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indo-us.nucleardeal.THMB.jpg Politics of numbers - who cares about the nuclear deal!

Manmohan Singh with Flag
SINGH IS KING (as of now): But will he be able to lead India to the Indo-US Nuclear deal?
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Bikky Khosla | 15 Jul, 2008

As the UPA government faces the vote of trust in Parliament on July 22 and all political parties now concentrating on numbers which will decide the fate of the Indo-US nuclear deal, Indian industry on the other hand, has been left in the lurch.

After years of resistance and bluff calls in almost all economic reforms, Communists are now gathering muscle (tying-up with Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party) to fight the UPA government. At the same time, the Congress with the support of Samajwadi Party feels they can beat the opposition and thus go ahead with the deal.

Interestingly, in this game of numbers and ulterior motives none except a select few know or in fact want to know about the nuclear deal and its benefits.

The Left had always been fiercely opposing any step towards economic reform taken by the government. They still remained with the UPA for four long years...surprising, yet later becoming predictable.

Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh said his party decided to support the Indo-US nuclear deal after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's assurance that the N-deal was in the interest of the nation. Yes, this is the same Amar Singh who had a couple of months back said that his party would not succumb to nuclear blackmail, is now supporting the nuclear deal.

Mayawati and the politics of her party have nothing to do with anything connected to the US, leave alone the India-US nuclear deal and are aligning with the Left just to settle a score with Amar Singh and his Bollywood friend Big B. Ever since the Samajwadis pledged support for the deal, Mayawati has been portraying the deal as anti-Muslim. Speaks volumes about her party's nuclear and foreign policy!

The Left who had always said that they would do anything to keep Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) out of power will now be sitting together and fighting against a government of which they too were a part of, a couple of days back.

So as July 22 nears, some politicians are taking up the task of being king-makers while others are trying to keep their crowns intact.

So who's the loser as politicians fight amongst themselves? The Indian industry which has been facing increasing input costs and is thus losing its cost-advantage, finds no attention from the government! Recent figures also indicate that there is an overall slowdown in the economy and if this uncertainty continues and the government is not able to concentrate on the economic situation arising out of zooming inflation, the industry will be badly hit.

The communists had blocked the process of economic reforms, and did not allow the government to initiate any policy steps. The country needs energy to boost economic growth and have a competitive edge over rivals. Will the Left leaders ever understand?

By favouring the nuclear deal I might sound pro-Congress. Don't get me wrong...I'm actually pro-growth. India needs energy to fuel its economy and with no other alternative in hand, the deal is the only option for power to help the industry to march forward. For once politicians need to set aside petty politics and think for the welfare of the country. No harm in hoping, I suppose!

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Unfinished agenda of the UPA
vinod | Tue Jul 22 09:03:40 2008
Sir, I am in constant touch with the changing scenario of Indian Political Drama and sad to see our politicians swooping to the lowest of their character,honesty and integrity. Your article is eye opening but who listens. All those listing and understanding are outside the parliament and waiting with finger crossed. We can see the people barring a few who are bent upon bringing the country to the sixteenth century sheerly for their petty interests. Government in present combination is the only group of people who seems to be heading for the growth of the country.After this whoever comes viz. Mayawati, Mulayam or Karat will be a disaster. But we the people outside the four walls of parliament just canot do anything but to pray the god -May good sense prevail upon our socalled leaders and save this government to fullfill the unfinished agenda they could not complete with the company of the Left.

Politics of Numbers
R. K. Pillay | Mon Jul 21 18:06:09 2008
Sir, I just read your comments. I am ex communist. I left the party work long ago as I felt they stand for political expediency and backwardness. The party leaders as such does not care for the growth of the country, as I often heard from their personal comments. I am from Kerala, a state where CPIM and their cronies rule today, where we do not have electricity and water. Actually, Kerala was ruled by UDF and LDF successively and their rule took Kerala to wilderness. You just have to visit State to see the conditions of the roads, lack of cleanliness, dearth of drinking water, lack of electricity and this State now depends on outside world for all its needs be it food or other products. Kerala is wellknown for its eduction but here the schools and colleges do not function even half of the school or college days. These politicians do not care for the people they represent. They just want to fill their pockets. Even small time politicians earn a lot of money.

  Re: Politics of Numbers
R.D.Wagh | Wed Jul 23 06:51:56 2008
This situation is crated by voters of India,As they gives vote to those party/persons which is not in main stream so its difficult to take any decision in this collation govt ,there should be only 2 party politics ,its political compulsion of the ruling party to agrees supporting party strange demand,see communist is always this type of party who comes in between progress of INDIA as people knows its not nation wide part then why to waste their vote to such party which is not national one .so kerala,WB,UP Tn etc people should think while voting in loksabha etection .other wise its waste of their vote & its one of the reason to get money for such opportunist politics

  Re: Re: Politics of Numbers
sarbjeet singh bhatia | Sun Aug 3 15:10:11 2008
helo sir this situations is not created the indian voters sir this is a major thing is what the poor man eat,potions made drama it is also ashamed kya garib roti mein ab nuclear deal khye ga

