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Col Nageshwant Roy VaidTHMB SMEs must understand importance of communication skills: Col (Retd) Vaid

Col Nageshwant Roy Vaid
Saurabh Gupta | 13 Oct, 2008
In the era of industrialization and globalization, effective and good communication skills play a vital role in the competitive market scenario of business world. Chief Executive Officer of NGA Consultancy Services, Lt. Col (Retd) Nageshwant Roy Vaid said in an exclusive interview to SME Times.

Excerpts of the interview...

How important is business communication skills for company executives?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Business communication skills are exceedingly important for company executives as conduct of business in a professional environment requires a rapid inflow and outflow of communication. In an industrial context professional communication clarifies as also conveys information. Qualitative ability to disseminate information as also interact with designated target audience are essential to both business strategy and market performance.

What is more important written or verbal communication skills for a business executive?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Both...A lot of professionals in the market can speak but do not have an ability to logically pen down thoughts. We also have a fair percentage of executives who can write but are incapable of verbal articulation. We need professionals in the market who can write and speak as this ability makes you join an exclusive club which beckons quality performers. Ascendancy in communication has dual connotations and implies complete control of verbal and written communication format.

Do you think communication skills can make a good impression upon the client one goes to meet?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Communication skills are market force multipliers. They are also a personal weaponisation programme which entails professional supremacy, an ability to sell to a client and lead to imposition of executive persona. Clients like rational opinion,professional competence and high confidence levels of executives. To convert prospects to buyers/ customers one must learn to sell to the mind of the customer before he makes a buying decision. Customer enhancement ladder as also relationship marketing are possible if the executive can communicate persuasively and logically. Sales are directly proportional to an ability to convince a designated target audience to buy.

Do you agree that executives with communication skills generate better sales?

Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Yes...Customers will get swayed if the executive sells with logic, has substance in his sales pitch and can handle a business negotiations. He must arouse customer interest, hold customer attention, satisfactorily answer market queries and learn to clinch deals. At the end of the day executives are and will be separated by performance parameters.

It is seen that SMEs in India are unaware of the advantages of communication skills in enhancing sales. Do you agree? What is your advice to these enterprises?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: SME's must understand that the biggest calling card they have and must have is an ability to proactively sway market opinion for their range of products. Business development across the spectrum requires a qualitative communication edge. Communication skills have a defined template and it does not accept mediocre talent.

Sales are a proactive exercise and involve creating a mindset change in a defined target audience. This requires having seasoned individuals in companies who can sell the product, convey company ethos as also outline value accretions of the company to people who will one day not remain just buyers but graduate to become company loyalists.

One of the most important consumer satisfaction elements is the ability to ask questions and being able to receive appropriately answers from company executives. What is your view on this statement?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: A company executive must have well honed skills to answer customer queries. A company executive will do well to remember that that he must have a professional ability to turn market prospects to customers who do not remain one time buyers.

Sales is an exercise of both negotiation skills and a ability to close the deal. The art of  selling must be inculcated in executives. Market turnovers depend upon clinching deals and NOT losing margins and profits to unprofessional selling. Customers are business lifelines and their concerns are vital and must be addressed to their entire satisfaction. Sales executives must remember that it is always the customer who will make a buying decision. They must be instrumental in making up the customer's mind by giving him complete transparency in their sales effort to sell to him.

How do you see the importance of body language in business communications?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Confidence levels of sales personnel must be infectious. Body language advantage is a good signal and must be inherent in every corporate executive. Timidity of approach is defeatist and sends a wrong signal to a customer who the market spoils by giving him multifarious buying options. HR departments of concerned SME's must address this issue by training  in form of modules and mock exercises. Concerned HOD's must monitor on a regular basis both the ability of their market executives to be proactive as also check on personnel who fail in the market because they lack credibility due to poor acceptability quotient.

How do you rate the role of various business institutes in helping to develop better business communication skills?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Business institutes are helpful but their task is complicated as student intake generally does not have commensurate IQ levels. They must prepare the student lobby for the labour market and make them employable. Professional certification irrespective of domain without a ability to speak and write does not stand to logic. Market certifications must generate market results. Academic excellence must yield utilitarian value and the institutes must train for the market.

