Marketing Information System - a potent tool to boost SME marketing
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Bikky Khosla | 16 Aug, 2011
The micro, small and medium enterprises are the backbone of the nation's economy. With an astonishing 26 million MSMEs in India, employing about 60 million people, this sector plays a crucial role in manufacturing and exports. But sadly, a number of these firms close their doors every year. Research reveals that one of the major reasons for this failure is poor marketing techniques of MSMEs.
I feel that many small business owners give little regard to their marketing strategy. They rely more on traditional wisdom and focus less on a well-planned strategy. But marketing is so much more. To be more effective, it requires a well-planned Marketing Information System (MIS) for collecting and analysing information related to marketing of goods and services.
These days, the importance of the MIS has increased further. Today, we hardly know our customers first hand; they are widely spread in domestic and international markets. With this, there is also a bigger opportunity, but for which we must have knowledge of potential buyers, prices and other characteristics of various markets.
So, how does a Marketing Information System or MIS help? Simply speaking, it is a structured system of collecting and analysing information related to marketing of goods and services. It helps businesses gather information on various aspects of marketing environment such as marketing channels, competitors, prices, arrivals, grades, standards, etc. For an exporter, the information could be on prices, quality, standard, grades and legal and political aspects in a particular importing country.
We all know that authentic market information is the life blood for profitable marketing. A MIS can help businesses owners and managers judge the pulse of a market, measure its temperature, and monitor its pressure. This systematic approach helps to know whether price is high and sale is active or sluggish, whether prices are rising or falling, and whether supplies are adequate, short or in glut.
When I am emphasising the need for a MIS for your marketing, I am not referring here to those academic exercises found in marketing books. But what I strongly feel is that such an approach will certainly boost marketing efforts of SMEs. Small business owners are doers rather than planners, but doing without direction hinders growth. So, implementing a MIS could be a real solution.
SME Product Quality Sustaiability
Christopher Michael | Tue Aug 30 08:36:02 2011
I run a Process/ Manufacturing Loss Control Consultancy. I left a MNC to bring about "hands on" working of process controls. I find that those who are interested in quality get to hire MNC type professionals who find it difficult to work with the lack of quality education at the SME levels. Secondly there is a generation gap in an engineer child taking over from a hands on parent that turns the whole world upside down and companies nosedive. the product quality takes a beating and profitability declines and people a left in despair. These two issues - Change over, and product quality training at her grass root level needs to be addressed to stop losses.
Interested in MIS
Sadhana Thatte | Mon Aug 22 07:06:56 2011
I am also interested in MIS. I am running a business at professional level & also at academic level. I have so many tricks & tips to make efficient marketing.
Need of MIS
Vivek Virkar | Thu Aug 18 15:04:09 2011
Yes, the better the back office of MIS for marketing, stronger the state of the company.
In today's world your MIS is a backbone of Marketing Dept. It will help to define entire strategy and planning properly. Building stronger MIS confirms the strong foundation of companies' marketing polices and practices.
Implementing new marketing strategy can boost SMEs
Veer Vikram Chauhan | Thu Aug 18 14:41:04 2011
Working on new marketing strategy can help SMEs to grow in their market, as mentioned above bigger opportunity can only be won by proper information i.e. through implementing MIS (marketing information system).
What is MIS?
Dinesh Sahu | Thu Aug 18 11:52:28 2011
What is this Marketing Information System, can you provide some of the guideline for this type of strategy.
MIS Tools - query
Hemant Negi | Thu Aug 18 10:36:05 2011
May I know the cost effective MIS tools for MSMEs so as to be mkt.competitive.
Marketing Growth
Mohammed Anwar | Thu Aug 18 07:12:24 2011
I would like to know about good and easy way to push in Marketing & Sales.
Interested to learn the MIS
E.kumaresan | Thu Aug 18 07:02:33 2011
Dear sir/madam I am interested to learn the MIS. So give me more information
Implementing MIS
Anju Wadhwa (anju.wadhwa1@gmail.com ) | Thu Aug 18 06:44:55 2011
The article definitely gives the truth about the MSMEs. I would like to know if there are consultants around who can help in defining the marketing strategies cost effectively / or any other way of implementing MIS.
How to keep ourselves afloat in the race for tenders?
Sandeep Khandekar | Thu Aug 18 05:42:18 2011
I as a micro trader have lost many efforts to competitors' marketing and definitely suffered loss in enquiries.
People, I source help for our Catering Marketing and how to keep ourselves afloat in the race for tenders.
Please send details
Pavan Agarwal | Thu Aug 18 00:56:03 2011
It is very true that many SMEs shut down shops due to lack of efficient marketing. I am facing the same problem .
Hence, I am eager to implement MIS. Please send me the details at pavan692@rediffmail.com
Are there any specific books/articles?
N.R.PARIKH | Wed Aug 17 05:53:20 2011
What are the MIS tools for SMEs? if possible, please inform the most cost-effective method of implementing MIS? Are there any specific books/ articles on this ? Please reply on info@bonusplastics.net
We want to implement MIS
T.S.Viswanathan | Wed Aug 17 05:06:48 2011
Thanks for this article. we are a SME manufacturing student note books, diaries, fancy memo pads, account books, publications etc etc. We require concrete information or tool to improve our marketing technique. We are prepared to implement an MIS .Please can u send the relevant person. Contact person is T.S.Viswanathan 9840177092 Chennai.
How much efficient can the MIS be?
Gulzar Singh | Wed Aug 17 03:45:08 2011
It is true that work without any planning, direction & goal, ends in waste. But the problem is that is it possible MIS be in reach of SME from Finance, Time, Manpower point of view. How much efficient can the MIS be. What will be the proto of MIS,.etc. Will it be only the software, only records or surveys, or something else like guidelines, suggestions etc.
Information about export process
A.K.Sharma | Wed Aug 17 01:24:54 2011
Dear sir,
we start to sell our products in abroad, but I don't know what is legal formality, plz help me.
A.K. Sharma
Babajee Exports
- 9219512788
Your assessment is very accurate and true
Suresh Shankaran | Tue Aug 16 18:50:52 2011
Yes, your assessment of the situation with SMEs is very true. However, we need answers and assistance in the area of MIS. Who can we go to, also, most SMEs are rarely planned, they just mushroom and grow, so, how do we fullfill this need for MIS , I market cosmetics which I import, and surely we can do with some very serious advice. My email id is sureshs2005@gmail.com
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