and going after the giver is injustice and useless in the long run.

Stop Corruption
Ambrish | Wed Jan 19 08:27:04 2011
A strong govt and people's will is important to remove corruption. It starts and ends with what each of its citizen does. There is no external hand here! Each of us needs to clean up our actions. Time to say no to bribes, whatever little they may help. To me there is no easier way.

rampant corruption.
randolph | Wed Jan 19 08:22:40 2011
If poeple would record conversations on their phones or recorders and post them on a website-once the intended business deal has gone sour. In time these corrupt people would be exposed and the fear and the word would spread.

How to catch the corrupt
B.K.Vetrivel | Wed Jan 19 08:17:01 2011
CBI has to appoint one staff with high salary in offices where corruption is very high.He should be given power to arrest the corrupt on the spot.

NOORUDHEEN | Wed Jan 19 08:09:12 2011
When the dirty politicians are looting the citizens and the government why the chiefs of armed forces keeping quite. They have a responsibility to towards the people and the nation. Let them intervene and put all the dirty politicians behind bars for ever. Ban all political parties at least for a year. Allow only two or three political parties in the country. Let the armed forces fulfill the pledge they took while joining Indian defence. Let us have disciplined citizens...let us have a disciplined political system who cares the nation and her citizens. Once the task is completed watch the politicians performance behind scene.

VIJAY KANGONI | Wed Jan 19 07:54:24 2011
Dear Sir, First of all RBI and Govt. of India must take out currency of Rs.1,000 and Rs.500 notes which will halt short temr future curption. All the parties,companiese,people holding these currency notes to surrend to the bank before February 2011 end with source of funds. STOP ALL PROPERTY DEALS AND SUCH OTHER DEALS WHERE THERE IS POSSIBLITIEY OF CASH MONEY INVOLVED.ASK DELAER OF GOLD, DIMOND DEALERS TO STOP ACCEPTING THESE DENOMINATION NOTES FROM BUYERS. This may at least halt the on going current curption and balck money circulationg in the market.

Rampant Corruption
Vipin | Wed Jan 19 07:52:52 2011
We all know corruption is eating into the very roots of Indian institutions, polity and governance. We are doing our part and fighting it by publishing stories about corruption on our web magazine I hope more people join hands with us to fight this deadly menace...

Rajesh Vashishtha | Wed Jan 19 07:43:11 2011
If Government denied the ruling of SUPREME COURT to disqualify CVC Mr. Thomas as already chargesheeted, no one can save our country. It means now we need revolution to sack corrupt officers/ politiciians.

VP-ABDULLA KUNHI | Wed Jan 19 07:42:12 2011

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
Stan Alvares | Wed Jan 19 07:33:31 2011
Corruption is is present in private & public sectors. We call ourselves an Asian tiger but in reality most of us feel 'needy' and 'under-compensated'. Free service is idolized. Hence for example, apprentice politicians who begin on their own steam claim return on their 'social investment'. Until we learn about cost of services coupled with accountability there is no solution.

Corruption in India
RAJINDER PAL | Wed Jan 19 07:28:40 2011
Dear Sir, The corruption in India is in all walks of life. It has now gone to the grass rute of daily living. One cannot name a Govt department in which the coruuption is not visible. Take for example Govt PM,Minister, MP, MLA, Police, CBI, Udiciary, CM's of State. When the corrupt offical is sitting on the Govt position one fails to find a method to nail these corrupt persons. We see in every day on TV the debate on corruption but what is the final action. It is nill. The corrupt offical have a final laugh that how easy it is to make fool of public and how easy it is to embasle the funds. The political parties promisses offers in the elections as if the money in Govt. Treasury is availabe for looting. Why this type of oromisses are allowed at the time of election? Why cannot the corrupt officers/political parties are punoshed for good and why not give them capital punishment. This would creat fear in the mind of others. Untill this type of action is not taken we would be only debating with out any results.

india's image hurting..???
Vedant Somani | Wed Jan 19 07:24:41 2011
When we were in light as patriotic as Japanese..we were never honored or refereed as of high moral in last 1000 years. now as media & electronic development with more education & literacy has been there ..a stray case of big corruption are talk of the town. what if person has poor character..corruption in self & lust for money will not subside. Yes..a determined will of government with governance can help. One must agree that stern & high penalty on those who are booked for corrupt like publicly exposed in front of society..there deeds with confiscating there all earning can give a good fear ful message to others. Out of 100 such cases few innocent may also be punished..but if we are to eradicate this bad image..sacrifice by such innocent will tolerated.. with out FEAR you can not improve your corrupt image my..great nation INDIA

The government must fall!
Sajeev Kumar | Wed Jan 19 07:22:10 2011
The irregularities are in the open. The nation has been treated below everything else. To top it all, Montek Singh has commented that price increase shows the purchasing power of our people.Seems his knowhow has been corrupted, or may have come to an end. Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram, and Montek Singh have already contributed all the wisdom they had. The country must move on with better ideas of economy, and development which will come only from new generation Economist. And this can only happen when the present government falls. May the day come soon, and we shall vote with wisdom.

Rampant Corruption
Ganesh K. Gupta | Wed Jan 19 07:09:38 2011
1. Reservation in any shape and form should be stopped altogether immediately. 2. the right to vote a M.P. should be restricted to Income Tax Payers only. 3,The right to dismiss and seize his wealth & property of any corrupt person of any rank should rest with his employer.

Zeitgeist Movement
RokZRooM | Wed Jan 19 07:02:08 2011
The only way out is to find a better system... I recommend everyone watching ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM - an online free documentary... and also other parts of the same series. Join the Zeitgeist Movement if you feel its right choice!

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
Kumar Niranjan Singh | Wed Jan 19 06:55:09 2011
hi dear, do u ever hear a name Swami Ramdev jee maharaj, if yes then u must have mentioned his name in this article. I would like to request everyone who really seek a corruption free India to strengthen the hands of babajee, u first know about him, his activity his aim then u decide what to do ? in my opinion he is the real hero of our society for which we have waited a lot. Pls. do awake since the time has come.

