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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

viren-malhotraTHMB.jpg Turnover Specialist can help SMEs grow: Viren Malhotra

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Saurabh Gupta | 25 Mar, 2014
All small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow, require the Promoter to let go and effectively delegate to his/ her managers - this usually is very difficult. And a turnover specialist like a mentor can help cultivate such qualities, a Turnover Specialist, Viren Malhotra told SME Times in an exclusive interview.
Excerpts of the interview..

Sir, you are a Turnover Specialist. What exactly a Turnover Specialist do?
Viren Malhotra: My key skills lie in helping SMEs grow and scale up. Having advised large international companies while working with the world's largest consulting firms, I have had the opportunity to understand what some of the issues are that need to be effectively tackled to achieve sustainable growth. I apply these learning's for the benefit of my SME clients and assist in their growth.

How can a Turnover Specialist help a small and medium enterprise to grow?

Viren Malhotra: To grow beyond a certain scale, SMEs require a new way of thinking as well as a different set of skills. Depending upon the sector they are in, different SMEs require different solutions for growth - for example, a brand led business would require strong public profiling backed up by an effective sales force, a company that undertakes infra projects would need to effectively manage contracting risk, contain costs and manage projects efficiently, a typical manufacturing company would need to ensure manufacturing efficiency while growing. Above all - all SMEs to grow, require the Promoter to let go and effectively delegate to his/her managers - this usually is very difficult. And a turnover specialist like a mentor can help cultivate such qualities.

Credit is always an issue for SMEs. How much this consultancy service cost?

Viren Malhotra: I am passionate about working with young and small companies and I am aware of the cash flow issues that confront most SMEs. My endeavour therefore is to provide world class advise/service at terms that are workable for SMEs. Service offerings are tailored to meet individual circumstances and requirements.

SMEs do not take branding too seriously. How much brand promotion is important for any company?

Viren Malhotra: Branding is extremely critical in certain sectors while not being so important in some others. This issue needs to be tackled taking into account business needs- for example, consumer oriented sectors usually need greater branding thrust.

Small businesses usually suffer from lack of funds. What strategy should they follow in this situation?

Viren Malhotra: In general SMEs need to contain risk better, manage working capital cycle efficiently and keep costs down. I have seen companies achieve 4-5% higher profitability just by managing their manufacturing/execution efficiency better.

Being a specialist what are the basic fundamentals that an entrepreneur must keep in his mind?

Viren Malhotra: Get the right employees, delegate effectively, incentivise employees and keep their morale high.

The rate of shutdown of any small business is very high in our country. While analyzing this what kind of reason you have found in most of such SMEs?
Viren Malhotra: Lack of staying power to ride out the tough economic cycle is the biggest reason for SME shutdown. Most SMEs have limited promoter equity and therefore are vulnerable to business shocks. Larger companies usually have a much greater ability to withstand economic swings and shocks. Currently we are passing through a difficult economic phase. Some small companies are bound to shut down in this Phase. Others will come out stronger and capitalise upon the economic rebound.

What are the issues that you think should be addressed by the government for drop down the closer rate of SMEs?

Viren Malhotra: More than the government, it is the banks that need to be patient with their SME clients. Willful defaulters amongst the SMEs must surely be dealt with sternly but companies that are facing tough times due to genuine economic difficulty must be dealt with gently.
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Turnover Specialist
Harish Chandra | Fri Apr 4 07:36:21 2014
An excellent and a very comprehensive input by the specialist Mr Viren Malhotra.The editors should give the contact details of the specialist for one to one consultation by the SME's.

Bankers ignore SME need
Sunil | Wed Apr 2 14:56:17 2014
Excellent input about the SMEs, but even after containing the cost to its low and working efficiently, bankers do not recognize SME need to reduce interest rates which is major portion eating into our profits. Secondly corporates still try to squeeze SME's by delaying payment beyond 90 days reasoning market slackness etc. Some multinationals slowly reduce their off take from companies registered as SME's.

Gift c Mukwewa | Wed Apr 2 09:35:51 2014
I HAVE LEARNED A LOT ABOUT HOW SMEs to require the promoter to go effectively and i really support the idea and also to have the mentor which can help to cultivate qualities.Like here in Zimbabwe our economy is still crippling so its difficult for us SMS to grow due to tough economy cycle is the main biggest reason why SMS are shutting down.

Turnover Specialist
Bipin Kulkarni | Wed Apr 2 03:30:06 2014
Excellent read! Can I get Contact details of Mr. Viren Malhotra for one to one consultation? Pl. mail on

Turnover Specialist
Kumar | Wed Mar 26 05:21:17 2014
Excellent input about the SMEs, but even after containing the cost to its low and working efficiently, we may not be encouraged by the bankers to get enough funding to expand or explore the possibilities of business in our given strengths.

So interesting
ali mfitundinda | Wed Mar 26 05:10:25 2014
Thank you Mr.Gupta. Most of the challenges faced by the Company i work for,You have talked about them,i wish they can seek advise from you. Best regards Ali Mfitundinda

Issue of C.E for SSI
Jeevan prashanth | Tue Mar 25 17:40:00 2014
I accept but the main reason why lot of small companies close is due to non improvement in their turnover. If they want to improve above 1.5 cr, automatically you fall under excise and the purchaser will ask why should I pay extra when the same product is available at 15% cheaper., as his costs grow and naturally his margins diminishes, he will automatically losses interest and will drag him for closure . Will the govt increase to a higher limit. This will lead to more revenue to sales tax and indirectly to IT also.

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