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Last updated: 24 Jun, 2021  

cci.thumb.jpg CCI orders Tamil/Telugu film producers not to issue boycott calls

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SME Times News Bureau | 24 Jun, 2021
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered the Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC) and Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC) and their office bearers from issuing boycott calls in the future.

The CCI in its June 22 order also said, their boycott call issued in 2018 following a dispute with digital service providers like Qube Cinema Technologies Pvt Ltd and UFO violated the Competition Act.

"Considering the nature/duration of and level of participation in the strike/boycott call as also considering the submissions that movies continued to be released during the period of strike, on a holistic and comprehensive assessment, the Commission refrains from imposing any monetary penalty upon the associations with a firm warning that any such future conduct would be construed as recidivism with attendant aggravated consequences," the CCI said.

The CCI also directed the two film producer associations to ensure that the platform of trade associations is not utilised for anti-competitive behaviour and they are advised to conduct events educating their respective members about the awareness of competition law and the consequent need for competition compliance.

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