PIB | 22 Aug, 2022
Jitendra Singh on Monday announced 75 "Amrit" Grants for Biotech initiatives
involving StartUps,industry, academia and research bodies in integrated
collaboration. The Minister said, DBT-BIRAC 75 Amrit Team Grant
Initiative will give a big boost to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call
for “Jai Anusandhan”
said, 75 inter-disciplinary, multi-institutional grants would be
supported for high-risk, ambitious research ideas, milestones-driven
collaborative research in all domain specific areas of the biotech
Singh said Startups, Industries, Academia and Research Bodies
can form Team Science Grant in a Public-Private Partnership mode to
avail grant of Rs 10-15 Crore over a period of two to three years for
inter-disciplinary, high-quality research.
The Minister said, in order
to address national priorities to propel India as a global leader in
biotechnology, the grants would be broadly provided in the areas of
health, agribiotech, climate change, synthetic biology and sustainable
bioresource management.
Minister said, the overall goal would be achieved through this
initiative: knowledge-based discovery solutions for societal needs;
transformational advances of scientific value and impact and also
contributing towards India’s emergence as an equal global partner. He
added that spin outs and venture creation will be a key component of
this initiative.
Singh said, this initiative builds on the deep foundation of
partnerships, to support new and innovative research programs, which
aims to propel India to a position of global leadership. He said, under
this initiative, ambitious research ideas, high-risk, milestone-driven
collaborative research for knowledge-based discoveries with broad
demonstrable application from both academia and industry will be
considered for support.
pointed out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi in this year’s
Independence Day Address from the ramparts of the Red Fort underlined
the importance of Anusandhaan, when he said, “Till today we always
remember our revered Lal Bahadur Shastri ji for his inspirational
clarion call of Jai Jawan Jai Kisan meaning “Hail the Soldier, Hail the Farmer".Later Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji added a new link of Jai Vigyan which meant “hail science” and we gave it utmost importance. But in this new phase Amrit Kaal now it is imperative to add jai anusandhaan that is “hail innovation”.
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Jai Anusandhaan.”.
Singh said, India’s Bioeconomy will grow from $70 Billion to
$150 Billion by 2025 and this can only be achieved with active
participation of all the stakeholders in biotechnology Sector.
He said,
Biotechnology sector has been recognized as one of the key drivers
growing exponentially and it will be the main torch bearer of India’s
developed economic status in the Amrit Kaal period of next 25 years.