SME task force - moving in the right direction
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Bikky Khosla | 15 Sep, 2009
After decades of neglect and struggle, it could now be the light at the end of the tunnel for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). In what could be a major paradigm shift in considering issues pertaining to MSMEs, the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has constituted an 11-member high-level task force for the sector which will be headed by T. K. A. Nair, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.
The decision came weeks after a 19-member MSME delegation approached the Prime Minister to look into various problems they have been facing, particularly due to global economic slowdown.
The fact that the PM has shown interest in taking up the issues of the MSME sector can help in the development of the sector as a key driver for the economy. The first task before the MSME task force now would be to come out with a comprehensive set of policies to speed up the growth of the sector. The focus should be on issues like credit availability, marketing, skill enhancement, and training and skill development. This high-powered task force will also have to decide how to further move ahead to provide relief and support to the sector.
What hit me as a positive was the urgency shown by the Prime Minister. Setting a time-frame - of three months - for this 11-member task force to draw up an agenda for action goes to show that the Prime Minister wants action. In the wake of the global economic slowdown, the suggestions that the task force will come up with to help MSMEs tide over the problems will indeed be awaited with great interest from all quarters.
With the industry demanding that the minimum period for Non-Performing Assets (NPA) for the MSME sector be extended from 90 days to 180 days and the exemption limit, under the General Excise Exemption Scheme, be raised from Rs 1.50 crore to Rs 3 crore will hopefully be taken into consideration too.
It seems help is not far away now!
Regarding CGTMSE loan
viswanathan | Sat Sep 7 04:42:44 2013
I proposed banks leading banks and Goverment lending company but nobody willing to issue a loan under CGTMSE. I already got rs 165000 loan under CGTMSE I need more assistance to restart my unit because my unit totally not in functional lot of power cuts .I need another 2 lakh for investment how to get it
Information About Various Collatoral Free Loan Schemes
Harish Thakral | Thu Oct 22 12:59:43 2009
Dear Sir,
My name is Harish Thakral, resident of Hansi ( Hisar ) Haryana. I m a very experienced person in the business of Cold Drinks Bottling and its Sales. I want to start a project of Cold Drinks Bottling in Haryana in Collaboration with Campa Bevrages.
But i m not enough finacially strong to start this project. Central govt. is running so many collatoral free loan schemes to motivate and help youngsters like me who are talented but don't have funds to start projects. One of Those Collatoral free Loan Scheme is
CGTMSE ( Credit Guarantee Trust For Medium and Small Enterprises ). Then main purpose of this scheme is to provide collatoral upto Rs. One Crore Max. against and viable and profitable projects to the banks. And For this they charge some amount. All the banks in India are the members of this scheme.
This project will cost almost Rs. One Crore For Machinery and LAnd and Building is Seprate. I have visited so many banks in Haryana to help me in this loan. But every banks refuse to give this kind of Loan. While this is mendate for all the banks to give this kind of Loans as this scheme is run by Govt. Of India and Almost Rs. Eight Thousand Crore has been alocated to banks already.
Please help me in getting information for all the loan schemes in such interest, run by Central Govt. to help and motivate youngsters and other talented and experienced people and make some strict policy in this interest. This will help youngsters to make their career and fulfil
Re: Information About Various Collatoral Free Loan Schemes
Manish | Thu Oct 29 08:41:23 2009
Dear Mr. Harishh,
I am too a Small Scale Enterpreneur. I too faced this problem earlier as all banks are not positive about this scheme started by the Central Govt. I would like to suggest you to approach SIDBI only they have a positive approach for this scheme.
SME task force
Abraham Thomas - Dandeli | Fri Sep 18 15:15:10 2009
Re: SME task force
Vinay Joshi | Thu Sep 24 19:40:15 2009
Dear Mr.Abraham Thomas,
Do you know about CGTMSE scheme implemented by banks & about its Care Centers?
Have you ever questioned your banker for not sanctioning CC or term loan or subsidised int.rate on loan?[As per borrowers eligibility.]
