A refreshingly candid perspective on the Tata empire: Mircea Raianu
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Vishnu Makhijani | 13 Jul, 2021
It has its origins in the Harvard University PhD thesis of Mircea
Raianu, a historian of global capitalism and modern South Asia and
currently Assistant Professor of History at the University of Maryland,
who was "struck by the extraordinary continuity and resilience" of the
Tata conglomerate "from its origins in the mid-19th century to its
current position of importance to the Indian economy in the early 21st
He wondered why the region's academic literature did
not feature more research on business groups over time and the outcome
is "Tata -- The Global Corporation That Built Indian Capitalism"
(Harvard University Press) which tracks the fortunes of a family-run
business that was born during the High Noon of the British Empire and
went on to capture the world's attention with the headline-making
acquisition of luxury car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover.
"It is
true that there are many other books on Tata, but none written by
professional historians in conversation with the latest scholarship (not
just on business but also in other fields such as economic, legal,
intellectual, social, and political history). There are of course a few
exceptions, mainly on specialised topics or specific companies
(Chikayoshi Nomura's excellent work on steelmaking at TISCO comes to
mind)," Raianu told IANS in an interview.
"I spent around two
years in total researching in libraries and archives in India, the UK,
and US. This is the first book-length study of Tata to use the company
archives in Pune and Jamshepdur alongside state archives in Delhi,
Mumbai, London, and elsewhere. I also conducted a few interviews with
people within and outside the group, but most of the book is based on
written and visual records (letters, reports, memos, plans, photographs,
advertisements etc.)," he added.
To this extent, his fresh
insights lie "in the selection and organization of material around an
overall argument about Tata's relationship with the colonial and
postcolonial state -- how, when, and why a private company in an
emerging market context acted in opposition to the state or like a state
itself," Raianu explained.
Thus, the six chapters are based on
themes such as global financial connections, between paternalism and
technology, control over land and labour, and the evolution of
philanthropic networks that detail a complex process shaped by world
historical forces: the eclipse of Imperial free trade, the intertwined
rise of nationalism and the developmental state, and finally the return
of globalisation and market liberalisation.
The book details
how "Tata's exceptional characteristics evolved gradually and
contingently" in that it was not till the early 1930s that the group
"ceased to rely on a far-flung network of trading companies run by
family members" for technical and financial assistance.
the same time, practices of scientific management imported from the West
were introduced in the textile mills in Bombay and the steel town in
Jamshedpur but never without compromises or countermeasures. Family and
community ties remained important, often generating controversy when the
financial reputation of the group was on the line, or when its
philanthropy came under question in the Parsi community to which they
"The Tatas' ideas of ethical or socially responsible
capitalism, common to many businesses in emerging markets, were not
organic outgrowths of traditional religious values and norms, nor
natural responses to mass poverty and a weak state. They were produced
through unpredictable and intermittent flows of knowledge and expertise,
as well as a conscious process of adaptation and experimentation,"
Raianu writes in the book.
Although not unique in occupying a
liminal position between empire and nation, Tata also kept its distance
from the state in both its colonial and post-colonial avatars, the
author states.
"The group carved out a unique niche for itself
by separating the economic and political dimensions of 'swadeshi',
giving only tepid support to the Indian National Congress while proudly
assuming the mantle of industrialisation in the service of the
nation-in-the-making. It enjoyed the 'best of both worlds' until World
War II and independence, when this niche began to disappear."
like G.D. Birla, who had openly supported and financed the Congress
during the years of the independence struggle, moved closer to the
corridors of power in New Delhi and as the restrictive "Licence-Permit
Raj" took shape, the Tatas found themselves excluded from planning
decisions, their further expansion restricted.
"Yet the group
survived the transition to independence, held off the threat of
nationalisation and maintained its position at the top of the corporate
pyramid into the late 1970s, when the state laid down its regulatory
weapons and embraced the private sector in a concerted push for growth,"
Raianu points out.
Tata, he writes, was "able to preserve and
sustain a significant degree of autonomy over time due to three
principal factors: transnational financial connections, first with East
Asia and then with the United States, control over land, labour and
natural resources within India; and networks of scientific and technical
expertise cultivated through strategic philanthropy. All these factors,
in different ways, conferred upon the group certain attributes of
sovereignty in the interstices of state power".
There are many
who might fault Raianu for not taking the narrative beyond the lifting
of the Emergency; that the 10-page Epilogue of the 291-page book
(inclusive of an Appendix, Notes, Acknowledgements and Index that
stretch over 90 pages), is no substitute because some of the group's
best years have come in the 1980s and beyond; that it glosses over the
role of Ratan Tata from the1990s onwards and the fact that the Tata
group is one of the two players in the running for the privatisation of
Air India, the airline that J.R.D. Tata founded and nurtured till it was
nationalised in 1953.
It might also seem to some that the
author is biased against Ratan Tata because of the spat with Cyrus
Mistry, which, in the overall context of the group is seen only as a
minor hiccup. (What do you expect when someone tries to overturn the
very focus of the group and all that it has stood for all these years?)
book is not intended as a comprehensive account or chronicle of the
group. It can serve as a platform for further research by others who
will make different choices about what to include and exclude," Raianu
said in the interview, acknowledging this "may be unsatisfying to some
readers" but citing three reasons.
"First, archival sources
(both from the Tata and state archives) are quite limited for the period
after 1980. Second, this moment provided a natural endpoint for the
three trends that interest me (use of global financial connections to
circumvent the state, land and labor control, and the transition from
philanthropy to CSR). Third, the recent history of the group has been
amply covered by other studies and the contribution I could have made
was limited."
He also disagreed that he was biased against Ratan
Tata in general, or specifically in regard to the conflict with Cyrus
"As a historian I wanted to discuss how the issues
brought up by this episode (in particular, the tension between
investments on a global vs. national scale and the role of the Tata
Trusts in the overall structure of the group) are similar to what
happened in Tata's past. I do not take a position on who was right and
wrong. Nor can I predict the future and know whether it will be only a
'minor hiccup' or if it will have more lasting significance," Raianu
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