Kanwarjit Singh Saluja | Wed Jan 19 06:52:35 2011
Corruption has become the Visa to achieve early and easy success, both for the giver and the beneficiary. If Heads of department are corrupt, how can one expect those at lower levels to embrace honestly? When the entire system including politicians, bureaucrats, judges, police, private and government contractors etc. etc. etc. are corrupt, the task becomes extremely difficult. It is true all are not corrupt, but how does one identify the honest? Perhaps, these are the pitfalls of living in a democracy. Introduction of capital punishment or life imprisonment for the Heads could show the way to others and help eradicate this ‘disease’. We need just a few exemplary punishments to bring the house in order. If ‘Rajas’ and ‘Kalmadis’ are put behind bars and the keys are thrown away, people would sit up and take notice. Countries like China are known to impart capital punishment to the corrupt, why can't we do the same as well.

coruption and bribes
Shreenivaas.N.Murthy | Wed Jan 19 06:41:09 2011
Our entire Government machinery is corrupt. The Commercial tax departments, Electricity department, Municipality, Pollution control boards, Police, Labor departments, Excise and Income tax departments. Every where we need to shell down money fixed by them for the very job they are getting paid in the first place. From the pune to the officer in all governmental departments is sucking the blood out of us.

DEEPAK S SATAM | Wed Jan 19 06:32:36 2011
All the above figures may be correct "to preserve India's robust image and keep the growth story intact" but the truth is the corruption in India is much larger then the country, we all the Indians, are corrupt to the core... like the blood cancer, it is not a question about image, the cancer does not worry about any image it is too damn late. since all of us are corrupt to the core, NO BODY can bell the cat. the laws are sufficient to deal with corruption but the will is lacking and the implementation of the laws is A BIG ZERO. THE ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION MACHINERY RUNNING THE COUNTRY IS CORRUPT SO WHERE IS THE QUESTION OF ANY LAW AN ORDER. THE LAW CAN BE BOUGHT, IT IS FOR SALE. we don't understand the meaning of FREEDOM, the us Indians Freedom means FREEDOM TO BE CORRUPT, FREEDOM TO BE A NUISANCE TO OTHER FELLOW INDIANS & THE FREEDOM TO DEFECATE ANY WHERE ALLOVER. IT seems there is no solution to the rampant corruption in India...NAY THERE IS A SOLUTION CAUSE WE HAVE NOW PEAKED IN IN BEING TOTALLY CORRUPT AND THE BUBBLE IS LIKE TO BURST ANYTIME NOW...ONLY A SMALL TRIGGER IS NEEDED. A SINGLE DROUGHT IS ENOUGH TO TRIGGER THE BIGGEST REVOLUTION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, LEAVING THE RUSSIAN AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONS FAR FAR BEHIND. THE OTHER SOLUTION LIES WITH PAKISTAN AND CHINA...THEY CAN EMPTY OUT THEIR NUCLEAR STOCKPILES ON INDIA. HOWEVER NOTHING IS PERMANENT IN LIFE.

Can we stop being corrupt?
Ravi VNRN | Wed Jan 19 06:05:01 2011
Some examples: 1. When a person purchases a house, he is ready to pay some amount in black to save on the registration charges. 2. When he violates traffic guidelines, he bribes the cop to escape higher fine. 3. When you want to get admission for your child in a famous school or college, do you not pay huge donations or try to approach through influence? 4. In order to pay lesser income taxes, some people fudge their perk bills (fuel, house rent etc). Are all these not instances of corrupt minds resulting in a corrupt soceity? Why are we talking about India's brand "image" instead of correcting ourselves in reality? As the Mahatma had said "Be the change you want to see in the world". Let us watch each of our own steps before blaming the bigger offenders. They will anyway get caught in their own web. But who is there to replace them unless a new batallion of really honest people takes over. It can be you or me or all of us.

  Re: Can we stop being corrupt?
Bob Cowan - Australia | Wed Jan 19 22:20:17 2011
Yours was the most correct response. Well done. Personal integrity taught and practised in the home is where it must begin

Change the LAW
S.P | Wed Jan 19 05:59:34 2011
I would like to quote an example before giving the solution .People in India do not care for traffic rules because of two reasons a) there is no strict implementation of the Law (like it is in Dubai) or b) the fine is too low that people dont feel hurt by paying a meager fine amount .Now the question will arise how this can be done .The fine has to be paid only in court ,fine should be heavy(5000 for crossing the stop line for two wheelers and 50000 for vehicle value below 400000 and 10% of the new vehicle value if above 400000)traffic violation has to be recorded on tape,and these people involved in implementing this should be handsomely rewarded for the same.No I am not going off course I am just suggesting that this can be done.Our parliamentarians are not just individual they represent the people and hold a post of very high responsibility.Hence a new law has to be incorporated in the constitution that if found guilty all assets of these corrupt politicians will be confiscated either earned legally or illegally also the same will happen to those relatives, friends and others who act as benami to them.And also none of the corrupt politicians closest relations , including wife /husband son/daughter , son-in law /daughter in law should be allowed to contest elections for next 25 years.But this law for a referendum for the people it will win 90% of votes(not 100% since the 10% of politicians & industrialist will vote against it)

Main source of Corruption in India
Rakesh Mishra | Wed Jan 19 05:51:23 2011
The main source of corruption was the misuse of state power. The state has misused power in various ways with favoured voting groups, and favouring business lobbies for campaign contributions, ignoring the sentiments of SMEs who are left to fight their own battles. Corruption in India cannot be addressed without addressing the overall social environment and attitudes held in the society. Attitudinal change is an essential ingredient in achieving sustained reduction in corrupt practices relating governance. What India needs today is a leadership which can motivate and enrich government officials with an impaired sense of public service and responsibility.