Do the best,instead of hoping for the best,! walk into your Bank Branch Managers office, for sancition of various limits under MSMEs scheme.
If not satisfied approach the designated Care Center & follow it upwards to HO.
The Banks never ever deny / decline sanction of credit limits to eligible borrowers. They can't!
SME Task Force
Dr Rajendra Prasad | Thu Sep 17 06:09:48 2009
Dear Mr Khosla
It was nice to read your editorial on the above subject. I sincerely wish that the Task Force also addresses the issue of 'IP Managment in the SME sector'. Apart from creating some awareness about IP and extending support by some Govt departments, we are into complete deficit with regard to the overall scope. We need to follow the examples of advanced countries having specialized departments to extend help on all aspects of IP in SME sector. An important service provided by these agencies is periodic reports of the results of patent analysis in key sectors of their SMEs. Such analysis looks at global patent databases vis-a-vis their own and is reported through visualisation techniques helping their companies to assess their own competitiveness. These reports bring out which companies / countries are moving ahead with regard to various different aspects in those technology areas so that their SMEs are able to see clearly certain niche areas for their own research and product development as well as global alliances.
As such most of our SMEs do not have enough financial resources to invest in new technology development and visualisation of patent data to assess their competitiveness is completely missing. This area is also now known as ‘Competitive Intelligence’. There is no reason why we should not be doing similar thing for our SMEs.
One of my articles in this field from India is on the web at ciworldwide.org and may be browsed.
Re: SME Task Force
Vinay Joshi | Thu Sep 17 17:55:13 2009
Dear Dr.Rajendra Prasad,
IP & CI imp.pertinent issues raised by you. CI is basically analytical technique, Corporate strategy,apart from disemination of info, which category you would recomend for apathy ladden, lethargic MSME's? They practice biz intelligence, local / domestic, not highly speacialised CI!
I do agree with you that the 'Task Force' should endeavour to highlight IP/CI but it will fall on deaf ears of MSME's!Kindly excuse me, stating known fact.
How many MSME's have patents registration? How many patents are filed by Indian MSME's entities vis-a-vis China? How many hold in India? How many MSME's have recognised R&D?
Is there not sufficient Govt. incentives?
The above is not questioning you only stating fact.
Sir, finance is a far cry, MSME's do not avail due to ignorance or are ineligible.
Do we have CI practioners in India? Why the Task Force should not consider in setting up such an institute on the lines of IIT / Management. Till such time CI can be optional in the curiculam.
Sir, MSME's are adverse to pressures & challanges, cry foul.
[i'm not at all biased, make no mistake.]
Re: Re: SME Task Force
Dr Rajendra Prasad | Wed Sep 23 03:39:37 2009
Dear Mr Joshi
I regret, I can not answer all your questions to your satisfaction. The initiative on CI has to come from the Govt, sector by sector on regular intervals. The results themselves speak out clearly what should be next steps in supporting SMEs in those sectors as well as opening new door for SMEs themselves. I recently did a quick analysis on ‘LED based Street Lighting’. During last two years, there are about 160 patents taken in this field globally, of which 150 are from China alone. The remaining are from Netherlands, Korea, Japan, Taiwan etc. The break-through technologies and patents on LED itself are, no doubt, held by MNCs like Osram, Phillips etc. but further innovations down the value chain have to come from SMEs sector. If our policies, fiscal measures, incentives and support mechanism are perfect, our SMEs can do better than others. Regards.
Re: Re: Re: SME Task Force
Vinay Joshi | Thu Sep 24 19:16:34 2009
Dear Dr.Rajendra Prasad,
I accept your views w/o doubt, sumarrised to my satisfaction.
I expect pioneers like you in the field of CI/IP should strongly advocate bringing changes in the Govt. mindset.
LED is just one example, it also reduces Carbon emmisions & most of the corporate buildings in US use LED including for its external facade.
