Small companies best at boosting exports
Staff Reporter | 13 Nov, 2007
With the global markets shrinking into a single market — thanks to the
Internet, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are emerging as the best
vehicles for carrying out exports. This phenomenon is not limited to
Indian SMEs, but to SMEs all over the globe.
A study too, published by the Bruegel think-tank, has suggested that
respective 'governments would do better to concentrate their trade
promotion efforts on helping smaller exporting companies to become more
competitive and expand rather than assisting the corporate superstars
that can fend for themselves.'
I think our government too has a lot to learn from this report titled
"The Happy Few." We can see the same potential in Indian SMEs too, but
somewhere down the line our small enterprises are usually found to be
fighting for their very survival.
Even our government think-tank will agree that SMEs form the backbone
of the economy. Despite this they are still afflicted by numerous
drawbacks. The credit inflow to SMEs today is almost negligible. I feel
the government should take steps to encourage credit rating in
conjuction with cluster wide measures to minimize credit risks.
It goes without saying that steps should be taken for technology
development in the SMEs in order to enhance their competitiveness.
Above these, industrial design expertise should be provided for
cost-effective solutions on real time design problems. This will result
in continuous improvement and value addition for existing products.
So let the bigwigs boast about the mega-deals and acquisitions.
Authorities need to concentrate their trade promotion efforts on
helping SME exporting companies to expand rather than assisting big
corporates. Let's hope good sense prevails.
Customs Exchange Rates |
Currency |
Import |
Export |
US Dollar
82.60 |
UK Pound
102.90 |
89.35 |
Yen |
55.05 |
53.40 |
As on 12 Oct, 2024 |
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