PeterPalms | Wed Jan 19 05:49:05 2011
Most Serious Economic Crisis in Modern History The Global Economic Meltdown of 2010-2013 is not the result of a cyclical economic phenomenon. It is the deliberate result of US government policy instrumented through the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board. This is the most serious economic crisis in World history. The "bailout" proposed by the US Treasury does not constitute a "solution" to the crisis. In fact quite the opposite: it is the cause of further collapse. It triggers an unprecedented concentration of wealth, which in turn contributes to widening economic and social inequalities both within and between nations. The levels of indebtedness have skyrocketed. Industrial corporations are driven into bankruptcy, taken over by the global financial institutions. Credit, namely the supply of lendable funds, which constitutes the lifeline of production and investment, is controlled by a handful of financial conglomerates. With the "bailout", the public debt has spiraled. America is the most indebted country on earth. Prior to the "bailout", the US public debt was of the order of 10 trillion dollars. This US dollar denominated debt is composed of outstanding treasury bills and government bonds held by individuals, foreign governments, corporations and financial institutions. "The Bailout": The US Administration is Financing its Own Indebtedness Ironically, the Wall Street banks --which are the recipients of the bailout money-- are also the brokers.

Solution of rampant corruption
Dinesh G.Shah | Wed Jan 19 05:48:23 2011
Rampant corruption: People:Suffer it and create moral if feel it and decide not to have any type of corruption we will have in life In Power/government:If feel it seriously have many plans to proceed for tremendous progress,close window every where and execute/have pure thoughts,create force within and jump with weapons/plans of tremendous success.Use money flow like water with reinforcement with duty to look into whether common people become capable citizen in right direction Do not clash with/blame anybody.Work and get every thing passed/sanctioned publicly/by convincing associates as per boosted moral guides.Always go for new area of progress where nobody have reached In India central /core sector govt.shud have vibrant role to play It is at the mercy of govt(depends on good-medium-bad)moral that One/common man has to wait to come up good moral govt. in spite tremendous force of capacity lying in common man like me Good man don't have craze of money they have craze and hard work for fastest success and to become competitive in serving people.24x7x365 they r for people They don't become possessive of farm house Hotel/motel,gold,swiss bank account..etc all r mortal They r interested only in right thought,right action,arrow of right thinking once out must be right thinking and nothing else. Only time will create impressive govt.Till that happen We shud create unbreakable high moral and be capable in our family and surroundings. only wait

USA debt of $100 bills form a stack that reaches the moen more 169 thoudand miles
Peter Palms | Wed Jan 19 05:46:38 2011
31,000,000 Americans will become age 65 in 2011. That will add $310 billion dollars to the annual budget of the United States not including the cost of Medicare and Medicaid benefits, which young American will have to pay for. It took 198 years for the U.S. Government to borrow the first trillion dollars. Then, in just another 12 years, mostly under the Reagan ministration, it borrowed another three trillion. By the first year of the George W. Bush Administration, even before the terrorist attack on September 11, the federal debt had risen to over $5.8 trillion. By 2010 it had risen to $202 trillion, when all liabilities are included. It is difficult to comprehend such numbers. If you had a stack of $100 bills 40 inches high, you would be a millionaire. $202 trillion would rise over 127 thousand miles into space. By the time you read this, after the expenditures of subsequent administrations that stack has reached the moon. By 2006, gross interest payments on the national debt were running $406 billion per year. That consumed 17% of all federal revenue. It now represents the governments largest single expense; greater than defense; larger than the combined cost of the departments of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Housing, and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation and Veteran’ affairs These charges are not paid by the government; they are paid by you. You provide the money through taxes and inflation. The cost currently is about $5,000.

Exposes do not dispose
Shan Kumar | Wed Jan 19 05:31:15 2011
Dear sir We partake your effort to fight corruption. We are India Tax Payers, an association of Tax Payers in this country is promoting the cause of Tax Payers in India. We consider Corruption as an effect. If corruption has to be tackled, we need to tackle what caused it. There is no point in implementing punitive measures on a few corruption cases, here and there. Will we get any respite from the growth in corruption? What needs to be done is create a system that does not encourage corruption. Officers of the government should be monitored by people, for instance. You should have vigilance commissioners manned by industry association representatives and tax payers groups. Only then, vigilance will be vigilance. Else it is a farce. Such similar actions need to be taken to correct the malady.

Defining corruption
Dr Kulwant Sharma | Wed Jan 19 05:26:18 2011
"When there is exchange of bribes". NO, I insist. It ought to be "When a Govt official exercises undue discretionary powers". Pertinent here is that in three-fourths or more cases, no exchange of money takes place, but crass corruption with all its hideous implications is deemed to have taken place. At times the genesis lies in systemic failure but mostly it is a part of well-designed and systematic machinations & manipulations orchestrated right at the top. And right at the top, the ball is set rolling when a business house funds a political party with unaccounted financial support. But unfortunately, most 'captains of industry' as so dumb or so corrupt (mostly both) that they are unable to put two & two together and say "Oh shucks, what have I done! I have created a Frankenstein's monster".

Rampant Corruption et all
PM Menon | Wed Jan 19 05:16:57 2011
While the expose' and public debate is welcome ( better late than never), I would be interested to know if the august industry chambers would have the moral and commercial courage to accept the contribution their members have also made to this state of affairs and at least in future have the gumption to cry foul when the politicians and babus and their middle men demand favours/kick backs and relocate their planned business to countries that are relatively clean and open. The aam admi would then see reality in that jobs are going out of the country because of the netas and babus and they are suffering and the only way to stem this is for the aam admi to assert himself and deal a telling blow to these netas etc. The key here is the willingness of the industry bodies to clean the rot within ( is it a fact that the TATASNIS/ RUIAS etc are FORCED(?) SHELL OUT KICK BACKS WHICH THEY DUTIFULLY DO TO ENABLE THEIR BUSINESS TO EXPAND ETC ( the rational is legitimate) and this being the path of least resistance? Is there a single industry house that can stand up and say that they will even forego a business expansion in India due to the kick backs specifically being demanded? ( The publicised Ratan Tata stand on airlines was perhaps self cancelled by Niira Radia?) If the leadership in this direction is provided the aam aadmi will fully support.The present trend of avoiding scrutiny ( limited public memory) OF ONE SCANDAL BY CREATING ANOTHER OF MUCH GREATER MAGNITUDE SEEMS CLEVER.

