Making the web safer for business - the Tradeindia way
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Bikky Khosla | 17 Nov, 2009
No one can deny the fact that there are risks involved when dealing online with people who might be acting under false identities. The main obstacle that stands between a buyer/ seller and online inquiries is the security of one's external connections and a lack of trustworthy online trading partners.
Security requirements to get genuine online inquiries and making sure that one's partners comply with these requirements is of utmost importance in today's context.
Not every person doing business online is serious about B2B e-commerce security and thus gets duped of huge sums of money. And the fault is ours because we don't spend time in verifying the inquiries that we receive and in playing a proactive role to make sure that we play safe rather than be sorry later. After all it's the individual's responsibility to check the credentials of his or her B2B partners, which is as important as their creditworthiness.
Tradeindia understands this fact and in its pursuit to make the web a safer medium for exploring and meeting new buyers/ sellers, has thus come up with a unique feature wherein a seller can now see the IP address from where the inquiry is coming. We all know that an IP address is unique and identifies computers on a network and serves two principal functions: one in identification of the host and second in addressing the location. So an IP address can be used to identify the region or country from which a computer is connecting to the Internet or simply from where the inquiry has come.
I strongly believe (and all will perhaps agree) that this unique feature of revealing the seller and the location from where the inquiry has come will reduce fake inquiries to a large extent.
Another solution to this issue of authenticity is to opt for a Credit Report of the company from where the inquiry has come, wherein one can get a fair idea of past records of the company. Opting for the Credit Report can help a company in identifying the status of the prospective buyer/ seller better. In our endeavour to offer our clients all possible solutions under one roof, Tradeindia also offers this service, which can help one to resolve most of the issues and apprehensions regarding the buyer/ seller who could be located geographically far apart.
Having said that, with no physical contact during online business transactions, one must be very careful before committing to something or clinching a deal. Well, as the saying goes: 'Better safe than sorry'; we should take into account all pros and cons before we take a decision.
making the web safer for business
Pradeep Mittra | Wed Nov 18 10:10:36 2009
dear bikky,
what you have suggested would help to an extent but i feel it may not go a long way especially when you are going to do business in country's where there are no stringent measures to check on the credit ratings and IP adds. very few african and third world country's have that. for the IP address if you have a syndicate in place who know how to work it out, it would'nt help. for credit ratings many company's are shy away from this process due to various factors. however if i were to do business on this basis then i would first arrange for a better payment terms and conditions and secondly arrange for international inspection for both quantity and quality. this will cost a bit more but at most times it's within your costing. these will help both the buyer and the seller if they are genuine with their business.
Re: making the web safer for business
Vinay Joshi | Wed Nov 18 18:08:57 2009
Dear Mr.Bikky,
What a pitty in Mumbai city you are addressing the issue after eight years!
[read as entire biz topography.]
It seems you were in slumber now awakend to advise. Why. Answer Mr.Bikky Khosla, if you must, which never you will.
As a matter of fact, let me explicitly be clear that thro' B2B portals i've concluded not less than $1mn biz.
Trade India, has failed me in the last eight years. My suggestions for TI portal improvements are still ignored by TI, wherein Kompass had acknowledged, then.
If i want shipping rate, why in TI the drop in menu first states 'Arms & Ammunition'? Why my earlier msg on this aspect is unheeded?
Who the hell wanting to import/ export arms & ammunition will seek portal competitive shipping offers?
Does pharmaceuticals fit in any of the drop down menu? Why not eliminate & add on relevant categories?
You will be at a loss to explain.
TI has not answered / posted replies to me on my question on solicited investment in Costa Rica, as posted in the TI forum by a valued TI member since 2001, first posting!
Dear Mr.Bikky Khosla, TI, this is in no way intended to disparage you, or esteem TI & SME Times.
Staight forward aspects put forth by me in my endeavour, as always in TI forum, to info MSME's.
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