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Last updated: 05 Mar, 2020  

'APEDA signs MoUs with institutions for implemeting Agri Export Policy'

Staff Reporter | 04 Feb, 2020

Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been signing MoUs with a number of organisations for implementation if the Agro Export Policy.

Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been focusing on collaborative approach to bring synergy with number of organisations and institutions having inherent professional and specialised expertise in different areas for capacity building of various stakeholders and providing solutions for addressing some of the identified interventions for the development of Agriculture and its export enhancement in consonance with the objectives set under Agri Export Policy (AEP) announced by the Government, said an official release.

The Agriculture Export Policy was framed with a focus on agriculture export oriented production, export promotion, better price realization to farmer and synchronization within policies and programmes of Government of India.

It focuses on “Farmers’ Centric Approach” for improved income through value addition at source itself to help minimize losses across the value chain.

Policy therefore suggests to adopt the approach of developing product specific clusters in different agro climatic zones of the country to help in dealing with various supply side issues viz., soil nutrients management, higher productivity, adoption of market oriented variety of crop, use of Good Agriculture Practices etc.

APEDA has relentlessly been engaged with State Govts. for the implementation of AEP. The statesofMaharashtra, U.P., Kerala, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Punjab, Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan have finalized the State specific Action Plan while the action plans of other states are at different stages of finalization. 

26 States & 2 UTs have nominated Nodal agencies. State level Monitoring Committees under the Chairmanship of State Chief Secretary have been formed in 18 States.

Thirteen Cluster level committees have been formed in the cluster district(s) of Potato in Punjab, U.P. (two separate districts), Isabgol in Rajasthan, Orange, Pomegranate, Grapes in Maharashtra, Banana in Tamil Nadu, Mango in U.P., Dairy products in Gujarat, U.P., Rose onion in Karnataka and Fresh vegetables in U.P.

Some of the important interventions identified in consultation with local govt official and other stakeholders are required to be addressed for the development of these clusters.

It is in this perspective, APEDA has signedMoUs with specialised institutions like Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), Quality Council of India (QCI) Delhi, ICFA, SGT University and Pearl Academy on 4th March, 2020 at its office in New Delhi to utilise their expertise by mutually working together to synergize the activities in the interest of agriculture and allied sectors for bringing better value to the stakeholders.

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