KP Servaia | Wed Jan 19 05:11:19 2011
It is in the character of most of us Indians, it gets high lighted when the individual reaches national stage, so the best thing will be to introspect every one of us and eradicate it from individual level, it can only bring kranti, impossible ? till then nothing will work only talks and more talks

Need an Assange -
Pathik | Wed Jan 19 05:08:14 2011
We badly need an assange in India too. Unless there is a massive public outcry , no politician is going to have the will to act on this issue. The corruption in high places seems to fuel the overall corruption in our country starting lowest level of bureaucracy up. I would feel anybody who ever says he hasn't come across corruption in his life is a hypocrite. Sometimes One feels there's no future of end-corruption drive... and I am sure the editor of this article must have faced it at some point of time too. I think India should set up a 10 year deadline to all corruption , like how it happened in Hong kong. Capital punishment, fast tracking of course , legislation ( although all of those same corrupt people will be party to that legislation I am unsure if legislation will be foolproof or not) are some of the answers.

Prabir Sen | Wed Jan 19 04:57:54 2011
Whatever is the editorial or will be discussed on the subject, everything will be " ALL RUBISH, ALL BOGUS, ALL NONSENSE". Every country has corruption. India may be somewhere on top of list, but there is No Country with a Zero Corruption Index. This is the oldest vice in history of mankind , just like prostitution being the oldest proffession. We can never never get rid of it so long our greed remains.

shame shame
Shankaran | Wed Jan 19 04:51:35 2011
I am ashamed to be in midst of this corrupt system.we have to somehow try from all angles to eradicate this menace. I have few suggestions - technology should be used to max. - Blackmoney should be allowed to use officially for certain period for development projects after deducting max permissible tax and some reasonable penalty. Bank loan should be curtailed for that period. - MRP should be made compulsory and strictly monitored. No private stickers should be allowed. All goods should be packed and retailed. - All Government officials in all departments must be warned of consequences and people must be told to fight corruption at all levels. we must present corrupt officers with Tata tea. - All pvt and NGO must expose corruption by public awareness campaign for a period of atleast 2 years. - politicians must be barred from contesting lifetime if found involved. - PDS should be strictly monitored by the Govt and ensure goods reach poor people. Hoarding and blackmarketing must be stopped at all levels. - corruption at school and colleges must be stopped and no policians must be allowed to conduct this as biz. - Election related expenses must be closely monitored and action taken promptly. - Banks, stockexchanges, Mutual funds Entertainment, Real estate industry must be very closely watched and strict rules must be formulated. This is where lot of money is found officially and unofficially. - EVERY STEP MONITORING AUTHORITIES MUST BE PRESENT AND REPORTED.

T.K.Prabhakar | Wed Jan 19 04:50:25 2011
Corruption is common everywhere but the the levels are different. God is corrupt and helps only people who pray or put money in Balaji temple at Thirupathi or do Abhishek with milk honey etc. What is wrong with humans why not think that it is service charges or tips which is rampant in advanced countries. In Japan to get address or the way to go to another industry they charge money. In India because politicians are not sure about their tenure they are corrupt. First stop the social compulsions like expenditure on marriage. Stop big fat Indian marriages and next make education totally free at all levels there will be no compulsion to save huge money on education and marriage. The corruption will fade out. Do not allow more than one flat or house in any name and computerize it so that if any one has second house it is found in internet.I can write many more if I get some response. Prabhakar

Rampant Corruption in India - a Reality...
Stephen Narayanan | Wed Jan 19 04:45:04 2011
Very True. Despite a vigilant media highlighting the abuse of power and position by corrupt Babus who have usurped or moved onto highest positions in sports body and in Cabinet Berths in Center there has hardly been an prosecution so far.Judiciary is check-mated by Govt. machinery with some or the other regulations. Britania's Rajan gave up the battle for his life behind bars, Satyam's Raju is behind bars for alleged lesser crimes in comparison with the magnitude of frauds in 2G, CWG and Adarsh. Even CM's of states like Karnataka, Haryana & Uttaranchal have overridden Environment Ministry's concern to allow profiteering by Corporates and no doubt a part of the profit would go to their pockets.Talking of Judiciary our Former CJI too hasn't been too clean either. My Flat in Ahmedabad is posessed by an individual who has been illegally occupying it despite my notice asking him to vacate and on contrary Gujarat Court has granted him permission to continue staying therein. My Letters to CM - Narendra Modi & BJP Spokesperson Nirmala Sethuraman went unanswered.When there was an encroachment in BJP MLA Filmstar Dharmendra's residence in Rajasthan, media highlighted how vigilantly the Police acted in removing the occupants but common people's voices are seldom heard. Let Judiciary take this as a challenge and bring the corrupt netas to task and people would support them.Not Jail Term but Execution in public is the only way to root out corruption.

Is it hurting India's brand image ? is a bad question
Pradeep | Wed Jan 19 04:41:54 2011
Of course it is. Brand image is what we project to the outside world but what about our internal image ?. Are we going to be overwhelmed by our individual insignificance and the scale of the problem and thereby do nothing ? I think not. If we have the guts to stand up for small things and strive not give in to corruptions , perhaps we will inspire another 1 in a 100 to stand up too and small steps can have a big impact. I want to be a possibilist! I hope you the reader will too!

corruption eradication
Chandra Sheker | Wed Jan 19 04:38:40 2011
I wish that it should start at home - best is to involve PG students to do the project work of studying thes malpractics and govt must insists traders and municpal administration to able to acess the information and enginnering graduates to foress the contruction work supervision and send the publish reports in local news papers -

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
Selvan | Wed Jan 19 04:28:10 2011
Yes. But how to control it?. Can we tame it?. Is it possible?. Yes, we can do it. The first step is " Each and every one of the Indian who can make some difference should make a call that NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE AS A PRIME MINISTER OR PRESIDENT FOR MORE THAN ONE TIME & THEY SHOULD NOT OCCUPY ANY PUBLIC OFFICE AFTER THAT . This will eliminate the top political leaders desire to cling to power at any cost and will damage the foundation of corruption. Further we should make a call NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE AS A CHIEF MINISTER OR GOVERNOR FOR MORE THAN TWO TIME even if HE is the LORD RAM HIMSELF. This two measures will open the flood gate for positive political environment and our country will move from this corruption trap. Will we do it?. I am making this call around me in whatever way it is possible, you please make the call around you in the same way or in a better way. Lets us cripple the corruption and leave it to the future generation to kill it and burn it.

