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Last updated: 20 Jan, 2021  

Noida.Thmb.jpg Singapore-based firm to set up data centre in Noida

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SME Times News Bureau | 20 Jan, 2021
The Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC) India has proposed to develop a Greenfield Data Centre Campus in Uttar Pradesh's Noida district.

In a meeting with Additional Chief Secretary, Industrial Development, Alok Kumar, the STT GDC India representative informed that in the first phase, the company proposed to develop the data centre campus with critical IT capacity of 18 MW with an estimated investment of Rs 600 crore.

Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma said in consonance with the Union government's programme to promote growth of digital economy, the Uttar Pradesh government was taking various initiatives under the guidance of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to attract investment in data centre development and the operations sector, which has become a crucial necessity for big enterprises in different sectors.

Alok Kumar said the proposed campus was located within easy access of the industrial hub and the national capital with seamless international connectivity.

He said there was a significant presence of industry and IT majors in and around Noida, which would aid in quickly evolving the region as a major data centre hub in north India.

"In view of the web-based and digitally driven economy gaining prominence, the state government is preparing new data centre policy with the objective of creating state-of-the-art data and IT ecosystem to meet the requirements of industry, enterprises and citizens," Kumar added.

A land parcel of nearly three acre has been identified by the investors in Noida to set up the data centre campus, which would be scalable to 36 MW IT load data centre capacity in the second phase with an additional investment of Rs 500 crore excluding the land cost.

After the completion of the second phase, the total estimated investment would be nearly Rs 1,100 crore with nearly 80 direct job opportunities and 1,000 indirect and induced employment avenues.

The proposed data centre campus is aimed at providing services to major cloud players, hyper-scalers (an operator of a data centre that offers scalable cloud computing services) and large enterprise clients.
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