  Re: Politics of Numbers
Osmanip -kerala | Fri Jul 25 15:40:49 2008
Mr. Pillai, I dont think so that you are a communist and know any thing about social development. Could people like Pillai can answer which state in India this last 60 years of independence has got equal growth. In last parliament meet the Finance Minister Mr. Chidamparam put infront of house some figures quoting pady production in India that 2.7 M.ton in one acre while china 6.7 m.ton per acres. The main reason is the peasents get high value of life in china than India. A progress of nation is depend on basic approach of government to his people. The parliament and all business are influenced and controlled by those people like business houses converts national STD calls to international calls. And who give gifts to his wife a Jumbo flight and Million dollar cost house as birthday presents get high importance in print and visual medias. This is the shining India. Iran Pipe line suppose make improvement to total Asea and Arab Nation. It is the strength for total NON Alianment Nations. NAM itself has been crashed modern Congress socialists. Our space technology US did not give Criogenic engine technolgy. Who helped us. Old Russia relation. Now, our country going day to day to IMF debts. Air India accepted 6 billion US Exim Bank loan for new flight purchase from US. Defence flight deal gone to U.S. Now we should out of dated technology for our new Atomic Energy deal. It is going to be another Entron. The LDF government is only strong government broght many projects.

C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
Major Manjit Singh (Retired), My email: | Wed Jul 16 10:15:10 2008
My dear citizens of India, The N-deal is in the interest of the nation and I strongly request/appeal my literate and all those citizens, who could not get educated or attain the required knowledge to understand what this deal means to India due to various reasons, that have faith in our most learned & highly educated honorable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who knows how India's economical status can be improved in the whole world, and lets co-operate , extend support and not go on to mare numbers of seats in the parliament. If this deal is not supported at this advance stage then let me warn each and every Indian that India will face economical crisis in the long run. At that time these numbers will not come to your rescue as situation would have gone out of our hands. Please mark my words that ‘Today or tomorrow you will have to ultimately rely on Nuclear Energy and accept it as the major source of energy. Very soon these numbers and ‘party baaji ‘game will not work. We have to give right direction to our nation. If this deal does not work out and Government falls than I will have to raise/organize a new ‘Nation Building Party’ comprised of only learned and retired volunteer defense officers of all the three Arms , who will give their dedicated true nation building services through this new party to build India for better today and tomorrow in real sense. Regards, Major Manjit Singh (Retired)

  Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
VIJAYAN NAIR | Wed Jul 16 12:52:39 2008
It's not the question whether pro-congress or pro-nuclear deal. The question is why the haste in the deal leaving aside the problem of common man hit by inflation? Where are the power plants in India using Uranium? Are we going to get the uranium supply immediately after signing the deal? This Cong. led govt. is most irresponsible leaving the people in general and the industries in the lurch.

  Re: Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
K.K.Asija | Wed Jul 16 15:03:38 2008
Political drama should end soon. India is not so small to remain captive to dirty power politics. And also, our people should be spared from madness of media, obessessed with picking up its pie in power politics.

  Re: Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
raj singh | Thu Jul 17 03:45:16 2008
my dear, for any growth activity one needs to plan, do check and act the famous pdca cycle. to be a competitive super power we need groth and this deal will help us in achieving tht. this is not politics this is for INDIA the future super power

  Re: Re: Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
ashwin | Thu Jul 17 06:01:44 2008
Hi Bikky, Its not just nuke deal, its almost every policy, we, the political parties disagree for the sake of it,thats it. Bringing down each other at any cost has been the mantra all along in this country. Yeh kissa kursi ka hai, and we all know the 'awards' sticking to the kursi as much as we can. Its fantastic to note our rulers are so concerned about National interests !!! What National interests may I ask? The worst and most uncertain scenario is yet to come and the Industry looks vulnerable for sure.... no matter which way the vote goes, this horse reading is gonna see its after effects in the form of tsunami as all these kings and crown makers are gonna ask individual share of the pies leading to more turbulence! It has been 'khichdi' today, tomorrow is even bigger 'khichda' if I can phrase it this way.Its a shame the way things are going on.

  Re: Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
P.Purnachandra Rao | Sat Jul 19 14:41:26 2008
This is a base less comment we are already late and if we do not catch the train of prosperity we may loose it forever.The requirement of uranium for the existing plants and that of fast breeder reactors will be better understood by talking to any nuclear scientist rather than casually commenting.It has become a fashion to put forth indias poverty before when ever india attempts such bold projects .The gentlemen should regret first for indias earlier attempts in nuclear blast,space projects,Military projects etc.In a dynamic world the attempts for prosperity will be multi faceted in stead of unified attempt towards one problem of the country. The nuclear power projects not only benefits the industrial growth but also makes india much more technologically advanced country.

  Re: Re: Re: C comments on topic: Politics of Numbers , who cares about the deals!
Mahesh Chandra Harsh | Tue Jul 22 09:34:17 2008
Dear Sir, Mayawati,leftist and BJP also believe in politics of power and its use for their wasted intrest they are nothing to do with nation.In near future an act of nature will certainly flow these politician in to Hind Mahasagar.Mr MamnmohanSingh PM has taken a bold step which certainly help INDIA on prospority. Thanking You Yours faithfully M.C.Harsh

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