Corruption Suggestion
MG | Wed Jan 19 04:17:31 2011
If operators and public in general are given the opportunity to report corrupt practices knowing that perpertrators will be dealt with seriously then there is hope the future.

Rampant corruption - is it hurting India's brand image?
KT Selvan | Wed Jan 19 04:12:26 2011
Yes. But how to control it?. Can we tame it?. Is it possible?. Yes, we can do it. The first step is " Each and every one of the Indian who can make some difference should make a call that NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE AS A PRIME MINISTER OR PRESIDENT FOR MORE THAN ONE TIME & THEY SHOULD NOT OCCUPY ANY PUBLIC OFFICE AFTER THAT . This will eliminate the top political leaders desire to cling to power at any cost and will damage the foundation of corruption. Further we should make a call NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE AS A CHIEF MINISTER OR GOVERNOR FOR MORE THAN TWO TIME even if HE is the LORD RAM HIMSELF. This two measures will open the flood gate for positive political environment and our country will move from this corruption trap. Will we do it?. I am making this call around me in whatever way it is possible, you please make the call around you in the same way or in a better way. Lets us cripple the corruption and leave it to the future generation to kill it and burn it.

Corruption in all undertakings
Captain Rajeev Nair | Wed Jan 19 04:11:57 2011

I have served for just nine months in a public sector undertaking of the Kerala State and have already discovered that the entire company is groaning under the weight of rampant corruption. Successive governments have come and gone, but nobody wants to clean up the act because it generally helps all, politicians, bureaucrats, employees and trade unions too.

Everybody is happy, because the loser is the common man whose company it is, and he has no voice, or say in the affairs. This is the case across all public sector units, and every single bureaucrat knows what is happening, every single member of the judiciary knows, every single member of the media knows, every citizen knows. Somewhere along the line this network and corruption has helped us jump the line or get a favour, and so we just let it go along.

I believe the media is largely to blame, as only they have the power to raise public opinion, to a feverish pitch if required, and it is fever that needs to be created - mass uprisings. Another freedom movement, another mass leader, and this time it need not be an individual but just the voice of the people through the media. If the media is not morally corrupt why are they keeping quiet? They know which politician and minister or corporate is doing what. They know where the loot is going, and I suspect that they get a share of it, that is why they beat the drum for a day and go quiet soon after.

Sudarsan | Wed Jan 19 04:00:21 2011

Chanakya's great administrator lessons were based on his intelligence network to regulate the state with great prowess. I believe, as citizens have to device our intelligence to monitor and regulate the chosen people. Their has to be an equal citizen participation by creating a trio of Govt, Political party and citizen. The importance to act on them should be empower or dethrone them even before the term ends is essential. An easy law to support locally and nationally to have our right to quality living. Additionally, the source of money is govt. contract to corporations and politians can be legalized.

Alternatively, a public limited company owned by local citizen could bit contracts from local authorities and build the city. Every citizen can take a stake through their Ration card & additional equity sale for fund for projects & the profits or IT paid money retuned as dividend to the citizens themselves. infrastructures will be build to last and our hard earned IT paid revenue are best put to use. The company can operate in a district only but can do all the contracts across the section/ departments.

This way the people have a choice to elect a national leader to set policies and counter them with election of a professional Managing director to counter him. The Public limited company will decide in an AGM each year the fate of the leader if he does not deliver the counter. In the difference lies the performance or fear of losing the seat.

Top Ones To Start
Kapil | Wed Jan 19 03:51:35 2011
I know a simple fact, if King & his 'Navratans' are honest, the citizens also abide by this principal. Hope we have a clean and transparent leaders.

Corruption in India
S. Kumar | Wed Jan 19 03:34:48 2011

In India when we talk about corruption we talk about the corruption practices by Government officials. But that is not true. The whole country is full of corrupt people. The corporate houses are corrupted. The traders are corrupted. The export houses are corrupted. I find the business community and private industries are the drivers of corruption in India. They lure and teach the government officials to indulge in corruption. Best examples are Ram lingam Raju from Satyam, Harshad Meheta, Ketan parikh and so on. ALl Industrial houses are corrupted. Unfortunately, not a single Industralist has been convicted for corruption.

S. Kumar from Toronto, Canada 

  Re: Corruption in India
Ganesh K. Gupta | Wed Jan 19 07:55:15 2011
Dear Mr. S.Kumar Wile presenting my compliments to you, I have an interesting story to tell. Here in Hoshiarpur,Punjab there is one Industrial Unit- a Household name HAWKINS which almost every body knows. This is one of the cleanest companies in India. During my 30 years long association with this co, as their vendor I have not come across a single offical asking for a petty personal favour leave aside any monetary consideration for any official work. To my knowledge they do not bribe anybody to get their official work done not even to some govt. departments which are notorious for corruption. Some years back they did not bribe some govt, officials and a penalty of Rs,60 lacs was imposed. They paid the penalty and fought a court suit against this high headedness and wrongful imposition and you will be happy to note that they got the full penalty back. Therefore dear friend there is still a silver lining of hope, on the omni present dark clouds of corruption,in the form of people and companies like Hawkins who do not compromise with their Principals.

  Re: Re: Corruption in India
Satish Kumar Sharma | Wed Jan 19 23:13:24 2011
Take my complements to your reply for being positive.Yes there are a no. of places who still lighted. there is no darkness everywhere.In the world There is no problem who dont have solution. I will post solution at other place

Jignesh Parikh | Wed Jan 19 03:25:21 2011
I like your article, I don't know how common man can change this, but, Yes, Media can write more about corruption and bring some kind of revolution in our country. I live in Canada,looking at India's growth story,I always think going back to homeland but corruption & government administration stops me. I am worried about my homeland ,We must save our country. Don't vote for party but for good candidate. Take example from Gujrat & Bihar.

Corruption in India
Alikunju.T.V. | Wed Jan 19 03:25:00 2011
The problem lies itself in the system. So many unnecessary rules created makes chance for corruption. remove hurdles and make rules simple. Strict punishment to be imposed including forefit of property and jail term to be given to be given to the culprits. Govt officials found to be corrupt to be removed from service immediately. Vigilance police to be created and office to be open in every Thaluk and public to be given chance to point out corrupt officials and politicians. Enquiry to be like CID way to be conducted when a complaint reced againt any offical or politican and case to be drafted by the Vigilance police and separate courts to be established for this purpose. The corruption cases to be heard in shortest possible time and the culprits to be removed from service immediately. Politicians to be barred from elections and govt bodies if found guilty for a minimum period of five years. If an MP or MLA or above to be permanantly barred from elections/ govt semi-govt bodies.