To learn business communication skills from an institute is quite expensive, which SMEs can't afford. In that way what is your suggestion to them?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: SMEs can hire market professionals and train personnel in situation which entails regular modules within the company premises. Periodicity must be defined and while performers must be rewarded non performers must be told to get their act together.It is important to understand that prolonged non-availability of a executive earmarked to attend business communication classes may not be a practical option but structured in-house training has market dividends and must be exploited to the fullest. Assessment must be periodic and sustained for results to manifest themselves.

What are the flaws and shortcomings that you notice in today's businessmen and executives?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: I will like to emphatically state that lack of awareness of topical inputs of both the macro and micro canvas of business is one of the factors.Their is lack of quality professional reading. A lot of executives once confirmed for jobs with comfort levels defined generally do not keep abreast of latest professional developments.We need market movers and not people who are satisfied by a defined competence level and have no inclination to improve.

Topicality of information and its dissemination is a characteristic of a good market professional. Business sees a lot of policy changes and you lose both markets and credibility if you do not move with achievers.

What the government can do for SMEs in this context? Your suggestion.
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: In my considered opinion the government can play a crucial role both at the level of the state governments and the central government. Industry has become more regulated and organised in India. Special economic zones, EHTP's (Electronic hardware technology parks), STPI's (Software technology parks of India), BTP's (Bio technology parks), other industrial clusters now have a density of not only major industrial units but also have a good mix of both small and medium size industrial units.

Policy makers develop, monitor and promote industry at all levels. This includes nurturing industry at domestic level as also creating industry to serve world markets. It is imperative to provide structured modules to train the SME's both for the domestic markets as also provide tutelage for international business.

Professional documentation expertise is also a viable communication tool and must be taught. The government must monitor competence levels which it does both for quality certification of SME's as also provide the necessary motivation for industry to excel within the country as also encourage industry at large to go beyond the geographical confines of the country and create viable and profitable continental markets.

What tips would you give to the managers of the 21st century on communication skills?
Nageshwant Roy Vaid: Quality managerial talent must have an ability to speak, write, listen, resolve a situational impasse when required and learn to lead. To learn to lead the market they must also learn to follow. They must read professional literature specific to their domains, have knowledge plus and diametrically improve presentation and interaction skills.

The managers must work on holding a audience captive by their verbal articulation ascendancy. They must be surgically accurate in their drafting ability. They must do aim specific writing, understand the reader, learn the art of structural drafting and be professionals in edition and revision of their own text.

Excellence in writing and speaking are achievable milestones and we cannot ignore both the aspects. Markets require outstanding communication expertise to create markets, nurture markets and above all address the macro template of business enhancement. We must understand that employers hire and retain people they like.

A brief profile of Lt. Col (Retd) Nageshwant Roy Vaid:

He was commissioned in the Indian Army on 16 December, 1978. He has impeccable and outstanding professional credentials. A graduate of Defence Services Staff College, Wellington he was also on military deputation to United Nation Peacekeeping Force in IRAQ - KUWAIT as Military Observer  post Gulf War 1(1992-1993).

He executed instructional and staff tenures during his army service with great distinction. His innings in the corporate world has been professional and has given him a major insight to conduct, create and orchestrate international business at macro level.He worked for around two years with a Toyota dealership and was in-charge of service operations.

He subsequently joined a private limited company as General Manager (International Marketing) w.e.f November 2002. He is currently  involved with the same group as Consultant, Business development (International Marketing).

He is currently working with elitist management colleges and premier companies. He is a sought after guest speaker, professional trainer, prolific writer and has outstanding professional achievements to his credit. Currently he conducts training for professional managers in the field both for professional writing skills as also trains managers in international business. 

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Quality insights
Abhimanyu | Wed Oct 13 11:15:53 2010
The author has shown quality insight into what can become a big nightmare for the non accomplished in this extremely important domain.Fortunately there is no compromise in this as either you have them or you do no have them.Work hard for this accomplishment as nothing else works.

