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Last updated: 26 Apr, 2021  

Vaccine.Thmb.jpg IACC urges US to provide raw material for vax to India

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SME Times News Bureau | 26 Apr, 2021
The Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), the apex bi-lateral chamber synergizing India-US economic engagement, has urged the US authorities to provide raw material required to India in vaccine production.

IACC's national president Purnachandra Rao Surapaneni appealed to the US government to reciprocate India's goodwill towards the US by accelerating raw materials supply for manufacture of vaccines in India.

"Also, both India and USA must go beyond protocol to meet this pandemic challenge to humanity by making available the vaccine doses to those needy in both countries", he said in a statement.

IACC is the principal bilateral chamber committed to the promotion of industrial, economic, business and commercial activities between the United States of America and India. IACC encourages bilateral trade, investment and technology transfer, facilitates business collaborations, joint ventures, marketing tie-ups and strategic alliances through a set of proactive business-oriented initiatives.

The US administration must immediately deploy supplies that are urgently required in India to augment the vaccine production to continue without any interruption. India is the going through a very unexpected and devastating second wave. Cooperation between the countries to fight the dreaded virus is very important. Together we can fight Covid very efficiently, Rao added.

He pointed out that India is in need of the raw material to help tackle the crisis caused by a second wave of infections.

IACC has 2000 members, representing cross section of US and Indian Industry.. It has been working hard with a major objective to promote Indo-American business, trade and economic relations.

IACC acts as a catalyst for sustainable growth of business between India and the US. In its five decades of existence, IACC has established operational connectivity with a host of business, research and developmental institutions in India and US in order to leverage each other's capabilities for enhancing Indo-US business relations, Rao said.

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