Mantha V Sharma | Wed Jan 19 02:45:59 2011
I am 65, after 15 years of service started my own home business in 1978. I have paid 5 Naya Paise bribe to enter into the Govt. Hospital gate to few lakhs of Rs in a year to Airport and sales tax officials. Numerous people to name and count. Equally on par people and friends robbed me from 1 Naya Paise to ten million Rs during business. Now tired and taking rest. Not only government but every private industry also full of corruption. For small home business man like me could do then the large business houses could have done hundreds and millions of times more. Still I am living in Peace because I have saved a small amount for me and my family. I have not taken dowry to my three sons and earned enough money to live without any ancestral properties. In my view the long standing remedy for Corruption is to start a new subject on Practical Morals, with chapters from obedience, etc, from Kindergarden to PhD in which they must attain 99% to get to the next class. AFTER 20 YEARS our country will be free of corruption and full of dignified young leaders. The present trillions of Rs. Corruption money must be grabbed from offenders as per list of Swiss bank and paid to all International creditors and use the balance for improvement of agriculture and people’s welfare.

Rampant Corruption
Tony Chacko | Wed Jan 19 02:34:28 2011
There is nothing new to this phenomenon in India. There is no answer as even instituted investigating agencies/persons are pressuredby the government. The way i see it perhaps arule should be brought about that all the present MLAs and MPs be not allowed to stand for election for a minimum of 3 to 5 years. Let there be new faces in our polity- even younsters as only then would there be a sincere effort to catch all the coterie of the misdeeds of the past governments.

Sunjay Somani | Wed Jan 19 02:20:55 2011
The moral fiber of this country is weak.We are a nation of hypocrites-we talk so much about religion and morality yet cannot resist from extending our greasy palms for a few pieces of silver at the drop of a hat. We give bribes,we also take them. The man in the top of the Government talks about his personal honesty-Ha!-of what use is this passive honesty when he merrily presides over a lumpen group of unethical, corrupt ministers? Honesty is not just not taking bribes-it also includes acting against those who are blatantly dishonest and proved to be so.Where is that action?So this indirectly proves that the man at the top is in a disguised state of self denial,portraying an image of honesty.Sorry, that does not cut ice amongst the intelligentsia of this country. You may fool the illiterate villagers but not the educated citizens by this show of dramatics.

corruption - really hurts us.
Jyoti Bhuyan | Wed Jan 19 02:16:16 2011
Gone through your page.Really interesting & must read.Indian law department should be more positive,corruption free.No compromise if found guilty.Indian judiciary dept should become more stronger so that no one can escape from it.

Rampant Corruption In India!
Justin Hurtis | Wed Jan 19 02:15:14 2011
This is not new it has been going on for ever. My Mum was harassed when she tried to get her FPO licence to start a food and beverage factory. Now 20 years later its happening to me here in India. I have returned from Australia to further our modern cloth nappy business. I have been trying for a year now to get a loan for working capital, only to be knocked back because I am unwilling and unable to bribe bank officials. I have had to bribe government officials to get things done like registering power of attorney so we can get a loan based on our property here in India. I am still trying to find that one fair bank - a needle in a haystack. Can someone help me?

Corruption Rampant
Suresh | Wed Jan 19 01:56:40 2011
We are just spectators with great enthusiasm in making nothing more than comments and remarks of the records. Even this editorial talks of blowing the whistle on officials. We have to look at the root which is the politician. Though the voters are termed as the root, in this scenario of corruption the perpetrator is the politician. Unless a mass collective effort made to bring changes into the election system - most important the campaign, the EVMs, we can not stop this disease from spreading. With the extravagant costs of campaign, a commoner can not enter the political scenario today. So, campaigning should be purely electronic media with all media houses alloting slots for the local parties. Curbs should be placed on other methods of campaign. This will stop money usage to great extent.

shree | Wed Jan 19 01:07:02 2011
Corruption does not mean monetary transaction alone. A government servant not doing the work but passing on the buck, quoting the rules to stay safe instead of finding a way for doing it is also corruption. A ministerial levels, even against rules, non existent powers are exercised which is also corruption. This is due to the lackadaisical attitude of the chief who turns nelson's eye on or neglect of the budding corruption which grows to a tree difficult to cut down. Now it is a tsunami of corruption. The persons who are fountain of corruption are overtaken by the small practitioners. What could have been nipped in the bud blossomed to be a 176000 crore loss due to the negligence/ incompetence of the person responsible for killing it. Industries feel that unless bribed, projects are not cleared, bank loans are not sanctioned with cascading effect of overall shoot up of the cost. Bribery also increases the cost of materials for the use of commoner. The No. 1 of the country should be fearless, brave, humane, considerate, powerful enough to put down evils. Remember, Lord Krishna said, the best governance is destroying the evil and protecting the good. The Chief of the nation must remember these two lines always if the citizens are to live happily and harmoniously

India's Image
E.T. Mohan Dass | Wed Jan 19 01:05:00 2011
India and Indians can't gain respect in the World just for one simple reason - THEY DO NOT HAVE DESCIPLINE IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE. This is what unlimited democracy has done. What India needs is less politicians and limited democracy. One can talk but only in common interest and sensible. PUNISH THOSE @#$%^&*( who act selfishly, just like China does - So what if you shoot a few to set an examle for the benifit of millions. I am an Indian living abroad but feeling sad for India and Indian getting famous for the wrong reasons, like the Oscar for Slum Dog Millionair. I was shocked to see people celeberating and feeling proud, including the stupid and shameless, Rahman.(Yes Mahathma's name given to me for having been born in the same week he died)

Rampant Corruption
Sunder | Wed Jan 19 01:00:40 2011
Dear Sir, In this case the media could be a prime investigator. For every city, It would be helpful if the media published a bribe sheet. For each incident the bribe sheet could give the amount of the bribe. e.g. Drivers license Rs 2000, traffic ticket for speeding Rs 200 etc. Getting electric connection Rs 5000 etc. The bribe sheet should provide a range. The media could also provide an in box so readers can report such practices and the amounts of the bribes. Readers should also report what happens when a bribe is not paid i.e. delays in paperwork etc. Once this bribe sheet becomes an open secret, the power shifts from the official to the supplicant. Maybe then we will start to see the bribery go out of ordinary citizens lives

is it hurting India's brand image?
Bharat | Wed Jan 19 00:19:45 2011
Yes. It is Hurting India's image. It is all due to the first Prime Minister who forgave the first minister of the Govt. to leave the office without any punishment and it follows till now. So we have to blame shamefully ourselves for selecting the Congress party to rule us.