Vaibhav Shukla | Wed Oct 13 09:37:26 2010
Quality HR departments will generate quality intake of managers and executives and today an overall persona requirement is communication advantage. Individuals must work on this skill as rightly recommended.

Communication skills
Vijay | Wed Oct 13 08:33:31 2010
Undoutedly imperative and essential

Akhilesh | Wed Oct 13 08:21:57 2010
Communication expertise written and verbal will always generate more acceptability than most traits as it is visible, loud and effective.I agree with Col vaid that the skill to communicate is a personal weaponisation programme and must be harnessed as such.

Articulation advantage
GAYTRI | Mon Oct 11 05:31:27 2010
Col Vaid is right.A lot of managerial talent gets compromised in the market as they do not have requisite skills for professional articulation.HR departments of large number of companies train working employees to improve these skills as company productivity suffers due to lack of communication skills.At all levels communication skills make a difference and therefore this is a life skill to be adopted as otherwise we lose out both in life as also to oppurtunities.

Life skill
Abhilasha | Sun Oct 10 07:04:42 2010
Of all the skills known to mankind communication skills take precedence.Skilled communicator enjoys market recognition,market acceptability and marker ascendancy.Whatever Col Vaid has stated has outstanding logic and market rationale.

anju agarwal | Wed Oct 6 07:45:01 2010
Article is very useful for the enterprenuer.

Ramesh | Mon Nov 3 07:20:40 2008
LT.COL(Retd) Vaid is extemely topical with his comments. Market oppurtunities are invariably lost due to lack of professionalism in communicating business requirements.Business has intercultural business communication ramifications and therefore adeptness in communication format, both written and verbal is exceedingly important.

Communication- as BLACK COFFEE...
Rahul Chopra-student, IIPM, Delhi | Mon Oct 20 16:31:19 2008
First of all, I would like to thank our honorable Prof.Vaid for making us go through this beautiful but very important aspect,one of the greatest hurdle in Management life. Whether we talk about a simple personal or a well-equipped personal in management,Good communication is nothing less than a "MUST" requirement.The very same in reflected from this Prof. himself,as to the way he puts his point and views,which compel an individual for not anything more than paying his utmost attention and concentration,when Prof.Vaid we know that self-expression must be passed into communication,for its fulfilment,this whole emphasis of our honorable Prof.Mr Vaid lies on same grounds as well.To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.. As per me,our respected Prof.Mr Vaid has predominantly tried to realize whole world that Excellent Communication is as stimulating as a BLACK COFFEE,and just as hard to SLEEP AFTER.. well said sir!!

Success Factor
Angad Singh - IIPM Delhi | Mon Oct 20 04:38:50 2008
In my view Col. Vaid , has addressed one the core issue’s in our business practices. Executives must remember that today knowledge is only respected when it is effectively communicated. One must always know what developments are taking in his business environment. Knowledge helps to boost one’s self confidence. China / Japan is an perfect example, where people from a non – english speaking culture have marketed their products to the western countries most effectively. This is because their sales teams, not only speak English fluency, but also their ability to make a effective sales pitch through good communication. This can only be achieved once you have knowledge about your market environment. As Col. Vaid rightly pointed out in the 21th Century Indian businesses has to change it’s practices with regard to it’s communication skills. Our competitive advantage lies not only how well you manufacturer your product, but how effectively you sell your product. Executives have to be cut throat to sell. After all “Great People Make Great Companies, Great Companies Comes From Great Strategies, and Great Strategies Comes From Great Communication”

Commubication Skills : A cutting Edge
Ashish Chowdhry, an entrepreneur | Sat Oct 18 07:17:31 2008
Col. Vaid has made a valid point by emphasising on the importance of communication. He is doing a terrific job by making people realise the same, specially in the present business environment where you have to be better than the rest. Communication gives an individual/organisation a cutting edge in this competitive world. By creating awareness, he is helping the business community to move forward. This not many people have thought of. I think his efforts are highly appreciable.