C.Govt initiatives for robust growth of MSMEs are not fully utilised by them due to thier ignorance or apathy, no R&D inspite of several promotional schemes in the last decade.
I'm thankful for your valuable miniutes spent to reply my post, i clearly have your ideological aspects, i, possibly, may further it in other forum[s], for competitive change backed by Govt. initiatives.
However i'm awating in brief synopsis of your article as per my request to your website. [My details obviously posted, though i preferred not to send , unnecessarily, mail to your ID.]
You will be busy in Australia, my Wishes in your endeavour for furtherance of CI/IP.
MSME task force!
Vinay Joshi | Wed Sep 16 23:32:44 2009
Dear Mr.Bikky Khosla,
Over the decades SSI sector contributed 60% of India's exports. Timely incentives, tax concessions for Backward areas, including priority lending [of course, next to agri] by Nationalised Banks were in vouge.
On export front several incentive schemes were /& are prevalent.
It is a sorry state of affair's that MSME's could not reap the benefifts & grow from strngth to strength since liberalisation. REASON - THEIR APATHY.
Global recession, OK, how good were the MSME's in fiscal'07? There was no recession, booming economies! Inflated!
How many MSME's are / were aware about CGTMSE, easier collateral free loans @ 3% PLR? This scheme implemented by C.Govt has 97 MLI [member lending institutions] SIDBI, PSU Banks, NSIC, NEDFi,TIIC & DFC.
As regards C.Ex, exemption is no criteria if CENVAT availed. End product pricing can always be lesser.
In respect of the 'Task Group' first it should survey whether the last decade Govt.Policies or MSME's by them selves were responsible.
How many had undertaken expansion, modernisation, diversification, tech. upgradation? in view of future plans. How many supply / supplied to US /EU recession hit markets? C.Ex revenue up 22.5% signals industrial recovery.
No doubt Govt measures lack in boosting growth & appropiate steps to determine - cause & effects- should be undertaken, a welcome aspect should the Task Force resolve the issues to foster MSME's growth in all sectors. I'm optimistic.
Re: MSME task force!
Ashsih Mathur | Thu Sep 17 06:22:48 2009
Dear Sir,
Please if you can help. Give me details of how to avail loan at 3%PLR. This can be of great help, as MSME are loosing grounds due purchase from indirect sources for Credit advantage which results in Higher Price and Poor quality purchase. Please help with details of Low interest rate loan available.
With regards
Re: Re: MSME task force!
Vinay Joshi | Thu Sep 17 18:20:53 2009
Dear Mr.Ashish Matur,
In the first place 3%PLR means - 3% over & above PLR [the Prime Lending Rate of the lending institution.]
Please visit www.idbi.com/sme or email sme@idbi.co.in or sms IDBISME to 5676777.
The loans made easier for MSME's by CGTMSE has 97 Member Lending Institutions including all PSU Banks,SIDBI etc; as stated.
RBI has recently issued guidlines making it mandatory for all scheduled commercial banks including RRB's & Local Area Banks not to obtain collateral security for loan sanction upto Rs 5 lakhs to MSME sector.
Hope the above is informative, further query, if any do post.
Re: Re: Re: MSME task force!
Sukhbir Singh | Sat Sep 19 16:21:48 2009
It is only a myth that banks provide collateral free loans. Either you grease the palm of officers or you are known to some big industry who would recommend your case, otherwise if a survey is made, or if you need I can give you taperecordings of branch managers about their views on providing collateral free loans. They just do not want to give it to any one. And will always insist on some securities or they will not even acknowledge the application. Recently I approached Bank of India branch at Bhangel in Phase II Noida. They did not take my application for loan. I sent it by registered post. After a gap of three four months I sent an email to their Zonal Manager asking about the fate of my apaplication. Immediately, the branch manager came to our office and gave many assurances. But ultimately nothing happened. The applicatiron is still lying with the branch for over a year and we have not even received the rejection letter.
Re: Re: Re: Re: MSME task force!