India is not alone in this Global Problem
Peter Palms | Tue Jan 18 23:15:57 2011
31,000,000 Americans will become age 65 in 2011. That will add $310 billion dollars in retirement pensions to the annual budget of the United States not including the cost of Medicare and Medicaid health care benefits, which young American will have to pay for out of their annual income. It took 198 years for the U.S. Government to borrow the first trillion dollars. Then, in just another 12 years, mostly under the Reagan ministration, it borrowed another three trillion. By the first year of the George W. Bush Administration, even before the attack on September 11, the federal debt had risen to over $5.8 trillion. By 2010 it had risen to $202 trillion, when all liabilities are included. It is difficult to comprehend such numbers. If you had a stack of $100 bills 101.6 centimeters high, you would be a millionaire. $202 trillion would rise over 204.343 thousand miles into space. By the time you read this, after the expenditures of subsequent administrations that stack has reached the moon. By 2006, gross interest payments on the national debt were running $406 billion per year. That consumed 17% of all federal revenue. It now represents the governments largest single expense; greater than defense; larger than the combined cost of the departments of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Housing, and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation and Veteran’ affairs 1/6th of 1% of the American public now earns more than 50% of the total income of the nation.

Jon Blakeman | Tue Jan 18 23:02:28 2011
Stamping out corruption can be achieved by engaging independent reputable third party project management groups in the letting of contracts. I have experienced this type of corruption and had threats issued because of the stance taken to make sure that tenders and contracts let by government have no internal connection / relationships to those involved. It takes time, but can be achieved

Need to change the mindset of Indian as an Individual
S.Debbarma | Tue Jan 18 22:22:04 2011

Corruption in India is not really unknown right from the educational institute to the corporate level. Myself being spent in Govt of India as a scientist for 7 years before coming to abroad,have seen and experienced the rampant swallowing of the public money by the so called executives and Elite govt of India employees.Some people may comment that this is committed by some unprincipled individuals but the problem is even the best educated brats of the country are involved in it. Can you ever imagine an elite intelligent graduate from a reputed institute or an IAS topper back pocketing the common people's hard earned money or exploiting the poor people's hope by getting involved in corruption? But this is the fact and real in India. There has to be a mindset change among the individual of India right from the childhood otherwise the system is always corrupt with their Hippocratic natures.

But the problem lies with every majority Indian family.If the parents are corrupted,how are they gonna teach their children to be honest and patriotic and humanist? The education system is too ambitious without any solid fundamental teaching values.We always aim for US or Europe after graduation but our school of thoughts never educated us to introspect our own society and improve it.We are always proud of our old expired system instead of improving. People like Dr Kalam and Dr Manmohan have the opportunity to change this system but I think they are too tightly bound by the political system.

Arturo Miguel Carvallo | Tue Jan 18 22:13:11 2011
I am amazed to read you have in India corruption as large and unmanageable as in Mexico. Maybe joining efforts we can reduce it; I believe in audit, but, Who will apply them?

  Corruption is a burden on SMEs
Karamveer Banerjee | Wed Jan 19 04:49:12 2011
Corruption has imposed additional burden on SMEs in an arbitrary and capricious manner, and they also bear an indirect burden when dishonest government officials ask for bribes. Unable to get things moving without bribing, the input costs of SMEs are increasing rendering their products uncompetitive in global markets.

Corruption in India
Tasneem Ali - Fiji | Tue Jan 18 21:49:51 2011

Yes, I agree that India is a country overflowing with corrupt officials , most of whom being civil servants amongst others. I live in Fiji. When I visited India for the first time in 2002 with several of my Hindu and muslim friends from Fiji and toured the country, we had a first hand experience of the extent to which service providers were dishonest. Taking rides to other cities, we were sold tickets at high costs to travel by government coaches but,instead, sold cheap tickets for the regular bus, packed with people taking 3 to 5 times the time to reach long distance destinations.

In Agra, the services of "escorts" were forced upon us. We were threatened by the uniformed "police" who were security various places inside of Agra that to take up paid services of the escorts to see the Taj Mahal, otherwise be implicated, have our cameras removed and pay a heavy fine to get it back.

These extreme disappointments and 'money making', I hear, still prevails. When in the Taj Mahal and after having taken several pictures of this beautiful structure, our cameras were still grabbed by a police officer and when we complained to another, he asked that we pay him money 'phataphat' in order to get it back. We had to 'negotiate' with this police men the amount to pay while several other police men looked on from the corner of their eyes.

In temples, my Hindu friends had to pay fees for worship in front of different statues and left in tears. In Fiji, worship does not have a fees attached to it

P Singh | Tue Jan 18 19:24:59 2011
India governed since 1947 post independence and today we are discussing corruption, ill development, poor social life of common people, high taxes etc. What is the reason? who should be responsible? Is it only politicians or some people occupying top posts. No not at all. We selected Congress for first 5 Years, We saw Mr.Rahul Gandhi so called youth Leader selling Big dreams. Again we gave another 5 Years. What has changed? 1.Last 7 years India became number 1 country in world to export Black money out of country. 1. We are buying onions on Rs.70 a KG. 2. Petrol Rs.63/- liter 3. CWG scam 4. 2G Scam 5. Adarsh Scam 6. Lavasa and so many yet to come. WHAT HAS NOT CHANGED. a. Our PM is telling we are eating more so livelihood is becoming costly. b. So called youth Leader is still selling the same Dreams to make India Signing. C= Congress, C= Corruption, C= Corrupt Politicians, C= Confuse people, and rule the country export black money and make foreign countries Richer.

