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Last updated: 07 Sep, 2020  

Tourism.9.Thmb.jpg 'Govt support critical in revival of tourism sector'

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SME Times News Bureau | 07 Sep, 2020

Industry body FICCI has urged the government to support the Indian Travel & Tourism industry which is critical in the revival and survival of this sector.

Sangita Reddy, President, FICCI said, "Travel and Tourism Industry is one of the most affected sectors due to the pandemic as everything came to a standstill and will take longer to revive. The industry needs major support from the Government to survive and revive. It is critical to keep the sector alive as they serve as a critical infrastructure in the development of an economy."

Jyotsna Suri, Past President, FICCI & Chairperson, FICCI Tourism Committee & CMD, The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group, said, "The support by the Government is critical to help the Travel and Tourism Industry to get through this crisis. A waiver for twelve months of all statutory dues is urgently required with respect to license fees, property tax and excise fees. Bars in hotels should be allowed to open and liquor should also be allowed to be served in restaurants as well. As per the recent MHA order on unlock 4.0, there is no clarity on this. Moreover, banqueting/meetings should be permitted as per the size of the hall."

She added, "A national tourism policy should be issued by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India which covers common protocols for entry of a tourist into a state. This will act as a uniform guideline for all states to follow."

Dipak Deva, Co-Chairman, FICCI Tourism Committee and Managing Director, SITA, TCI & Distant Frontier said, "The Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) scrips which is due to the tour operators for the financial year 2018-2019 must be paid at the earliest. This is only possible if the Government starts accepting the forms. This amount of SEIS will help all destination management companies in tiding over this crisis period with the much-needed working capital."

"India is a large country and a bilateral travel bubble for international travellers should be done on a regional basis for example Russia with Goa. This will help create demand for this winter season, which is not looking promising," Mr Deva added.

JK Mohanty, Co-Chairman, FICCI Tourism Committee & CMD, Swosti Group, said, "Hotels should be given permission to host all kinds of banquets and conference in the hotel, with a ceiling of 50% of venue capacity and maintaining social distancing norm to allow hotels to earn some revenue when other source of business has dried up."

He said, "The interest rate charged by the banks on the moratorium is very high. The Government is requested to look into this and reduce the rate of interest."

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