Vinay Joshi | Sun Sep 20 21:52:27 2009
Dear Mr.Sukhbir Singh,
Please make it known & make no mistake in understanding that myths & mystics are ruled out. Why did you wait for three months before approaching Zonal Office? Why didn't you approach Zonal / Regional Office for not acceptance of your loan application?
Why can't you take the Branch Manager to task? Visit the Zonal / Regional GM with your statements / recording[s] -thogugh illegal- if required kindly approach Mr.Tarun Bajaj,Director[Govt. Nominee - Jt.Sec- MoF [DoF], Jeevandeep Bldg, ND-01] or Mr.Indresh V Singh[Samri Kothi, Rae Bareli- UP.][They are non officiating Directors- yet can be approached for redressal!]
No MLI's - 97 member lending institutions can summarily trash CGTMSE Loan application, SUBJECT TO ELIGIBILTY OF IT's VIABLE / FEASIBLE PROJECT / BUSINESS.
Further, Bhangel Branch is known as - Bhangel SSI, so it will not falter.
You also have the option of seeking redressal, grievance, through Banking Ombudsman, subject to proper correspondence submitted for redressal.
It appears that in the last one year you have not followed it up with the Bank Branch.
Your comments are unjustified to conclude this posting.
Forgeting the past, explore new avenues thro' CGTMSE, if exporter thro' various stimulus packages including ECGS / EXIM coverage.
My wishes in your endeavour, feel free to respond. In last one year hope BoI constriction ruled out by you for your furtherance.
Jambukeswaran. | Wed Sep 16 17:04:02 2009
Task Force should thro some Agencies should on regular basis should come out detailed marketing and product development information on various SME segments. This will help SMEs to adopt quickly to changing scenario. Also each and every districts or even better each Taluk should be selected for special and exclusive Products taking into consideration location and other advantages. Focus and time frame should be for atleast 10 years.
VIJAYAN NAIR | Wed Sep 16 12:38:35 2009
All said and done, the SMEs in India cannot sustain unless import of products manufactured by SMEs are either stopped or import duty is hiked.
Vinay Joshi | Wed Sep 16 20:37:07 2009
Dear Mr.Vijayan Nair,
Are you abreast with WTO?
MSMES are to be blamed for, by themselves for their fate, ignorant of Govt.support in the last decade or much.
excise exemption
kailash vashist | Wed Sep 16 08:47:42 2009
There should be three slabs of excise rates.upto 5crore and not 3crore(from1.5crore to 3crore) it should be exempted and 5crore to 15crore just half ofthe highest rate of excise duty; by this way msme and medium scale manufacturers can be saved from imported goods/dumping policy of export countries.
Re: excise exemption
Vinay Joshi | Wed Sep 16 20:28:20 2009
Dear Mr.Kailash Vashist,
C.Ex is not deterrent neither is CVD [under sec 3 of Cus.Act] due to CENVAT eligibility. Direct consumer products sale, automatically pricing will be less. industrial no aspect.
Govt.of India, always keenly alert to thwart off 'dumping'. If a specific industry has a 'material injury', it can approach 'ANTI DUMPING COMMISION'.
Re: Re: excise exemption
Sukhbir Singh | Sat Sep 19 16:16:07 2009
There are SME in SEZ also. But they are not given the benefit of excise exemptions even if there is turnover is below Rs.1 crore. SME in SEZ do not necessarily are import based. They do procure domestic raw material and adds value to its products by employment oriented industy. So why this discrimination. What is the basis for this and there is no rationale in denying the benefit of lower excise to SEZ SME units.
Re: Re: Re: excise exemption
Vinay Joshi | Sun Sep 20 23:06:30 2009
Dear Mr.Sukhbir Singh,
DTA units supplying into SEZ/EOU are deemed exports subject to compliance[s] as stipulated under the relevant provisions. What discrimination are you talking about? What rationale are you seeking? Kindly exemplify.
If justified i will post my authentic comments. Please be abreast with the relevant aspects prior to posting your query.
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