  Re: Corruption
Stephen | Wed Jan 19 04:47:00 2011
Very true. C also stands for CHEATS. So 'Singh' is not King.

vineth bhandary | Tue Jan 18 19:19:13 2011

First of all government officials should be highly respected and well paid,health,education to their kith and kin should be rendered at the cost of the state. Once this is done these officials should be accountable to any failure in their inchage department .Such officials who are caught seeking bribe should be immediately removed from governement service and punished in a fast track court. Will it be possible. NO! because in a democracy the political masters would not want this to happen because they find it comfortable to deal with compromise souls.

So the solution is to divide the country in very small sectors like a panchayat and there should be no burecrats and politicians.This panchayat should be responsbile in collecting tax,law and order etc. When the country is divided in to small micro sectors there is less scope for people getting more ambitious . THE duty of the head of the country should only be defence and international relations. This would bring us out of this misery and make our country safe.

भ्रस्टाचार के वीरुध
ज्ञानेन्द्र | Tue Jan 18 18:31:25 2011
हाँ आप की ये बात विलकुल सत्य है परंतु इस भ्रस्टाचार से छुटकारा कैसे मिले मुख्य बात यह है। यहाँ मैं कुछ मजेदार सुझाव देना चाहता हूँ, 1. भ्रस्टाचार को भ्रस्टाचार कहना बंद कर देना चाहिए। आखिर जब आप अपने किसी रिसतेदार से मिलते हैं तो उससे पूछते हैं कि वेतन के अलावा ऊपरी आमदनी होती है या नहीं? तो फिर दूसरे अगर ऊपरी आमदनी करते हैं तो आप किस मुह से उसे भ्रस्ट कहते हैं? 2. ऊपरी आमदनी को कानूनी कर देना चाहिए इससे कर्मचारियॉ मे दिल लगा कर काम करने कि लगन जागेगी। 3. इसे कानूनी बना देने से ऊपरी आमदनी को विदेशी बाँकों मे छुपाने कि आवस्यकता नहीं रह जाएगी और वह धन इसी देश मे निवेशित होगा जिससे देश कि अर्थव्यवस्था मजबूत होगी। रोजगार के नए अवसर पैदा होंगे। 4. हर वर्ष गणतंत्र दिवश पर एक भ्रस्ट-भारतरत्न नामक पुरस्कार देना चाहिए। 5. इससे अदालतों और पुलिस का भार काफी कम हो जाएगा जिससे वे और दूसरे मामलों पर ज्यादा ध्यान लगा सकेंगे। 6. सुविधा शुल्क देकर सुविधाए खरीदने वाला प्राप्त सुविधाओं का ज्यादा कुशलता से उपयोग करेगा आखिर उसे भी तो अपनी लागत निकालनी होगी। इससे सभी कि कार्य कुशलता बढ़ जाएगी। 7. कुछ करोड़ लोगों के भूखों मरने की नौबत जरूर आजाएगी परंतु इससे भी लाभ ही होगा, देश की सबसे बड़ी समस्या जनसंख्या की है जो कुछ तो कम होगी। जाहिर सी बात है मरने वाले गरीब ही होंगे, और देश मे गरीबों की आबादी कम हो जाएगी यानि देश से गरीबी खतम हो जाएगी। मेरे इस मैसेज को पढ्ने वाले अगर इस बात से सहमत हों तो मेरी पार्टी भ्रस्ट-भारत-रत्न पार्टी की निःशुल्क सदस्यस्ता ले सकते है, परंतु प्रत्येक सदस्य को एक वर्ष के बाद अनिवार्य रूप से ऊपरी कमाई का 1 करोड़ रुपया नवीनीकरण शुल्क के रूप मे देय होगा.

SMEs are powerless
Govind Sharda | Tue Jan 18 18:29:20 2011

I think a single window clearance for projects can do away with the interference of many bodies and thus the scope for harassment. Many a time entrepreneurs are dissuaded from going ahead with their plans due to the red tape, inspector raj, and officials asking for hefty bribes.

Bribery and corruption is an issue that SMEs may have to live with, and since they are unaware of availability of suitable guidance, these vices will always remain a cause for concern. As a SME, I feel powerless in the face of demands for bribes and are often unaware that bribery can be resisted or how or whom to approach during such a situation.

How to finish corruption.
Victor Duarte | Tue Jan 18 17:52:18 2011
Ask Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Only He can tell you what to do to solve the problem of corruption in India. That's all.

  Re: How to finish corruption.
Stephen Narayanan | Wed Jan 19 04:45:46 2011
Very True.Sathya Sai Baba will perhaps tell the truth about corrupt politicians if he is given 3rd Degree or put on an electrical chair.

  Re: How to finish corruption.
Mahaguru | Wed Jan 19 04:47:46 2011
I suppose you believe that Baba is a clean person !

  Re: Re: How to finish corruption.
Subhash Mittal dehradun | Wed Jan 19 11:12:06 2011
To me Baba Ramdev should be believed and all of us should support him to root out the corruption from our country

Rampant Corruption in India
Nivarty Adperma | Tue Jan 18 16:16:40 2011
It is sheerly due to politician-businessman--beauracrat nexus over the past 6 decades that corruption is so much institutionalised & exiata to-day as serious cancer of the entire system. We need one strong person (like Lee of Singapore) who should set standards for zero-tolerance & impose automatically immediate punishments and unless this fear of jail gets percolated, there cannot be any solution. Today every single person thrives on the smooth-sail through bribes without any exception in every wing of Government & every walk of life. Hopeless situations need emergent cures & the only way is the fear of stern & immediate punishment.

  Re: Rampant Corruption in India
manian | Wed Jan 19 07:43:30 2011
Unless the enforcement agencies are strict and are freed from political interference the corrution at the political level and burocratic levels cannot be eleminated. Also we must introduce online facility for every activity with the government officials and departments so that the monitoring of the communication at different levels might become feasible which is one way of curbing the corruption.

  Re: Rampant Corruption in India
Subhash Mittal | Wed Jan 19 10:09:23 2011
Best possible and simple solution is stop Rs500/-andRs1000/-currency note immediately

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