Good Communication Skills:Key to success
SALEEMAA | Fri Oct 17 07:21:52 2008
It is a well known fact that good communication skills are tool of a successful life. Not only in case of SMEs but it is aplicable to big corporates &MNCs also. Everybody in the mkt. is aware that how imp. the issue is. Like last of the best CEOs of the world,Indira Nooyi point out in one of her interview to a newspaper,"To be a great executive, one must have good comm. skills both written &verbal." All the leading business & other schools know the imp. of good communication skills.They arranged for develpoment classes in which comm.skills played a pivotal role. This is acceptable that good comm.skills and body language plays in imp.role in any business org. To do a fruitful business & get opportunities in life u must be a 'Magic Talker". Otherwise how long one can remember you for ur pleasant personality,expensive shoes,Jimmy Choo's bag & designer attire at end of the day it is ur good comm. skills& balanced body language which mark an everlasting impression on ones mind. A manager shold have enough guts to satisfy his/er customer. as I agree with Col. Vaid,s point of view that comm. skills are nerve of today's mkt. otherwise why one fails & other passed in an interview by d same panel. Despite being graduated frm same school,trained by same professors& nurtured by the same environment why some ppl. go ahead by their classfellows & counterparts.It is ofcourse because of good comm. skills.The pith is that though it's a great part of ur personality but is it wort

Communication is passport to corporate excellence
Sandip Nayak | Thu Oct 16 12:03:52 2008
Although I have been involved in communication related trade for more than a decade, Col. Vaid's interview gives me a couple of innovative yet simple insights. Communication skills are not only confined to the senior executives only. Managements increasingly giving importance to internal communication takes the importance of effective communication beyond the purview of marketing, business correspondence and flow of command.

"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment"
Divya Chaudhary | Thu Oct 16 08:42:56 2008
I completely agree with what Colonel Vaid has to say about communication skills because it relates communication directly to business performance.He has rightly emphasized what it takes to be a good manager because if one can't articulate then even if the manager is capable enough, still it won't get across the concerned person wether its the client, the employer or a competitor. And so a manager should thrive to speak like an orator, write like an author as it is through the words that the world percieves us. I also agree that communication as a skill should not be emphasised in big corporate world but even in SME's. And so when people say that only politicians live on good communication, I guess we are mistaken as almost everyone pratically lives on the word COMMUNICATION !!!

Communication - the first and last impression
SAGAR SETHI, student of FOSTIIMA Business School and of COL Vaid | Wed Oct 15 22:15:25 2008
yes it is well said that when you meet a person whether may be your guide, customer, senior, friend, etc. would be very much impressed by the impression you left i.e. the first and last impression. Communication and Body language are the very important valuable things to make a impact on the person you are addressing. Marketing needs this kind of communication, because if you wana read consumers mind, to graps the knowledge, there thinking, a person needs a very good communication skills. Without this you are no where in the competitive world. And because of the first impression, you would be be remembered by that person and he/she would even praise your qualities and talk about with others. So anywhere, anything, you are doing you need a very good communication skills and a great body language.

comm. skills-an important asset for an individual
TEJINDER SINGH student IIPM | Wed Oct 15 20:15:40 2008
Thanks a lot to prof. Vaid for sharing with us the importance of communication skills in current environment. This thought of yours is truly inspiring and desperately needed for students like us who have thirst for knowledge and ready to take on this world. With this interview one could surely agree that comm. skills are fundamental in building personality. Thanks again to prof. Vaid and hope to share these kind of thoughts in future also.

comm. skills- one of the most important domain in today's business envioenment
Sidhartha Sonchhatra, student of Fostiima Business School | Wed Oct 15 15:53:39 2008
I agree with Col. Vaid. Having good comm. skills(both verbal and written) is very important in today's business enviornment. Particularly, when there is a presence of such fierce competition and well educated customers who like transparencies, one needs to have an upper edge. Good comm. which enables to present our case logically and effectively in front of customers surely helps.

communication skills-part of life
Taru,student of IIPM | Wed Oct 15 14:28:10 2008
As col. Vaid's views on writtien & verbal communication skills for executives, this time it does not work if u dont ve good verbal comm. skills because how would u express ur views, how would u influence your clients. this time comm. skills has become the part of our daily life and also is we want to get sucess in our carrer point of view, we must have good comm. skills.

Good Communication Skill- No Substitutes for it
Manish Khola | Wed Oct 15 08:32:59 2008
As pointed out very rightly by Col. Vaid -Communication in sales is very important because it becomes very important when you come right down to the business, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language? The points can do wonders to young managers who are looking to enhance their managerial skills.

Communication Skills - HR Prospective
Abhishek Ahlawat, Student IIPM | Wed Oct 15 05:11:57 2008
Thanks Col. Vaid for pointing out the importance of communication skills in corporate world. Well I would like to add as we all know that organizations are all about people or people power (HR), then communication skills are the powerhouses that propel the peak performance of this people power.. So as Col. Vaid has rightly said about its importance in sales process it is similarly very important in motivating people to excel and attain their highest performance levels.

Communication Skills - A Lethal Weapon
Kanishk Shekhar, Student IIPM | Tue Oct 14 15:37:25 2008
Apart from the content, communication skills have become the single most important factor to carve ur own niche in the corporate world. However, good communication skills do not result from spontaneous combustion. They are grown, nurtured and exercised by exposing individuals to right literature and by developing the ability to pen down ur thoughts, as rightly pointed out by Col. Vaid.

Communication Skills - The Personality Enamel for an Individual
Mansi Fadnavis | Tue Oct 14 12:03:58 2008
Col.Vaid has rightly put the magnitude of Communication Skills in the corporate world. All the points that he has explained in this discussion are practically experienced by me as I am into Marketing. Hence I would say that Communication Skills a “Personality Enamel” that strongly carves out an individual in the crowd.

Communication Skills - The Personality Enamel for an Individual
Mansi Fadnavis | Tue Oct 14 12:03:45 2008
Col.Vaid has rightly put the magnitude of Communication Skills in the corporate world. All the points that he has explained in this discussion are practically experienced by me as I am into Marketing. Hence I would say that Communication Skills a “Personality Enamel” that strongly carves out an individual in the crowd.

GAYTRI | Mon Oct 13 13:47:42 2008
LT. COL.(RETD) VAID has articulated imperatives which must be complied with by SME's.It is important to understand that business dictates will only generate more challenges in days to come and those not equipped with quality communication skills will be left by the wayside.Managers must professionally enhance both repertoire of job related skills as also build up communication skills.I agree with his observations entirely.

Importance of Communication skills.
H.P.Singh.Rishi.Chairman.ISEF. | Mon Oct 13 12:25:11 2008
Col.Vaid has hit the nail on the head through his tremendously insightful/Kohinoor like comments.Youngsters note-sans this strength,you cannot be a leader.

SME's must understand the importance of communication skills
ASHISH | Mon Oct 13 10:51:23 2008
I agree with LT. COL. (Retd) Nageshwant Roy Vaid in entirety. He is surgically precise in his professional observations and the message is symbolic and poignant.Manpower harnessing, continued training of personnel,ensuring professional communication skills to generate volume based business are aspects which require deliberation by SMEs.Proactive managerial talent is the need of the hour.

  Re: SME's must understand the importance of communication skills
Vinod kumar.. | Tue Oct 14 15:06:10 2008
I really like the way LT.COL(Retd)speaks,he does not leave any gap while speaking and conveys clearly and completely which is easy to comprehend.I do agree to his point of views of the communication skills required to the current proffessionals....... thanks alot for your valuable inputs...

  Re: Re: SME's must understand the importance of communication skills
Dr D L sharma | Thu Oct 7 05:58:59 2010
Namaste, Apart from communicaltion skill, lot of plan required, first of all is business oprtunities, then only all followed, we need to get oportunity first, okey sir

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